Sparx Systems Supports European Joint Research Centre Standards Development
Sparx Systems announces that it will provide support to the Joint Research Centre(JRC) by making licenses of Enterprise Architect available to the Spatial Data Infrastructure(SDI) unit. JRC is developing the legal acts and guidelines for the technical...
https://community.sparxsystems.com/news/365-37sparx-systems-supports-european-joint-research-centre-standards-development -
Showing Classifier Notes in a custom compartment
This example add-in demonstrates how to define a custom compartment to show the Notes defined by an Element's classifier. For example, an Object Instance will show the notes of the Class that it instantiates. The CS_AddinFramework example project can...
https://community.sparxsystems.com/community-resources/500-72showing-classifier-notes-in-a-custom-compartment -
AMUSE Demonstration
This webinar from Dunstan Thomas demonstrates the capabilites of the AMUSE add-in for Enterprise Architect. It is presented by Phil Chudley, one of the Senior Consultants and OMG Certified UML Professionals at Dunstan Thomas, but was a combined effort...
https://community.sparxsystems.com/tutorials/555-27amuse-demonstration -
Service-Oriented Modeling Framework (SOMF) Simplicity and Traceability Tutorial
This SOMF tutorial contains simple examples that demonstrate the language that can be used by business and IT practitioners. In addition, the paper demonstrates the simplicity and traceability factors the SOMF offers, and modeling capabilities that can...
https://community.sparxsystems.com/tutorials/557-29service-oriented-modeling-framework-somf-simplicity-and-traceability-tutorial -
Service-Oriented Modeling Framework (SOMF) Contextual Modeling
This training paper depicts another capability of SOMF. Contextual modeling of services is described along with a number of examples to assist business and IT professionals build services based on their semantic capabilities and affiliation using...
https://community.sparxsystems.com/tutorials/558-30service-oriented-modeling-framework-somf-contextual-modeling -
Service-Oriented Modeling Framework (SOMF) Software Assets
This tutorial elaborates on the three chief SOMF modeling software assets that are used in Enterprise Architect to model an architectural environment. These software entities are the cornerstone building blocks of every SOMF diagram and model. The...
https://community.sparxsystems.com/tutorials/559-31service-oriented-modeling-framework-somf-software-assets -
Service-Oriented Modeling Framework (SOMF) Structural Modeling Tutorial
This tutorial offers another view of SOMF modeling capabilities. It covers the structural modeling aspect of services and elaborates on the notation and employment of the various modeling symbols that can be used in Enterprise Architect. Please see...
https://community.sparxsystems.com/tutorials/560-32service-oriented-modeling-framework-somf-structural-modeling-tutorial -
Executable Business Rules
This Quick Start Guide demonstrates how to model Business Rules using Enterprise Architect. A car rental example illustrates the process of creating Executable Business Rules, introducing key concepts such as the Business Domain Model and Rule Composer.
https://community.sparxsystems.com/tutorials/561-33executable-business-rules -
Publication of new book -- Patterns of Data Modeling
Tried and tested patterns can help developers build data models better, faster, and with fewer mistakes. The book assumes a basic understanding of data modeling, but provides examples in such a way that if the reader needs some review, it is built in....
https://community.sparxsystems.com/news/372-44publication-of-new-book-patterns-of-data-modeling -
Service-Oriented Modeling Framework (SOMF): Logical Design Relationship of Services
This easy to understand tutorial elaborates on logical design of services, in particular on association of services to consumers in terms of message paths and delivery when using Enterprise Architect. In addition, this training material depicts four...
https://community.sparxsystems.com/tutorials/563-35service-oriented-modeling-framework-somf-logical-design-relationship-of-services -
Service-Oriented Modeling Framework (SOMF): Logical Design Composition
This logical design composition tutorial describes yet another SOMF design capability that can be leveraged in Enterprise Architect when modeling service deployment to a production environment. Moreover, the paper introduces design styles that can be...
https://community.sparxsystems.com/tutorials/564-36service-oriented-modeling-framework-somf-logical-design-composition -
Architecture and Interfaces Management in Proteus System - Case Study
Industrial Research Institute for Automation and Measurements (PIAP ) is the leading Polish research and implementation center involved in the problems of mobile and industrial robotics. Using Enterprise Architect the PIAP and MODESTO teams...
https://community.sparxsystems.com/case-studies/343-15architecture-and-interfaces-management-in-proteus-system-case-study -
Tormigo - support for requirements management in EA
Modesto Company publishes tool support for management of requirements gathered in Enterprise Architect. Tormigo offers in the requirements management area: The possibility to configure the basic options of the application and the possibility to choose...
https://community.sparxsystems.com/news/375-47tormigo-support-for-requirements-management-in-ea -
Complete C# Add-in Template
This template, which is actually an abstract class, implements all EA (v 8.0.864) events that add-ins can use, complete with documentation. Each event can be used by simply overriding the event in the derived add-in class. Create a new EA add-in by...
https://community.sparxsystems.com/community-resources/506-78complete-c-add-in-template -
Service-Oriented Modeling Framework (SOMF): Building Service Attribution Models
This training material discusses the process of collecting service attributes and building attribution models with Enterprise Architect to facilitate the discovery of conceptual services for a project or a larger business or technological initiative....
https://community.sparxsystems.com/tutorials/575-47service-oriented-modeling-framework-somf-building-service-attribution-models -
Enterprise Tester v3.0 Out Now! Introducing 'Duette' for Automated Test Support
Catch are pleased to announce the release of Enterprise Tester v3.0, supporting automated tests. This major release introduces our new plugin, Duette, which supports the importing of results from automated testing tools, HP Quick Test Professional...
https://community.sparxsystems.com/news/383-55enterprise-tester-v3-0-out-now-introducing-duette-for-automated-test-support -
Sparx Systems - winner in "Riding the Crest" Awards
Sparx Systems was announced by Programmer's Paradise as the winner of the 2010 "Riding the Crest" Award in the Application Lifecycle Management: Design/Modeling category. The awards, announced on the 30th of March, recognized Enterprise Architect as...
https://community.sparxsystems.com/news/384-56sparx-systems-winner-in-riding-the-crest-awards -
Copy Tagged Values from a source to a target model using Transformations
In order to copy a Tagged Value named "mytag" from the source model to the target model you can add the following to the Class template (Ctrl+Alt+H): %if classTag:"mytag" != ""% Tag { name=%qt%mytag%qt% value=%qt%%classTag:"mytag"%%qt% } %endIf% For...
https://community.sparxsystems.com/community-resources/508-80copy-tagged-values-from-a-source-to-a-target-model-using-transformations -
CEN/TC 287 Annual Award for Academic Excellence within INSPIRE
The inaugural CEN/TC 287 Annual Award for Academic Excellence within INSPIRE, was awarded on the 29th June at the 2011 INSPIRE Conference in Edinburgh. Sparx Systems presented the award to the winner Antoine Gourlay, from Ecole Centrale de Nantes, and...
https://community.sparxsystems.com/news/394-66cen-tc-287-annual-award-for-academic-excellence-within-inspire -
The Business Solutions Integrated Framework - BSIF
BSIF is a Feature Rich MDG that can be used to power Enterprise Implementations of Enterprise Architect. Bridging the gap between formal notations and real life business solution delivery- BSIF supports template based approaches and automatic document...