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Enterprise Architect 15.2 has been released in French
Enterrpise Architect 15.2 has been officially released in French. Version 15.2 d'Enterprise Architect en français est maintenant disponible au téléchargement. Version 15.2 d'Enterprise Architect en français est maintenant disponible au... -
Webinar June 2021 - Enterprise Architecture: An Introduction to using ArchiMate in Enterprise Architect
This webinar will demonstrate how Enterprise Architect can be used to create ArchiMate viewpoints to understand, document and communicate knowledge of the enterprise architecture. Many organisations are using ArchiMate to model and understand... -
Exploring EA 11 Specification Manager
Introduction Specification Manager introduced in Enterprise Architect 11, provides a simple document view for editing and maintaining model elements in Enterprise Architect. Specification Manager's Word Processor like interface makes it easier for the... -
Maximizing the Value of your Enterprise Architecture Investment
Enterprise Architects are now being reported as the highest paid discipline in IT, however with this realization organizations need to ensure they are getting the most out of these highly-skilled professionals. The skills and experience of Enterprise... -
Advanced Integration for Systems Engineering
Advanced Integration for Systems Engineering codeBeamer ALM + Enterprise Architect with LieberLieber LieberLieber and Intland Software today announce their codeBeamer ALM – Enterprise Architect Integration 2.0. This new version of the integration... -
Sparx Community of Ottawa, Canada invite you to attend “Enterprise Architect” day, May 1, 2013
You are cordially invited to join us on Wednesday, May 1, 2013 where customers actively using Sparx Systems’ Enterprise Architect will join with Sparx’ Global Partners to share real life experiences and success stories. Sparx Systems Enterprise... -
Enterprise Architect Interface to Microsoft Project
Overview When planning resource utilization for a large project, the task allocation details can be defined against each element in the project and assigned to a resource (a staff member). This process can be completed in Enterprise Architect or MS... -
Derived relationships and nesting in ArchiMate applied with Helpers in Sparx Enterprise Architect
Resume ArchiMate is a powerful enterprise modelling language for the architect's expressiveness. As a result, ArchiMate is sometimes experienced as complex. However, there are a number of parts in the metamodel that can simplify the views. In this... -
Enacting the Service-Oriented Modeling Framework (SOMF) using Enterprise Architect
This document presents an overview of the modeling notation introduced by Michael Bell in his seminal book Service-Oriented Modeling - Service Analysis, Design and Architecture. SOMF provides a formal method of defining services at different levels of... -
Creating Diagram Filters within Enterprise Architect
Diagram Filters allow you to tailor the presentation of diagrams and conduct meaningful comparisons. Dynamic Visual Filtering lets you highlight diagram elements based on selected properties such as Author, Status, Stereotype and Version. Diagram... -
LieberLieber AMUSE 1.5 - Released - Simulating Statemachines with Enterprise Architect 8
We are glad to announce the availability of LieberLieber AMUSE 1.5. AMUSE stands for Advanced Modeling UML Simulation & Execution and is a plugin for EA which allows simulating behavioral diagrams. AMUSE aims at detecting issues early in the project... -
AMUSE from LieberLieber and RXF from Willert the Embedded Solution for Enterprise Architect
We are very proud to announce that the Embedded Solution we showed at the Embedded World 2011 has finally been completed. This tool chain was jointly developed with the Embedded and Rhapsody Experts from Germany – together with Willert Software Tools.... -
Construction of sequence diagrams in real-time in Enterprise Architect 9
This text shows, how in just a few steps one may generate a sequence diagram in a running application. The example has been written in Java and demonstrates the building of a contact book. -
TORMIGO - rational change report based on Enterprise Architect baseline mechanism
1. Preparing baseline for the package 1.1. Select the package for which the baseline is to be created from the project repository in EA, and then from the popup menu (right mouse button) select Package Control -> Manage Baselines or use the keyboard... -
Tormigo and Enterprise Architect Baseline Mechanism
Today we published a new release of Tormigo (2.01.00) In this version we added the possibility to prepare a report based on the mechanism of baseline, which is used to compare changes in the EA repository. Other modifications in 2.01.00 version: the... -
Are you an expert in MDG Technologies with Enterprise Architect?
We’re looking for EA enthusiasts who are experienced in either BPMN, TOGAF, SysML, DoDAF/MODAF, Archimate, SOA, SOMF or Zachman, to help us refine our support for these specialised styles of EA model. Our experience is mostly with UML, so we’ve got... -
Reference of Menu Changes Enterprise Architect 9.x to 10
The reference is provided as an Excel-File in .xls format. You may use Ctrl-F to find the desired menu text. -
State Machine Simulation in Enterprise Architect
This paper introduces Enterprise Architect's simulation capabilities for State Machines by means of an example model. State Machine simulation can help you to verify that the run-time behavior of your designed system conforms to specification. In this... -
Workflow Scripting in Enterprise Architect
Using Workflow scripting you can set the order of work to be performed by members of the team and ensure that specified outcomes are obtained on completion of the workflow routine. This paper describes Enterprise Architect's Workflow scripting and the... -
APG Sparx Enterprise Architect Systems Engineering Course
APG is offering their Sparx Systems Engineering Course via web-based delivery on January 29th. Course will have live instructor with maximum of 8 students. Email [email protected] for details and pricing. Topics Covered: · Build Domain Model ·...