Displaying items by tag: sparx systems india

Tuesday, 29 August 2023 09:27

BPMN Components on Excel & Enterprise Architect

In the most recent release of MDG Office Integrations (v1.4.40), an exciting enhancement known as the "BPMN Visualizer" has been introduced, offering an excellent utility for BPMN users. This feature facilitates the seamless transfer of BPMN Components between Microsoft Excel documents and Sparx Enterprise Architect Models.

The key feature of 'BPMN Visualizer' in MDG Office Integration

  • Simplified Approach that eliminates the necessity for Profile Creation during import and export for mapping items. This drastically minimizes user time and the possibility of manual errors.
  • Through a single click of "Excel to EA" menu, users can quickly synchronize BPMN Components, seamlessly updating and aligning data between Excel and the Enterprise Architect model.
  • The visual representation of diagrams from the Enterprise Architect model, as well as the related preconfigured mapping table, can be displayed within Excel.
  • The capability to incorporate multiple diagrams is supported when a package is selected. This involves displaying all diagrams in the selected packages along with their corresponding predefined mapping tables on separate sheets.

BPMN Components on Microsoft Excel

MDG Integration for Microsoft Office provides seamless integration within Microsoft Excel (Version 2007 and above). A newly introduced feature named ‘BPMN Visualizer’ now resides in the ‘Feature’ dropdown of the Enterprise Architect ribbon in Excel. This feature facilitates the seamless transfer of ‘BPMN Components' between an Excel document and Enterprise Architect, allowing for bi-directional data exchange.


To import BPMN Components into Enterprise Architect from Excel

Excel FeatureDropdown

The Feature dropdown offers the following selection options:

‘Export to EA’: Export the elements to Enterprise Architect using Profiles

‘SysML Requirement Manager’: Import SysML requirements from Enterprise Architect and Export SysML requirements and their connectors to Enterprise Architect.

‘BPMN Visualizer’:  Import BPMN Components from Enterprise Architect and export BPMN Components to Enterprise Architect.
Open project icon in Excel

Allows one to select a *.eap or *.eapx or *.feap or *.qea or *.qeax or *.eadb through local project, server connection, or cloud connection.

Local Project: To connect the Local Enterprise Architect model.

Server Connection: To connect to an Enterprise Architect repository through a database

Cloud Connection: To connect to an Enterprise Architect repository through the Pro Cloud Server
Excel_Diagram_Selection_option Allows users to select a Package or BPMN Diagram to Load from the Enterprise Architect Model to Excel with the respective diagram image.

Select a package

  • This window will be displayed when the Package Icon is clicked.
  • It displays all the models and packages from the selected Enterprise Architect model, with BPMN Components being imported specifically.


Select a BPMN Diagram

  • This window will be displayed when the Diagram button is clicked.
  • It provides a hierarchical overview of all diagrams within the packages of the model. Users have the ability to choose a specific BPMN diagram from this view.


Note: The ‘Ok’ button will only enable when the selection type is BPMN Diagram

Utilizing Excel for BPMN Components

  • The selected diagram is imported to an Excel sheet along with its predefined mapping table.
  • The Excel sheets are named in the format of Diagram Name with Diagram ID.


Excel column definition

Action ID The Unique ID of BPMN Elements. It’s used to map the connectors and parent.
Action Name Name of the BPMN Element
Action Type Type of the BPMN Element
Next Action ID Target BPMN Element to connect based on the Action ID.
Connector Name Name of the BPMN Connector
Connector Type Type of the BPMN Connector
Parent The parent of a selected BPMN Element based on the Action ID.

Creation of element from Excel to Enterprise Architect model

  • To create a new element, enter a name in the ‘Action Name’ column (mandatory).
  • By default, the ‘Action Type’ is ‘Activity’. Users can change the type using the drop-down list.
  • Mapping the parent element for the newly created element is also achievable using the ‘Parent’ column.


Note: Supported Element types are Activity, Gateway, StartEvent, IntermediateEvent, EndEvent, DataStore, DataObject, BusinessProcess, BPELProcess, GlobalTask, Pool, and Lane.

Establishing connectors for the newly created element in Excel

‘Next Action ID’ creates a connector between two BPMN elements. Choose the appropriate ‘Action ID’ in the checklist box of ‘Next Action ID’ to connect. By default, the connector type is ‘Sequence Flow’


Note: Supported connector types are SequenceFlow, MessageFlow, Conversation Link, DataAssociation, and Association.

