Tuesday, 12 December 2017 19:48

EA4BI - Enterprise Architecture Modeling for Business Intelligence

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EA4BI is an enterprise architecture framework focused on Business Intelligence (BI)

  • An integrated set of 8 BI architecture and 3 BI design viewpoints
  • Facilitates and empowers end-to-end BI modeling
  • Offers better alignment with enterprise architecture
  • Provides linkage with other enterprise architecture domains and modeling languages, such as ArchiMate, BPMN, UML, and data modeling

The EA4BI toolkit is available as a free extension (MDG technology) for Sparx Enterprise Architect.

Contents of the EA4BI_V10.zip

File Description
 EA4BI Case Study.pdf  A small case study demonstrating the usage of the EA4BI viewpoints
 EA4BI Technology.xml  EA4BI MDG Technology file
 EA4BICaseStudy.eap  A small case study demonstrating the usage of the EA4BI viewpoints
 Getting Started with EA4BI.pdf  Getting started with the EA4BI MDG Technology for Sparx Enterprise Architect
 Introducing EA4BI.pdf  Introducing the EA4BI framework
 ReadMe1st.txt  Readme file
Read 7539 times Last modified on Monday, 18 December 2017 23:06
Rudi Claes

I am a senior solution architect and enterprise architect, associated with inno.com (www.inno.com). Since 2006, I have been implementing, teaching, coaching, and realizing projects with Sparx Enterprise Architect for various organizations in Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxemburg. With a specialization and certification in the Microsoft business intelligence (BI) stack since 2008, I have also delivered various BI training courses and realized multiple BI projects. EA4BI combines all my favorite ICT topics –enterprise architecture, modeling, business intelligence and Sparx.


1 comment

  • Comment Link Rudi Claes Tuesday, 24 March 2020 17:02 posted by Rudi Claes

    UPDATE - EA4BI and "Not UML compliant connector" error message

    Certain EA4BI connector types are not UML-compliant for linking to another EA4BI element, and if you select such types you might get an error message. You can continue to create this type of connector by de-selecting the 'Strict Connector Syntax' option on the 'Links' page of the 'Preferences' dialog (the 'Start > Desktop > Preferences > Preferences' ribbon option).

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