Sunday, 10 November 2013 07:57

Search & Replace

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ho_Tools is a powerful "Find and replace" tool for texts in Elements, Diagrams and Packages. You can search recursive from a starting package or globally by a search.
It allows simple text search or powerful regular expressions to change name, note and more.


ho_Tools easily allows you to find & replace strings in your model. This is done by simple text comparison or with powerful regular expressions.
It works on EA elements, Packages and Diagrams and can change:
- Name
- Note
- Tagged Value
- Constraint
There are the following two operating modes:
- Search recursive from a selected package
- Use an EA Search like Simple or your own SQL search
First test the search. The Icons for the type need to be displayed to let ho_Tools work properly

If you have advices or questions feel free to contact me. 

-Deinstall old release
-Run the ho_Tools_Setup.msi;
- Current release:



Read 13003 times Last modified on Tuesday, 08 August 2017 02:42
Helmut Ortmann

Helmut Ortmann

Freelancer (Consultant)
I'm a German freelancer in the area of Enterprise Architects and software/system engineering. A large part is embedded and Functional Safety with EA. But not only...
According to Albert Einsteins aphorism "Make things as simple as possible, but not simpler” I like to smoothen work with Addins and an easy to use EA Tool integration in a complex development environment. Another step in my opinium are lively workshops to get an enjoyable and long lasting launch of the daily EA work.
Well, of course that’s not all and you have therefore good reasons to contact me. See you….
See my hoTools WiKi at GitHub.


  • Comment Link Samuel R Dismond III Monday, 07 August 2017 15:45 posted by Samuel R Dismond III

    Hello Helmut-

    Vielen Dank for your fabulous tool. I have been using it for a few years now and it has saved me COUNTLESS hours during model refactoring.

    Bis später,

    Hello Samuel,

    thanks a lot.

    Bis neulich :-)


  • Comment Link Charles England Wednesday, 28 October 2015 11:58 posted by Charles England

    Hi, I'm trying to use this tool as it looks very useful. We've had a product name changed and this would solve renaming everything. However, I get "Error - Missing (0x800401f3)" on the Manage Add-Ins window when I install it.
    I'm on Sparx 12.1.1221 on Windows 7.

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