Displaying items by tag: european user group

Wednesday, 23 April 2014 14:11

London Calling....

European User Group Event; London 2014

On May 16th the European EA user group will be hosting the next EA User Conference in London. 

As with previous events this exciting day will presented as a multi-track event covering areas of interest to the Enterprise Architect Community:

  • Track 1; Customer Experiences
  • Track 2; Using EA / EA Techniques
  • Track 3; Extending EA


European EA User Group: Conference Agenda London 2014

As you can see we have an exciting keynote speaker in the form of Sander Hoogendoorn from CapGemini, here's a little taste of his presentation; 

  • Pragmatic agile model driven development using smart use cases; 

    • Unlike the more popular user stories, smart use cases provide a unique, and structured way to deliver requirements in both agile and traditional projects. During this high speed talk Sander Hoogendoorn, Principal Technology Officer and Global Agile Thoughtleader at Capgemini, will demonstrates a proven approach to identifying, modelling and estimating smart use cases from the project's scope and business processes. It will also show how smart use cases nicely fit your on-line dashboards, your software architecture, how code is generated from them, and how testing can be automated as well.

      This talk is high-paced, interactive and packed with new insights. It will also demonstrate the effective use of tools in effective and pragmatic agile model driven development and contains live coding (in C#) on stage.

There is limited space available so please book now to avoid disappointment.

We look forward to seeing you all London

European EA User Group Sponsors

Published in News