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Monday, 01 April 2019 23:11
Introducing the Parallel Agile Add-in for Enterprise Architect
This article will introduce you to both the Parallel Agile (PA) process and to the Parallel Agile Add-in for Enterprise Architect, which enables the PA process for Sparx customers.
Download the article in PDF here.
The Parallel Agile Add-in generates database access code and REST APIs from domain models, and it works in conjunction with the ICONIX Agile DDT Add-in, which generates acceptance tests from requirements and use cases. Both add-ins are free.
We’ll discuss:
- What’s Parallel Agile?
- Compressing schedules with parallel development
- Improving quality while compressing schedule
- Why did we build an Enterprise Architect Add-in?
- What’s an Executable Architecture?
- What’s a Parallel Agile CodeBot?
- Using the CodeBot to generate code for your domain model
- Using our Cloud-Based Hosting Service to Test Your Generated API
- Use Case Complexity Analyzer
- Parallel Agile MDG Technology - supports Sprint Plans
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