Excel to EA iconTo update the changes from the mapping table in Excel to the Enterprise Architect model utilize the ‘Excel to EA’ Icon available in the Excel Ribbon; The preview form is presented to the user to ensure that the intended changes are ready for export. Once you click the ‘Export’ button, synchronization is initiated between the Enterprise Architect Model and Excel, causing the changes to be updated in Excel as well.


As depicted in the image below, you can observe that the recently generated ‘Process goods’ element has been incorporated into the Excel diagram. This element establishes a connection with the ‘Gateway5’ element, as indicated in the mapping table. Likewise, this synchronization is also reflected in the Enterprise Architect model.


EA to Excel iconThe ‘EA to Excel’ icon enables users to revert the produced items back to their original state as Enterprise Architect Models, providing an opportunity to undo changes made in Excel. Additionally, it facilitates the synchronization of changes made from Enterprise Architect to Excel.


BPMN Components from Enterprise Architect to Microsoft Excel

Through the ‘BPMN to Excel’ menu, users can export data pertaining to BPMN Components, which have been accumulated within Enterprise Architect, into the Predefined mapping tables along with diagrams in separate sheets within Excel.


After selecting the package or BPMN Diagram, the Enterprise Architect will begin exporting data to an Excel sheet and proceed with Refer "Utilizing Excel for BPMN Components"

Check out the BPMN on Excel and Enterprise Architect video here

To know more or to request a demo, please reach out to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Published in White Papers
Wednesday, 17 May 2023 07:05

SysML Requirements in Enterprise Architect

"SysML Requirements on Excel" is a new MDG Office Integration feature that allows users to author SysML requirements using Excel. Users can seamlessly integrate SysML requirements between MS Excel and Enterprise Architect.

Key features

  • Import and export SysML requirements data from Excel into Enterprise Architect.
  • Ability to create SysML Compliant requirements with inter-dependencies

SysML Requirements in Enterprise Architect

Using the “SysML Requirements on Excel” menu, users can connect an Enterprise Architect Model with an Excel spreadsheet.

This will create an Excel Document with required templates to let users create SysML requirements. This will also copy any existing Enterprise Architect requirements and the derived relationships to the Excel spreadsheet, to let users update or modify these contents.


Working with Excel to author Requirements

The Excel template for SysML requirements authoring will have two spreadsheets,

  1. Requirements – The requirements sheet is used to create and update SysML compliant requirements, including Id and text, the sheet also displays any derived requirements (interconnected requirement)


The Requirement Sheet has two parts: "SysML Requirements" and "Derived SysML Requirements".

SysML Requirements – It contains Name, Notes, Status, Version and Id, Text (Mandatory tags for SysML)

Derived SysML Requirements – It also contains Name, Notes, Status, Version of Derived Requirement for each SysML requirement. This part is completely non-editable.

  1. Requirement Matrix – This worksheet will present all requirements in a matrix format to let users easily create derivation inter-dependencies between them.
  • This sheet will be automatically updated when new requirements are added in the ‘Requirements’ worksheet
  • New relationships created in this spreadsheet will also be automatically updated in the ‘Requirements’ worksheet


Insert Elements and Connectors

Insert the element in the Name Column of the Requirement Sheet (with Notes, Status, Version, ID, and text, but the Name column is mandatory). And create a connector between the newly created element and the existing element in the ‘Requirement Matrix’ sheet.


Newly created connector details are updated in the ‘Requirement’ sheet.


Excel_to_EA_icon.png To sync or update the modifications to the Enterprise Architect Model, use the Excel to EA icon. The changes reflected in the Enterprise Architect Model will be shown in the preview form. To update into an Enterprise Architect Model, select Export.


New elements are created under the chosen package.


EA_to_Excel_icon.png The EA to Excel icon is used to restore the produced items to their original state as in the Enterprise Architect Model.

Prior to ‘EA to Excel’


Post ‘EA to Excel’


SysML Requirements on Excel (from Excel)

MDG Integration for Microsoft Office offers integration within Microsoft Excel (Office 2007 and above), and a new feature called SysML Requirement Manager is added to the feature dropdown of the Enterprise Architect ribbon. Using this, users can easily push the contents of SysML requirements from an Excel document to an Enterprise Architect or vice versa.

To import SysML requirement data into Enterprise Architect from Excel


Dropdown list to choose the Export to Enterprise Architect Model or the SysML Requirement Manager for the document.

