Thursday, 21 June 2018 14:05

Integrated Data Entity Architecture in EA

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IDEA is an abbreviation for Integrated Data Entity Architecture. It is a methodology and an implementation in Sparx Enterprise Architect to create an integrated architecture based on the following layers

  • Physical data modeling for a technical modeling that includes specific implementation concepts like columns and constraints
  • Logical data modeling a detailed implementation independent model for entities, attributes and assocations
  • Conceptual modeling for a business view on data and business entities including the connections to the application landscape and business processes
  • Data Management modeling for modeling data governance, ownership, privacy and security and data qualities.

Navigation screen WPP

Navigationscreen for the Web Publication Platform of the IDEA project

The IDEA website offers a number of products and solutions the most important are:

  • Viewpoints, these describe how the concepts and associations are used within one of the above mentioned layers
  • Example data model an example project of a datamodel to display the various layer concepts and the implementation
  • Example data management, displaying the concepts for modeling data management aspects
  • Scripts and Addons for Sparx, various zips with scripts and a dll, you have to register as a community member (see below)


The IDEA elements like the viewpoints and scripts etc are developed based on Open Source and a community. This means that the community is a group of organisations and people who benefit from the developed products. They can therefore do suggestions for new functionalities.

Everybody can become a passive member of the community. This means that you only have to register at this website and after that you receive an email with a link to all the downloads.

  • Active members have the possibility to define functionalities and based on their requirements and input extra material is developed. Based on there requests a sponsor pays for the development costs. Advantage for active members is that they define the functionalities but share the development costs. When you want to become an active member please contact us via the contact page.

Sample screen of the IDEA mapper

Sample screen of the IDEA Mapper 

Products of the IDEA framework

The IDEA framework is based on a number of steps and layers. These are described in viewpoints (like in ArchiMate). However one of the main aspects of the framework is that it is supported by a number of components and scripts within Sparx Enterprise Architect. Below you find the most important products available:

  • Viewpoints model, implemented in an EAP file and available for download as a zip file but also in the WPP version of the IDEA framework via a viewpoint webpage
  • Sample layered data model baded on the four layers of the model. It is implemented in a repository for download and in the WPP version of the IDEA framework via a sample model webpage
  • Script module, repository for download with numerous scripts for generating layers in the model, modifying diagrams, creating mappings and helper scripts to make the work of a data modeller in a layered approach more easy. Sample scripts caan be downloaded after registration as community member
  • IDEA AddOn based on a DLL with numerous routines, forms and classes for generating layers in the model, modifying diagrams, creating mappings and helper routines to make the work of a data modeller in a layered approach more easy. Sample scripts caan be downloaded after registration as community member
  • IDEA MDG with the notations of the four layers implemented in toolboxes, diagrams, search routines and a modelview the work of a data modeller in a layered approach more easy. The MDG can be downloaded after registration as community member
  • Webvideo with an introduction to the modelling functionality in the IDEA framework. The video is available via the EAxpertise channel in Youtube

More information is available via the other startpages and via 

Overview of mappings


Read 6206 times Last modified on Thursday, 21 June 2018 22:30
Bert Dingemans

I am an independent (data) architect and EA consultant working often with enterprise architect mostly for UML class diagrams and ArchiMate 2.0. I am using enterprise architect for  generating documentation, XSD files and modelling enterprise architectures with ArchiMate 2.0. I have developed an Open Source Web Publication Platform for EA.  I also participate in You can reach me at [email protected]
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