

Sparx Systems

99 Albert Street
P: +61 3 5345 1140
F: +61 3 5345 1104
Sparx Systems specializes in high performance and scalable visual modeling tools for the planning, design and construction of software intensive systems. A Contributing Member of the Object Management Group (OMG), Sparx Systems is committed to realizing the potential of model-driven development based on open standards. The company’s flagship product, Enterprise Architect, has received numerous accolades since its commercial release in August, 2000. Enterprise Architect is the design tool of choice for over 740,000 registered users worldwide.
Monday, 27 April 2015 03:47

Sparx Systems - CIO Review Cover Story

Cover Story

Sparx Systems CEO & Founder, Geoffrey Sparks is featured on the Cover of the March Edition of the CIO Review. Learn more about Sparx Systems and how to master enterprise processes using Enterprise Architect.

Sparx Systems’ inclusion in the CIO Review BPM Technology Special is based on its capability to provide technology solutions to streamline operations in a faster, less resource-intensive manner, while keeping costs under control.

At the front of stage in this recognition is the Sparx Systems flagship product, Enterprise Architect, an integrated modeling, design and construction platform that is redefining business process modeling.  The Enterprise Architect platform allows business process diagrams and models to exist within the more global context of the architectural and systems environment, while supporting the modeling of enterprise architectures, software and hardware systems and other key aspects of the modern business environment.

A distinguished panel of CEOs, CIOs,CMOs, VCs, analysts, and the CIO Review editorial board has selected top BPM Solution Providers from over three hundred companies. Read the article to see why Sparx Systems was recognized as one of the 20 Most Promising BPM Technology Solution providers.


Download the PDF from the link above to read the full article.





Vendor Profile:

Digital Copy of the CIO Review Magazine:

BPM Technology Special (March 2015)


Enterprise Architect User Group

Sparx Systems hosted the 2015 Canberra Enterprise Architect User Group in April 2015.  The User Group included a number of presentations from partners located across Australia, Asia and the US. 


Scott Hebbard, Communications Manager at Sparx Systems provided a brief overview of Enterprise Architect 12.



Any business can benefit, from the solid foundation that standardization brings. The development of new technologies and opportunities, to share and enhance existing practices, are just two of the many benefits, to be derived. Furthermore the economies introduced by standardization dramatically reduce tooling and process duplication while increasing the competency of the work force while the efficiency and effectiveness of standards can ultimately save lives.

However, for enduring economic health and prosperity, the adoption of standards that support interoperability between business partners, is essential. In recent history there has never been a period of standards development like that which we are currently experiencing. Communication circles the globe in a click while global competition is on our doorstep 24x7 and legislation-driven change is creating a tsunami of disruption and opportunity where standards offer navigation and increased survivability. 

Interoperability,- that is, the ability to transfer and use information in a uniform and efficient manner across multiple organizations and information technology systems- underpins the level of benefits accruing to enterprises, government and the wider economy through e-commerce.  To enable two information systems to interoperate, they have to be implemented based upon a mutually agreed set of specifications covering both the business aspects (e.g. how the business activities of one party interact with those of its business partners, what the legal consequences of such interactions are, what information needs to be sent from one party to another, the semantics behind the exchanged information, etc.) and the technical aspects (e.g. what protocol and message format should be used to send information from one party to another).

Successful communication has traditionally been effected by laborious and error prone processes.  It takes the “dedicated” quite some time, to gain a degree of familiarity with the dense and interconnected style in which XML schema specification is written. Most people simply cannot afford such a luxury. Meanwhile on the receiving end the user finds it very difficult to decide whether the error is in their schema/instance or a bug in their processor.

In the standards area the Schema Composer in EA 12 represents a key enabling technology.  Standards and frameworks such as NIEM and SWIFT provide the grammar to communicate between organisations and at low level, this requires a common information model. The Schema Composer allows an organisation to quickly create XML files in XSD which specifies how to formally describe the elements in an XML document. This description can be used to verify that each item of content in a document adheres to the description of the element in which the content is to be placed, enabling propagation of data between different organisations. With these types of data interchange you want to be able to define various interchanges that support communication of details from sub-sections of your broader schema. For example, as a vehicle manufacturer you may want a data interchange with a parts supplier which involves a different data interchange that you would have to a retailer selling your models. These can involve different data sets, with specific data types, from the same overall schema.

For more information or to evaluate the Schema Composer please visit and download a copy of Enterprise Architect version 12

Tuesday, 21 April 2015 04:41

EAUG Canberra: All the Way with EA

Enterprise Architect User Group

Sparx Systems hosted the 2015 Canberra Enterprise Architect User Group in April 2015.  The User Group included a number of presentations from partners located across Australia, Asia and the US.