‘Export to EA’: Export the elements to Enterprise Architect using Profiles

‘SysML Requirement Manager’: Import SysML Requirements from Enterprise Architect

and Export SysML Requirements and their connections to Enterprise Architect.


Allows one to select a *.eap or *.eapx or *.feap or *.qea or *.qeax or *.eadb through Local project, server Connection, or cloud connection.

Local Project - To Connect Local Enterprise Architect model.

Server Connection - To Connect to an Enterprise Architect repository through a database

Cloud Connection - To Connect to an Enterprise Architect repository through Pro Cloud Server

Select a package

  • This screen will be displayed when the Package button is clicked.
  • It displays all the models and packages from the selected Enterprise Architect model, with SysML Requirement items being imported specifically.


After selecting the package and clicking ‘OK, ‘Enterprise Architect will begin exporting information to an Excel sheet and proceed with Refer "Working with Excel to author Requirements"

Check out the SysML Requirements in the Enterprise Architect video here

To know more or to request a demo, please reach out to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.






Published in White Papers
Friday, 22 April 2022 14:30

EA 16 - Resources and Videos for Reference

The much-awaited Sparx Systems #EnterpriseArchitect 16.0 released!!!.

The world-leading modeling tool now with the cutting edge features to meet the emerging needs of remote, distributed teams. Auto-refresh diagrams, Auto-reloading in-flight diagrams, Excel-like views to edit artifacts and relationships, Custom dynamic documents, Faster

Model interchange. and a plethora of long-awaited enhancements to simplify and make modeling easier and efficient.

More information on key features can be found in the articles below



Enhanced User Security in Enterprise Architect 16


QEA Files in Sparx EA 16 enables EA SaaS solution


Scriptlets in Enterprise Architect 16 – A Step Beyond Static View


Enterprise Architect 16 Menus and Shortcuts – A Detailed Comparison to EA 14 and EA 15


Additional Resources

EA SaaS is now available for Small and Medium Teams, powered by QEA files


EA SaaS for Small Teams (EA for Mac) Video  -  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MF0BdnasvqI

Visit https://sparxsystems.com/products/ea/16.0/index.html or reach This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for a demo.

Published in Tutorials
Tuesday, 09 January 2018 05:22

Sparx Systems University Week - March 2-9, 2018

The first Sparx University Week for 2018 will be run during March, with most training sessions being held during the week of March 2-9.

University Weeks are hosted by Sparx Systems Japan, Sparx Systems Central Europe, Sparx Services North America, Sparx Systems India and Sparx Services UK (Hippo Software).



The delivery format for each course varies depending on the subject, audience and location, with a mix of both online and face-to-face seminars and courses.

It is anticipated that Sparx University Week will be run on a global basis every few months, in conjunction with Sparx Systems Sister and Services Partner network.

Bookings are essential, please review the course schedule below and visit the course provider's website for more details and to register your place.


Sparx University Week Schedule:

