Build your EA SQL Query with a tabbed editor. Load and Save it to your file system. Use elaborate Macros to access EA features like #CurrentItemID#, DiagramSelectedElements_IDS#, .. Everything tuned to make it easy and to concentrate at the job of hand. Even Conveyed Items on a connector are easy to handle.
Just right click in the Editor and 'Insert Macro, Template, Recent File,..'.
You want to use your beloved Editor. Just do it. The SQL are saved to file and hoTools recognizes changes made outside.
- Tab editing
- Macros, Insert Macro from a list
- #Branch#, #Package#,#DiagramElements_IDS#, #DiagramSelectedElements_IDS#, #CurrentItemID#,#CurrentItemGUID#
- #ConnectorID#, #ConveyedItemsIDS#,
- Comments // my lovely Comment
- DB specific section easy without remembering the syntax
- Templates, Insert Template from a list
- Wild Card support without doind anything as to write your beloved '*' or so. It will be converted according to current DB
- Just use *,?, %,_,^or ! (hoTools translate sit to your database)
- Recent File
- Undo/Redo
- Keys
- CTRL+L Load from File
- CTRL+S Store
- CRRL+SHIFT+S Store all
- Help (just a click from you)
- Tooltips
- Get Error of SQL
- Get SQL as sent to EA
- Configurable
- A lot more to find out
Main Window
If you have a <Search Term> enter it and run (Click on Button or CTRL+R). Remember: Unde Menu Help you find:
- SQL Error with one click
- SQL sent to EA with one click
The results are schown in EA Model Search Window.
Load Tab from recent files
Insert Macro
Insert Template
Insert Macro
- run hoTools2.02.msi (attachment or GitHub)
- .NET 4.5 or greate
- Enterprise Architect 9.0 or greater
- Local administration rights
Thanks to Geert Bellekens who gave me lot of ideas and code from his great NAVIGATOR!
Your advice is appreciated!