June Training Week
Sparx Systems is pleased to announce a new Sparx Systems University Week scheduled June 3rd-7th. During Sparx Systems University week, a range of both free and paid training sessions are hosted at training locations around the world and online. All...
https://community.sparxsystems.com/events/1259-uniweek-jun2019 -
EAWI::Enterprise Architect Word Importer an introduction.
As practicing Enterprise Architect consultants, we have the opportunity to interact with various corporates for training, consulting and providing Enterprise Architect demonstrations. We encounter the following standard queries: “We have lots of...
https://community.sparxsystems.com/community-resources/787-eawi-enterprise-architect-word-importer-an-introduction -
Working with BPMN 2.0 in Enterprise Architect version 11 / 12
Introduction In versions 11 and 12 of Enterprise Architect several changes have been made to BPMN 2.0 which affects the way that modellers use this notation and in particular how the repository must be structured. An excellent video which summarises...
https://community.sparxsystems.com/tutorials/833-working-with-bpmn-2-0-in-enterprise-architect-version-11-12 -
New Enterprise Architect training: 'EA for Teams' and 'EA in a Day'
Ability Engineering has recently added three new offerings to their Enterprise Architect training portfolio. The first new course is Enterprise Architect for teams. This is completely new content, distilled from many years of experience (and lessons...
https://community.sparxsystems.com/news/904-new-enterprise-architect-training-ea-for-teams-and-ea-in-a-day -
EA and Prolaborate Usergroup Event in Utrecht, The Netherlands
Are you an Enterprise Architect, Software Designer, Business Analyst or Business Process Analyst? Do you use Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect or Prolaborate? Are you interested in three days full of information exchange on the usage of Sparx Systems...
https://community.sparxsystems.com/events/1312-ea-and-prolaborate-usergroup-event-in-utrecht-the-netherlands -
Automatic creation of system model with Neo4j
Introduction Frequently there are legacy systems/applications with no previous documentation, and the lack of it makes maintenance and further development of those systems/applications stagnant and demanding. This particular article outlines the...
https://community.sparxsystems.com/tutorials/1377-automatic-creation-of-system-model-with-neo4j -
Enterprise Architect is now available via the Cloud
Enterprise Architect at AppOnFly Now, you can access Enterprise Architect easily through secure remote desktop, and work with it in the Cloud from any device running Windows, Mac OS, Ios and Android operating system. Bring and use your own license to...
https://community.sparxsystems.com/news/1035-https-www-apponfly-com-en-enterprise-architect -
Tassc introduces SysML training for Systems Engineers using Enterprise Architect
Tassc launches two new SysML training courses for Enterprise Architect users: Enterprise Architect for Systems Engineers [2 days]: This course is designed for systems engineers who already have SysML experience and now wish to gain confidence in using...
https://community.sparxsystems.com/news/357-29tassc-introduces-sysml-training-for-systems-engineers-using-enterprise-architect -
Importing a Document Library into Enterprise Architect
Overview Whether setting up a document library for a large organization or modeling a large system with a lot of detailed specification documents, it can be beneficial to organize these externally created documents in a model repository. We'll refer to...
https://community.sparxsystems.com/community-resources/511-83importing-a-document-library-into-enterprise-architect -
Announcement: EA Book "Fifty Enterprise Architect Tricks"
Today, the second version of the book "Fifty Enterprise Architect Tricks" has been launched. While the first version was updated to version 8 of Enterprise Architect, the new book is based on Enterprise Architect version 9.1. This book contains tips...
https://community.sparxsystems.com/news/410-82announcement-ea-book-fifty-enterprise-architect-tricks -
Enterprise Architect for an Enterprise Architecture
Introduction In the last year I have done a number of projects for a Dutch government agency as a data architect. This organisation has an architecture team with four members. There is a problem in producing architecture documents like Project Start...
https://community.sparxsystems.com/case-studies/781-enterprise-architect-for-an-enterprise-architecture -
Duplicate validation in Enterprise Architect
Duplicatevalidation in Enterprise Architect Introduction This article is an example of using Enterprise Architect in a team. In our team of four architects we use Enterprise Architect for modelling the enterprise architecture in ArchiMate 2.0. For this...
https://community.sparxsystems.com/community-resources/794-duplicate-validation-in-enterprise-architect -
Sparx Systems Releases Enterprise Architect 13
Sparx Systems is proud to announce the full release of Enterprise Architect Version 13. This groundbreaking build focuses on streamlining the user interface, agile teams, model management and parametric simulation. In its 15 years of continuous...
https://community.sparxsystems.com/news/1002-sparx-systems-releases-enterprise-architect-13 -
Online Training Introduction to Enterprise Architect
Sparx Enterprise Architect is a powerful modeling tool for many types of modelers. For every modeling community Enterprise Architect offers numerous modeling languages like UML, ArchiMate, SysML and BPMN It has numerous features and functionalities...
https://community.sparxsystems.com/tutorials/1309-online-training-introduction-to-enterprise-architect -
Tassc introduces new BPMN training for Enterprise Architect
Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) is a popular industry standard and an expressive graphical notation that enables business analysts to understand and visually document their business processes. Tassc now offers new BPMN training combined with...
https://community.sparxsystems.com/news/348-20tassc-introduces-new-bpmn-training-for-enterprise-architect -
Reports based on change in many repositories of Enterprise Architect
Configuration When generating documentation, the Tormigo Integration module uses the API of the Enterprise Architect program. In order to include the diagrams and linked documents (LinkedDocument) in the generated documentation, indicate the directory...
https://community.sparxsystems.com/tutorials/599-71reports-based-on-change-in-many-repositories-of-enterprise-architect -
Enhancements to Generate Documentation in Sparx Enterprise Architect version 11
Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect version 11 is very close to being released (I am currently using Release Candidate 2), and promises a host of new and improved functionality. It’s a good time to revisit the built-in reporting, and reflect on how the...
https://community.sparxsystems.com/tutorials/799-enhancements-to-generate-documentation-in-sparx-enterprise-architect-version-11 -
Canberra Enterprise Architect User Group
Sparx Systems invites you to the upcoming live event, Enterprise Architect User Group - Canberra, April 2015 We invite you to the Sparx Systems Canberra User Group meeting to be held on Wednesday 15 April 2015. This meeting will introduce Enterprise...
https://community.sparxsystems.com/news/852-canberra-enterprise-architect-user-group -
Presenting the new open source Enterprise Architect Shapescript Library
The new open source Enterprise Architect Shapescript Library in Github is an initiative to share shapescripts for Enterprise Architect within the user community. Shapescripts in Enterprise Architect are used to define the presentation of elements on a...
https://community.sparxsystems.com/news/978-presenting-the-new-open-source-enterprise-architect-shapescript-library -
The Ultimate Guide to upgrade to Sparx Enterprise Architect 15
Sparx Systems has recently released its latest version of Enterprise Architect 15. Sparx Systems have added various new features in this version. Here is a guide with list of menus, frequently used by EA practitioners would be very helpful. This...