Assuming enterprise architect is required, the following results were found.

  • Sparx Systems University Week - 23-27 Oct, 2017

    The second Sparx University Week will be run during October, with most training sessions being held during the week of October 23-27. University Weeks are hosted by Sparx Systems Japan, Sparx Systems Central Europe, Sparx Services North America, Sparx...
  • Award for Smart Grid Technology based on Enterprise Architect

    SparxSystems CE: Award for Smart Grid Technology Salzburg University of Applied Sciences recently received a Best Paper Award for its SGAM Toolbox for model-based engineering and evaluation of “smart grid” architectures. The Toolbox is an innovative...
  • MANEA - a new integration tool for Mantis Bug Tracker and Enterprise Architect

    I'm glad to announce the release of MANEA. MANEA is a plugin to MANTIS BUG Tracker, which allows for two-way synchronization of selected entries from the MANTIS BT system according to the repository requirements contained in Enterprise Architect by...
  • Running Enterprise Architect on a Server

    We run Enterprise Architect on our Teamcity Continuous Integration Server so we can update class diagrams on build – or run unit tests for some of our Enterprise Architect integration projects - like AMUSE. Some of this information was already...
  • Geert Bellekens' UML and Enterprise Architect Tools open-sourced at GitHub

    I published all of the source code for the my EA tools and add-ins on Enterprise Architect Toolpack This repository will contain all of the actual tools and add-ins for Enterprise Architect Currently it contains the EA...
  • New Enterprise Architect Workshops and SysML Training Courses

    Hippo Software’s Enterprise Architect workshops are highly practical ½ day and 1 day training sessions designed to provide revision on UML and BPMN concepts and notation, and increase confidence in creating UML and BPMN models within Enterprise...
  • CaliberRM – Enterprise Architect Integration Add-In Demonstration Webinar from Dunstan Thomas

    On the 16th of June 2011 Dunstan Thomas will be broadcasting a free to attend webinar to demonstrate the CaliberRM / Enterprise Architect Integration Add-In. This webinar will be hosted by Phil Chudley, Principal Consultant & OMG Certified UML...
  • eaDocX - Newly approved Third Party Plug-In for Enterprise Architect

    eaDocX is today announced as the only officially listed plug-in dedicated to high quality Word Document generation for Enterprise Architect. See it on the Sparx webpage "Third Party Plug-Ins for Enterprise Architect: Documentation" for more...
  • Introduction to Enterprise Architect - The Basics

    If you are considering Enterprise Architect or you are a first time user, this webinar is for you. Discover the visual power of the modeling environment as we walk you through the basics, show you tips and tricks that will speed up the modeling process...
  • Importing Visio Diagrams into Enterprise Architect

    If you are not using Enterprise Architect to design your systems, you are giving up opportunities for increased productivity, that result from re-using your data across the whole project, sharing that data across the entire project team and using the...
  • Sparx Enterprise Architect Systems Engineering Course by APG

    Sparx Enterprise Architect Systems Engineering Description: Enterprise Architect Systems Engineering provides students with a hands-on opportunity for learning how to capture systems engineering models with the OMG Systems Modeling Language 1.3 (OMG...
  • SysML with Enterprise Architect training sessions available in French

    I ran a number of times a 3 day training course for a client in the automotive industry on SysML with Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect tool to model complex systems. This training course in french involved two instructors: Pascal Roques, a SysML and...
  • Tailoring and Deploying a Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect Configuration

    How can we make sure that our user community gets the right Enterprise Architect configuration? How can we automatically configure their user experience so that it is adapted to our company-standard modeling language (MDG)? Since the Belgian railways...
  • Webinar on Dec 6th, 2018 - Automated application testing for the telecommunication industry using Enterprise Architect and Frameworx eTOM

    Are you aware of the opportunity using the TM Forum's Frameworx enhanced Telecom Operations Map (eTOM) as an accelerator of your next transition project with Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect? As a partner of the TM Forum and Sparx Systems, TransWare...
  • UML and SysML training with Enterprise Architect 14 available in France

    Delivered by Enterprise Architect experts from VISEO, up to date training courses are available in France with the latest version 14.1. Training courses combine theory and exercises. One of its goals is to understand and practice Enterprise Architect...
  • Highlights from Sparx webinar on setting up a team modeling environment

    I attended on the 7th of November a webinar from Sparx Systems about setting up a team modelling environment with Enterprise Architect using a centralised DBMS. This webinar was presented by Scott Hebbard, Communications Manager at Sparx Systems. It...
  • New Training Courses from Dunstan Thomas Consulting

    New courses released onto the DT schedule & virtual learning environment! With no small amount of effort we have managed to bring forward the release of the phase 2 online training courses available via the Dunstan Thomas virtual learning environment....
  • Prolaborate 3.2 released: Architecture Landscape chart, Matrices, Bulk import

    Sparx Systems has released Prolaborate 3.2 this summer with the following enhancements. Charts ** Architecture Landscape: new chart dedicated for your Enterprise Architecture data. Chart Designer: build your graphs with this step by step design tool...
  • Sparx Services Central Europe | Business Transformation in the Financial Sector

    Norbert Schattner of ifb Group was significantly involved in Norbert Schattner of ifb Group was significantly involved in the development of the reference architecture REFRAME for over ten years. REFRAME is based on the SPARX Enterprise Architect...
  • Enterprise Architect Community Building – “Best Practice Workshop”

    “Geteiltes Wissen ist doppeltes Wissen!” – is our motto, meaning that by sharing knowledge you will double the knowledge. As the number of Enterprise Architect Users in Germany, Austria and Switzerland is constantly growing Sparx Systems Central Europe...

Results 101 - 120 of 670