Sam Nice
Dunstan Thomas ConsultingEnterprise Architect - Exploring the tool...part 2
Exploring Enterprise Architect through video...part 2
In this second instalment of exploring EA through video Phil is looking at the visual style and workspace configuration options in Enterprise Architect.
If you can't wait to view all of our videos from this series please visit our YouTube channel ... and don't forget to subscribe!
Enterprise Architect - Exploring the tool
Exploring Enterprise Architect through video
I have had the pleasure of working with Phil Chudley over the last 8+ years at Dunstan Thomas Consulting & last year we were working very closely on the online training project. While putting together the various materials that make up our online content we recorded a series of helpful video clips to supplement the materials and we thought we would now share these with the wider EA community.
In these videos Phil Chudley, Principal Consultant & OMG Certified UML Professional at DT Consulting, will be walking us through the Sparx Systems modelling tool, Enterprise Architect. This series of videos will talk us through the basics from the portals screen right up to some of the more specialised modelling functionality.
If you can't wait to view all of our videos from this series please visit our YouTube channel ... and don't forget to subscribe!
Practical ArcGIS Geodatabase Modelling using Enterprise Architect
New training course from Dunstan Thomas Consulting
Course design by Phil Chudley
Who Should Attend?
This course is suitable to anyone who models ArcGIS Geodatabases and wishes to create both a visual representation of the ArcGIS Geodatabase and an XML ArcGIS workspace file for input to other tools such as ArcCatalog.
What will I learn?
Upon completion of the course you will have learned the following:
- How Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect supports ArcGIS Geodatabase Modelling
- How to configure Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect for ArcGIS Geodatabase Modelling
- How to structure a model repository for efficient ArcGIS Geodatabase Modelling using libraries of re-usable elements
- The practical skills of creating and maintaining ArcGIS Geodatabase Modelling via a worked example
- Productivity tips and tricks when using Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect
- How to validate an ArcGIS Geodatabase Model
- How to import and export a ArcGIS Geodatabase Modelling via XML
- How to import a ArcGIS Geodatabase Model created in Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect into ArcCatalog
Course Content
- Overview of Enterprise Architect and its support for ArcGIS Geodatabase Modelling
- Practical – Configuring Enterprise Architect for ArcGIS Geodatabase modelling
- Development of an example:
- Design;
- Practical use of Enterprise Architect to create an ArcGIS Geodatabase model
- Productivity Aids when use Enterprise Architect
- Capturing ArcGIS data within Enterprise Architect using ArcGIS tagged values
- Dealing with relationships
- Validation
- Validating the model using the ArcGIS validation script
- Implementation
- Exporting the model to ArcGIS Workspace XML
- Importing to the ArcGIS workspace XML to ArcCatlaog
It is assumed that all attendees for this course will be familiar with the ArcGIS Geodatabase Meta-Model. Previous knowledge of Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect is desirable but not essential.
If you would like to know more about our training & consulting services then please visit our website or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Enterprise Architect User Group goes to Paris & Brussels this September
The next EA User Group events are scheduled for 17th September 2015 in Paris and 18th September in Brussels.
For just €75, attend either of these events and get instant access to all the presentations from both!
Our sponsors:
EA User Group Paris
VISEO will host the first EAUG in France on Thursday, September 17th 2015.
This first edition will introduce talks and presentations in French on a wide array of topics including Enterprise Architecture (TOGAF, ArchiMate), modelling IT and software applications, generating and validating documentation from the models, and Systems Engineering (MBSE, SysML).
Enterprise Architect add ins will be shown in a dedicated area, where users and experts will be able to share their opinions and experiences on notations, languages, methodologies around a coffee, tea or other refreshment.
You can view the agenda for the day here.
EA User Group Brussels
The next English speaking Enterprise Architect User Group event will be in Brussels on September 18th 2015, sponsored by ACV-CSC.
This conference will provide an opportunity to discuss many aspects of Enterprise Architect and its use. We are currently appealing for speakers to make this a memorable day.
The preliminary agenda for Brussels is available here.
New Training Courses from Dunstan Thomas Consulting
New courses released onto the DT schedule & virtual learning environment!
With no small amount of effort we have managed to bring forward the release of the phase 2 online training courses available via the Dunstan Thomas virtual learning environment.
