Vicente Iborra

Vicente Iborra

Solution Architect with 20 + years experience in Information Technology. My interests include Model Driven Architecture, Cloud Computing, Enterprise Architecture, Domain Driven Design and Dynamic Programming Languages.

Join us for the next meeting of the Brisbane Sparx System EA SIG where Paul Reedman will be giving a presentation on CBSE - Computer Based Software Engineering and Stephen Maguire will be giving an overview of Sparx Services Australia.

CBSE Presentation Synopsis
Since the first mention of a “Software Component” at the NATO Software Engineering Conference in 1968, Component Based Software Engineering (CBSE) has promised lower development costs, improved development productivity and higher quality systems. In the past few years there has been a steady increase in software componentization across differing technology types and platforms. From web based user interfaces to server-side algorithms, components with interfaces are becoming common place. The proliferation of these components with different technologies and frameworks is creating new challenges for system development. There is an emerging need to design or find the right component, compose it with other components and to assemble them into a system which may use various technology platforms from components which are equally diverse.

This presentation will provide an introduction to CBSE, it will answer questions such as

  • what is a software component?
  • what are component frameworks?
  • what are the key software engineering methodologies that support CBSE?
  • how can Enterprise Architect be used to model and design software components?

Sparx Services Australia
Stephen Maguire, Principal Consultant and Trainer at Sparx Services Australia will be giving a brief overview of Sparx Services Australia. Stephen has a long history of collaboration with Sparx Systems. He's the author of over 1000+ patterns in Enterprise Architect 14 and has written significant parts of the Guidebooks provided in the Sparx Systems EA user guide.

Date: Wednesday, October 31st, 2018
Time: 5:30 - 7:00 PM
Location: Brisbane Square Library - Tiered Theaterette (Ground Level) - 266 George St, Brisbane

Please register here.

Join us for the next meeting of the Brisbane Sparx System EA SIG.

The meeting will include a presentation covering the ins and outs of developing an AWS plugin for EA. The presentation will include the following.

  • Overview of plugin development for EA
  • Demo of AWS plugin
  • Some implementation details
  • Challenges
  • Potential ideas for the future

We're also planning to retire to a locally accessible bar/pub for drinks and/or dinner after the meeting, depending on interest, etc.

Date: Wednesday, July 25th, 2018
Time: 5:30 - 7:00 PM
Location: Brisbane Square Library - Tiered Theaterette (Ground Level) - 266 George St, Brisbane

Please register (link)

Join us for a meet and greet informal meeting where we get together around a table with our laptop (or not) and discuss all-things-EA with other enthusiasts.

We're also planning to retire to a locally accessible bar/pub for drinks and/or dinner after the meeting, depending on interest, etc.

Date: Wednesday, May 2nd, 2018
Time: 5:30 - 7:00 PM
Location: Brisbane Square Library - Tiered Theaterette (Ground Level) - 266 George St, Brisbane

Please register

Join us for the inagural event of the Brisbane Sparx Systems EA SIG.

Scott Hebbard - Communications Manager at Sparx Systems - will be giving us a presentation covering an overview of release 14 of EA that will show how Enterprise Architect 14 can make your modeling experience better than ever! Also a showcase of Pro Cloud Server will be given that will show how you can open your entire enterprise to your modeling efforts, enabling stakeholders secure access for discussion and review.


Date/Time: Tuesday, January 16th, 2018, 6:00 pm

Registration: Meetup (groupevent)