Sparx Systems
- 99 Albert Street
- Creswick,
- Victoria
- 3363
- Australia
Applying MDA to the Development of Air Traffic Management Systems
The AD4 Consortium needed to improve both the quality and safety aspects of the development of Air-Traffic Management systems. Challenged with geographically distributed development and targeting multiple execution platforms, the AD4 project team used Enterprise Architect as an integral part of its tool chain – providing the backbone for MDA adoption within the project.
Designing the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope with Enterprise Architect
The LSST project included a critical design challenge to accommodate high-intensity processing of massive data sets, complex development across 10 locations and full traceability of requirements at science, system and sub-system levels. Using Enterprise Architect and ICONIX process, the LSST team successfully completed its second annual Data Challenge, preceding telescope construction in 2010.
DMV Virginia - CSI Systems Redesign Project
The Department of Motor Vehicles Virginia (DMV), is undertaking a top-priority, multi-year redesign project to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of its services, by integrating processes behind three of its major business areas: driver, vehicle and motor carrier services. Learn how the DMV leveraged Enterprise Architect to reach cost-effective and highly traceable re-engineering milestones.
ESRI - Location Based Service Delivery
Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) is a world leader in Geographic Information System applications. Using Enterprise Architect, ESRI Professional Services (EPS) worked with a leading retail firm to successfully develop and deploy a wireless workforce management system. Learn why EPS has standardized on Enterprise Architect as its tool of choice for object modeling.