The list of options now available is;
- An Introduction to UML
- Reporting with Enterprise Architect
- SysML 1.3 Made Practical with Enterprise Architect
- Putting TOGAF into Practice with Enterprise Architect
- Business Process Modelling using BPMN and Enterprise Architect
- Enterprise Architect; The Practicalities
- An Introduction to ArchiMate
- Enterprise Architecture Modelling using Enterprise Architect and ArchiMate 2.0
- UML with Enterprise Architect for Beginners
- UML with Enterprise Architect for Business Analysts
- UML with Enterprise Architect for UML Practitioners
You can find all these sessions in the training directory on our website;
Visit our online training page & use the subscription calculator to get a quote for your online training needs.
New to our classroom offering...
Modelling Applications for Mobile Devices using Enterprise Architect
This two day training course for Sparx Systems UML modelling tool, Enterprise Architect. It is designed to provide Business Analysts and Solution Architects with the necessary practical skills to create, using Enterprise Architect, design solution models for applications that will be running on mobile devices.
For any information on these or any of our other courses or services please do not hesitate to contact us.
EA User Group; London - Final Agenda
EA User Group - London 2015
The response to the London User Group conference call to speakers has been phenomenal this year and even right at the 11th hour we've had another great speaker proposal through to finish off the line up.
So without further ado here's the official line up for May;
Obviously the massive coup for us on the organisation committee is to have Tom O'Reilly at the event to deliver the keynote!
The Venue
The venue for this conference is; the Park Plaza County Hall, 1 Addington Street, London, SE1 7RY, United Kingdom.
"Where can I get my ticket(s)?" I hear you cry, well, I'm glad that you asked! Tickets for the London User Group conference are available from the EA User Group website at a bargain £65.00 per person. Do swing by & pick up your ticket now to avoid disappointment.
We hope to see you all in London on May 19th for what is promising to be the best London EA User Group meet yet.
EA User Group Conference London - Preview Agenda
EA User Group Conference; London - The agenda takes shape...
We have received an amazing level of response to the call for speakers for the London conference and can now provide a preview of how the agenda is shaping up for London;
We're still in the draft stages and so timings and presentations are still subject to change.
The call for speakers doesn't close until the end of the month so if you have a story to share and would feel like sharing it with the community then This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The conference will be taking place at the Park Plaza County Hall, 1 Addington Street, London, SE1 7RY, United Kingdom.
Tickets for this event are already on sale via the EA User Group website.
We look forward to seeing you all in London.
EA User Group Conference London - Call for Speakers
European Enterprise Architect User Group Conference
London 2015
Call for Speakers
If you are a user of Sparx Systems’ Enterprise Architect, we’re inviting you to share your user stories with the EA community at the next User Group event in central London on May 19th 2015.
We are interested in just about everything you do with Enterprise Architect, from the organisation of your model to enhancements you have made using MDG or the automation API, or even just a project with which you are especially happy. That said, we are not just after the sunshine stories and would be interested in hearing about any experiences learned the hard way.
Presentations of an obvious or purely commercial nature will not be accepted.
Some example topics are:
- Enterprise Architecture (TOGAF, DoDAF/UPDM)
- Business Architecture, Capability Mapping, Process Modelling
- Systems Engineering
- Business Analysis, Requirements Management
- Modelling Languages (UML, SysML, BPMN, ArchiMate)
- Data modelling
- Code generation/IDE integration
- Project management
- EA-based reporting
- EA scripting and automation
- Simulation
- Tool adoption/deployment
- MDG Technologies/UML profiles
- Model collaboration and management
- Test management
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. If so, please let us know and send us the title and synopsis of your proposed presentation along with a short bio.
Call for Speakers closes on 24th April, 2015
Enterprise Architect London Conference 2015
London, England on May 19th 2015
Conference Takes place at:
Park Plaza, County Hall, London
You will be confirmed as a speaker no later than 29th April, 2015.
The European EA User Group needs your help!
Can you help us?
Planning is underway for this year's UK UserGroup Event in May with the new features of EA12 to discover and best practice from users around Europe to share. But unfortunately the venue we hoped to use is not now available
Do you have a suitable venue?
