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Displaying items by tag: model driven generator
Thursday, 24 March 2016 11:07
New: Dunstan Thomas Consulting MDG Workshop
MDG Workshop
Dunstan Thomas Consulting is proud to announce the new one day MDG Workshop!
Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect provides modelling extensions to supplement UML through a technology known as Model Driven Generator or MDG. Tools are provided in Enterprise Architect for experienced users to develop their own MDGs either from scratch or based upon an existing MDG such as ArchiMate, or BPMN. This one day workshop will provide attendees with a practical experience of the tasks required to build a typical MDG.
The following topics will be covered:
- What is an MDG, what it can contain and the benefits an MDG can provided to an organization.
- Using the Model Wizard to create an MDG model repository.
- The steps in planning an MDG.
- Tagged values, their typed, use and creation.
- Using the MDG Helpers to create a Profile.
- Using the MDG Helpers to create a customized Toolbox.
- Using the MDG Helpers to create a customized Diagram.
- Generating the MDG.
- Testing the MDG.
- Deploying the MDG.
- Making changes to the MDG and applying those changes to an existing model repository.
- Shapescripts, their use, structure and applicability to an MDG.
- The concept of Quicklink and its application to a customized Diagram.
Full details are available on our website.
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