 Facilitator: Date/Time: Course Title: Location: Language: Link:
Sparx System Japan 2nd March 1:45pm - 5:25pm Tokyo Enterprise Architect Case Studies Seminar 2018 - Free Session! sign-up will be open on the 15th January
Tokyo International Forum (1 minute walk from JR Yurakucho Station) Japanese Details & Registration
Sparx Systems India 5th - 7th March 9:30am - 4:30pm IST Enterprise Architect Training & Workshop for SDLC using UML Online Delivery English Details & Registration
Sparx Systems India 8th - 9th March 9:30am - 4:30pm IST Enterprise Architect Training & Workshop for BA Online Delivery English Details & Registration
Sparx Services UK (Hippo Software) 5th-6th March 2018 (2 days) 10am - 4pm GMT EA and ArchiMate for Business Architecture Online Delivery English Details & Registration
Sparx Services UK (Hippo Software) 7th-8th March 2018 (2 days) 10am - 4pm GMT EA and ArchiMate for Enterprise Architecture Online Delivery English Details & Registration
Sparx Services North America 6th & 7th March 9 am - 5:30 pm CST Business Process Modelling with BPMN - 2day course Online Delivery English Details & Registration
Sparx Services North America 8th March 9 am - 5:30 pm CST Enterprise Architect Business Process Modelling Online Delivery English Details & Registration
Sparx Systems Central Europe 8. März 2018: 09:00-12:00 (MEZ) Webinar Sparx Pro Cloud | Installieren, Konfigurieren, Modellieren auf der Zeitachse und wiederverwendbare Bausteine und Standards Online Delivery Deutsch Details & Registration
Sparx Systems Central Europe 8th March 2018: 1p.m.-4p.m. (MEZ) Webinar Sparx Pro Cloud | Installation, Configuration, Time-Aware-Modelling and Reusable Asset Services Online Delivery English Details & Registration
Sparx Systems Central Europe 15.-16.02.2018 UML Grundlagen, 2 Tageskurs bei München München Deutsch Details & Registration
Sparx Systems Central Europe 08.-09.03.2018 Modellbasierte Entwicklung, 2 Tageskurs bei München München Deutsch Details & Registration
Sparx Systems Central Europe 13.-14.02.2018 SysML mit EA, 2 Tageskurs in München München Deutsch Details & Registration
Sparx Systems Central Europe 07.-08.03.2018 SysML mit EA, 2 Tageskurs in Wien in Wien Deutsch Details & Registration
Sparx Systems Central Europe 805.03.2018 9-12h00 MEZ Pro Cloud Installation u.v.m. 3 hours Online Delivery Deutsch Details & Registration
Sparx Systems Central Europe 10.04.-11.04.2018 Best Practice Days in Nürnberg Nürnberg Deutsch Details & Registration
Sparx Systems Central Europe 5-06.03.2018 UML Fundamentals Vienna, 2 days course Vienna English Details & Registration
Sparx Systems Central Europe 05.03.2018 13-16h00 CEST Pro Cloud Installation and more Online Delivery English Details & Registration
Published in Events
Monday, 18 September 2017 06:00

Sparx Systems University Week - 23-27 Oct, 2017

The second Sparx University Week will be run during October, with most training sessions being held during the week of October 23-27.

University Weeks are hosted by Sparx Systems Japan, Sparx Systems Central Europe, Sparx Services North America, Sparx Systems India and Sparx Services UK (Hippo Software).

uni week 2 hi rct

The delivery format for each course varies depending on the subject, audience and location, with a mix of both online and face-to-face seminars and courses.

It is anticipated that Sparx University Week will be run on a global basis every few months, in conjunction with Sparx Systems Sister and Services Partner network.

Bookings are essential, please review the course schedule below and visit the course provider's website for more details and to register your place.


Sparx University Week Schedule:

 Facilitator: Date/Time: Course Title: Location: Language: Link:
Sparx Systems Central Europe Mon 16 Oct: 9:00am - 12:00pm CEST UML Fundamentals with Enterprise Architect - Free Session!  Online Delivery  English Details & Registration
Sparx Systems Central Europe Thur 19 - Fri 20 October Model-based Development with Enterprise Architect Nuremberg, Germany German Details & Registration
Sparx Systems Japan Fri 20 Oct: 1:30pm - 5:45pm JST

Enterprise Architect Introductory Seminar - Free Session!

Yokohama, Japan Japanese Details & Registration
Sparx Services UK (Hippo Software) Mon 23 - Tue 24 October Enterprise Architect, BPMN and Use Cases Online Delivery English Details & Registration
Sparx Systems Central Europe Mon 23 - Tue 24 October Enterprise Architect Foundations Munich, Germany German Details & Registration
Sparx Systems Central Europe Tue 24 - Wed 25 October SysML with Enterprise Architect Munich, Germany German Details & Registration
Sparx Systems Central Europe Tue 24 - Wed 25 October Enterprise Architect Foundations Zurich, Switzerland German Details & Registration
Sparx Systems Central Europe Tue 24 - Wed 25 October Enterprise Architect for Developers Amsterdam, Netherlands English Details & Registration
Sparx Systems Central Europe Tue 24 - Wed 25 October Enterprise Architect for Developers Vienna, Austria English Details & Registration
Sparx Systems North America Tue 24 - Thur 26 October BIZBOK® 4 Foundation with Enterprise Architect Online Delivery English Details & Registration
Sparx Systems India Tue 24 - Thur 26 October Enterprise Architect for Business Analysis Online Delivery English Details & Registration
Sparx Services UK (Hippo Software) Wed 25 - Thur 26 October Enterprise Architect and ArchMate  Online Delivery English Details & Registration
Sparx Systems Japan Fri 27 Oct: 1:30pm - 5:40pm JST Enterprise Architect Utilization Seminar - Free Session! Yokohama, Japan Japanese Details & Registration


Published in Events