In order to keep our costs down for all attendees we rely on the generosity of EA users donating facilities. In exchange we give a number of free places so that the host organisation can get maximum benefit from the event.
Ideally we'd like a room in or close to London that can hold approximately 120 - 150 people, with one or two break-out rooms nearby for parallel streams of presentations and a space for refreshments/lunch and networking. If you have something which is not exactly like this, but similar, then we can be flexible! We pay for the food and any other charges, and do all the organisation.
The London location is important as many international delegates fly in to attend this, our largest annual European event.
If your company can help, or you think you may know of a suitable venue, please reply to this email or contact us via the form on the website at http://www.eausergroup.com/contact-ea-user-group as soon as possible. Thank You very much!
DT Consulting talk about the development of their online training environment.
If you are not familiar with Dunstan Thomas Consulting we have been Sparx Systems Global training and solution partners for the past eleven years and over that time have been instrumental in delivering solutions to a variety of industries. Our clients range from Waitrose and John Lewis Partnership in retail, Vodafone and EE in the Telecoms space, GE Aviation & EADS Astrium in the aviation sector, Allianz and Deutsche Bank in the financial sector and Transport for London, and The Intellectual Property Office in the public sector.
Why on-line training?
The discussion about adding an online training service to our portfolio is one that has come up several times over the last few years but were unable to justify the time needed for R&D to make it work when our Consultants are already so busy.
However we began to notice a pattern. These days it is harder and harder for organisations to release their employees for days at a time regardless of how necessary the training in question may be. With this in mind the option of on-line training was raised again but this time we were specifically thinking about a self-paced option, something that will allow users to dip in and out without time constraints.
We also came to the realisation that we already have a wealth of existing materials to build on and so there wouldn’t be a need to redevelop thereby enabling us to progress from having our already popular instructor led sessions to also having an online version. This would enable us to offer our clients a blended learning solution.
How to deliver?
Having decided that we were going to go ahead and put together an on-line training environment we needed to do some research on available platforms for delivery. This prompted a visit to the Learning Technologies Exhibition in January of 2014 to meet and speak with platform vendors as well as attend various presentations to see what was out there and how we could use it.
Coming away from the exhibition we had several options to investigate but the standout platform seemed to be Moodle. You can read more about Moodle at; https://docs.moodle.org/28/en/About_Moodle
Following the setup of a test environment we had to decide on how best to present our materials. From competitor research we found that most common uses of environments like this were video and PDF delivery to students but we wanted more than a document delivery system after all you can achieve that with an email.
Using some sample material we had a look into the different presentation options within the environment and settled on full lessons delivered by HTML via web browser. This would then be supplemented with documentation and video to deliver a well-rounded and nicely packaged learning experience.
Course development
While we have an abundance of material begging to be adapted for on-line delivery we chose to launch the service with two brand new sessions. This is where Colin Coates and Phil Chudley (names most of you are familiar with I’m sure) joined the project.
With Colin having only recently published his article on documentation generation with EA to the Sparx Community site he decided he would take this opportunity to completely rework our documentation session from the ground up building on the snippets from his article; Learn through pictures: Fundamentals of HTML Reporting.
Phil decided that with the latest version of SysML he would do a complete rebuild of our SysML and EA training course and so SysML 1.3 made practical using Enterprise Architect was born.
Both of these undertakings started with story boarding sessions followed by weekly meetings with deliverables to be transposed into the test environment. After several months our courses were ready so all that was left was to get someone to test it. We approached some of our clients and they agreed to test the system and provide us with feedback, which led to some revisions and aesthetic changes.
The environment goes live!
Early February of 2015 saw not only a complete overhaul of the look of the environment but also the live deployment of the site with the two new courses as well as a “How to use the virtual learning environment” course (this session is included in every subscription) but we were also able to launch the adapted Introduction to UML session.
What comes next?
The upcoming releases for the DT Consulting on-line training courses are as follows;
- Business Process Modelling using BPMN 2.0
- Business Process Modelling using BPMN and Enterprise Architect
- An Introduction to ArchiMate
- UML with Enterprise Architect for Beginners
- UML with Enterprise Architect for UML Practitioners
- Enterprise Architect – The Practicalities
If you would like to know more about our online training service please visit our online training page.