Figure 1: Critical Success Factors for EA


CC & C Solutions presented an outline of their company and discussed how Enterprise Architect helps to address Enterprise Challenges.  Vish Viswanathan presented the Critical Success Factors for Enterprise Architecture which included the TOGAF Framework, People and Enterprise Architect by Sparx Systems.  He went on to discuss the key benefits of Enterprise Architect and outlined their engagement process.



Figure 2: Meeting CC & C staff at the Australian National Botanic Gardens.


Enterprise Architect User Group

Sparx Systems hosted the 2015 Canberra Enterprise Architect User Group in April 2015.  The User Group included a number of presentations from partners located across Australia, Asia and the US.



Chris Armstrong from the Armstrong Process Group presented on the National Information Exchange Model.  His presentation also included a live demonstration that helped show how easy it is to build a schema using Enterprise Architect 12.

APG's mission is to "Align information technology and systems engineering capabilities with business strategy using proven, practical processes delivering world-class results.”

Enterprise Architect User Group

Sparx Systems hosted the 2015 Canberra Enterprise Architect User Group in April 2015.  The User Group included a number of presentations from partners located across Australia, Asia and the US. 

This White paper includes an overview of AssetWhere and how Enterprise Architect was instrumental in reverse engineering the RDBMS Data Models, helping to save time, improving communication and producing meaningful documentation.

When: Thursday, May 28, 2015
Where: Minneapolis, Minneapolis Airport Marriott
Address: 2020 American Boulevard East Bloomington MN 55425 

Sparx Systems would like to invite you to the upcoming Enterprise Architect Conference being held in Minneapolis, MN - May 28th hosted by Sparx Partner: APG.

Click here to Register

Have a Sparx Enterprise Architect topic you would like to present? The deadline for speaker submissions has now been extended until the 8th of April.

Call for speaker submissions

Wednesday, 01 April 2015 23:09

Canberra Enterprise Architect User Group

Sparx Systems invites you to the upcoming live event,


Enterprise Architect User Group - Canberra, April 2015

We invite you to the Sparx Systems Canberra User Group meeting to be held on Wednesday 15 April 2015. This meeting will introduce Enterprise Architect 12, NIEM, TOGAF and discuss aspects of the North American Market. The meeting will be held at the Auditorium in the Australian National Botanic Gardens from 3.00pm to 6.00pm.

Please book early as seats are limited. Refreshments will be provided.

This event will also feature the following Guest Speakers:

  • Chris Armstrong, CEO of Armstrong Process Group (APG) presenting on TOGAF and NIEM
  • Wally McLaughlin, Sales Director from APG will discuss the use of Enterprise Architect in North America
  • Veritec will be presenting on how Enterprise Architect is being used at the Department of Finance
  • OMNILINK will present on how Enterprise Architect is being used to improve software applications
  • Scott Hebbard, Communications Manager at Sparx Systems, will provide an overview of Enterprise Architect 12
  • Vish Viswanathan, Managing Principal of CC&C Solutions will discuss TOGAF and how to "go all the way with EA" to help customers


We invite you to register for this live event in Canberra.

Enterprise Architect includes a powerful new database engineering toolset. The new Database Builder greatly enhances Enterprise Architect's existing data modeling capabilities – making it easier than ever to model, generate and synchronize database designs.

In this webinar you will learn how to:

  • Model a database from scratch using predefined patterns
  • Connect to live databases, run queries and compare differences
  • Synchronize your live database schema based on model changes

For more information:

To view the entire webinar series:

Click the link below to register:

Register for Webinar

European Enterprise Architect User Group 2015 in Zürich, March, 10th 2015

After a series of highly successful German Enterprise Architect User Community events in previous years, it is my great pleasure now to be able to announce a first time event in Zurich. Thanks to the support of UBS AG, the European Enterprise Architect User Group event will be held in Switzrland at the company's headquarters in Zurich. The event will include a series of lectures and a permanently-staffed Experts Corner, and during coffee breaks and lunch there will be plenty of time for more in-depth conversations with users and lecturers alike.

The lectures will be held alternately in English or German. In his keynote speech, David Würth, Enterprise Architect Specialist at UBS, explores the standardization activities and use of Enterprise Architect, and shares some of his enterprise-wide initiatives. Phil Chudley, TOGAF and BPMN specialist since their very beginnings, will illuminate us on the topic "Enterprise Architecture" and associated technologies...and of course you won’t want to miss presentations by Swisscom and the Swiss Federal Railways (SBB).

Save the date: Tuesday, March 10th, 2015, from 9.00 till 17.00 at UBS AG in Zurich

Registration at



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