Displaying items by tag: enterprise architect
Practical ArcGIS Geodatabase Modelling using Enterprise Architect
New training course from Dunstan Thomas Consulting
Course design by Phil Chudley
Who Should Attend?
This course is suitable to anyone who models ArcGIS Geodatabases and wishes to create both a visual representation of the ArcGIS Geodatabase and an XML ArcGIS workspace file for input to other tools such as ArcCatalog.
What will I learn?
Upon completion of the course you will have learned the following:
- How Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect supports ArcGIS Geodatabase Modelling
- How to configure Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect for ArcGIS Geodatabase Modelling
- How to structure a model repository for efficient ArcGIS Geodatabase Modelling using libraries of re-usable elements
- The practical skills of creating and maintaining ArcGIS Geodatabase Modelling via a worked example
- Productivity tips and tricks when using Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect
- How to validate an ArcGIS Geodatabase Model
- How to import and export a ArcGIS Geodatabase Modelling via XML
- How to import a ArcGIS Geodatabase Model created in Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect into ArcCatalog
Course Content
- Overview of Enterprise Architect and its support for ArcGIS Geodatabase Modelling
- Practical – Configuring Enterprise Architect for ArcGIS Geodatabase modelling
- Development of an example:
- Design;
- Practical use of Enterprise Architect to create an ArcGIS Geodatabase model
- Productivity Aids when use Enterprise Architect
- Capturing ArcGIS data within Enterprise Architect using ArcGIS tagged values
- Dealing with relationships
- Validation
- Validating the model using the ArcGIS validation script
- Implementation
- Exporting the model to ArcGIS Workspace XML
- Importing to the ArcGIS workspace XML to ArcCatlaog
It is assumed that all attendees for this course will be familiar with the ArcGIS Geodatabase Meta-Model. Previous knowledge of Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect is desirable but not essential.
If you would like to know more about our training & consulting services then please visit our website or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Using the Database Builder to import a DB Schema as enumerations classes
As part of an EA add'in implementation, I had to import all Enterprise Architect table and column names in enumeration classes.
Having access to a database that stores a Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect project (e.g. MySQL, SQL Server, or even an EAP file via ODBC), there was a number of ways to populate enumeration classes with literal values using a small application in C# or another programming language. As Enterprise Architect 12 includes the Database Builder, an integrated tool to work on DB schemas, I took the opportunity to use it. Compared with the result of a C# application, this feature would let me capture the enumeration classes in my EA modelling project in addition to generating C# enumeration classes in my add'in solution.
This article only covers a small portion of Sparx EA Database Builder features: it illustrates how I managed to import Enterprise Architect table names as literal values in the EADBTableType enumeration class, and their column names as literal values in separate enumeration classes e.g. t_diagramColumnType, t_objectColumnType...
Import all tables in Enterprise Architect
- Open the menu Tools > Database Builder
- Right click and select New Data Model:
- Select the DBMS used, e.g. MySQL and confirm Ok
- Right click on MySQL > Load
- Right click on Connections > Add new DB connection
- Open the new DB connection and select ODBC based datatype
- Select an existing ODBC DSN (or create one) to the DB that stores the Enterprise Architect project where the schema needs to be imported
- Right click on MySQL > Import DB Schema from ODBC
- Click on Import and select all tables:
- All tables, columns, primary keys, foreign keys, indexes, etc. have been imported.
- Go back to the Database builder and open the Tables tabs: all tables are displayed. Selecting one of the tables provides access to all columns' details.
Generate the enumeration classes
The Database Builder let me achieved what I needed. Having all tables and columns stored in a single package, I wrote a simple script to perform the following:
- create an enumeration class named EADBTableType
- for each table:
- create a literal value with the table name in EADBTableType e.g. t_object
- create an enumeration class named after the table based on the following format: <table name>ColumnType e.g. t_attributeColumnType
- for each column in the table:
- create a literal value with the column name in the current table's enumeration class (e.g. Classifier in t_attributeColumnType)
Having executed this script, the following enumeration classes have been generated:
Transform enumeration classes to dotNet C# classes
The MDA model transformation can be used to generate C# enumeration classes for the above enums:
- Right click on the package that contains all enums > Advanced > Transform Package
- Select C# as the target, select the package, and click on Do Transform
- Having all C# enumeration classes created, and making sure the namespace is correct (e.g. create packages myaddin.common.enums), the code can be generated: right click on package > Code Engineering > Generate Source Code.
- The generated code can be used in Visual Studio IDE:
‘Enterprise Architect for GUI Design’ from Hippo Software
Hippo Software’s new ‘EA for GUI Design’ course teaches delegates how to capture end user requirements and create wireframe diagrams to design the layout of user interfaces, mobile apps or websites.
Upcoming Webinars - Late 2015
Sparx Systems is pleased to announce a number of upcoming webinars covering topics including geodatabases, Cloud Services and migrating ArcGIS models in Visio.
To learn more, visit our Webinar directory:
Modeling Techniques for Large-Scale ArcGIS Geodatabases
September 2015 Learn how to create modular schema designs to maximize reuse; define scalable design diagrams from reusable components; and leverage inheritance of abstract shape stereotypes.
Introduction to Cloud Services
October 2015 Learn how to create, manage and configure the Sparx Systems Cloud Service to provide convenient, secure model access anywhere in the world.
How to Migrate Visio ArcGIS Models to Enterprise Architect
November 2015 Learn how to migrate existing ArcGIS (CASE) Models in Visio to Enterprise Architect and leverage state-of-the-art modeling tools to update and maintain geodatabase designs.
Click to Register
IIBA Announces Strategic Partnership with Sparx Systems
IIBA has signed a collaborative agreement with Sparx Systems Pty Ltd.
IIBA is committed to forging value-add relationships with corporations, associations and business stakeholders to create greater connections and engagements across the business analysis community. These new Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) will provide support, products, services and connections to practitioners and their organizations, which will help them deliver a strong BA practice and achieve organizational success.
The IIBA has more information on their website.
Sparx Systems Pty Ltd.
Sparx Systems and IIBA share similar interests and commitment in expanding the value each provide to their respective stakeholders. By supporting each other’s efforts in specific areas, this new collaboration will provide greater value to IIBA Membership, Sparx Systems users and the overall business community.
Key outcomes will include:
- The potential integration of BABOK® Guide v3 with Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect (EA)
- Offer access to possible references, tools and extensions to increase productivity and performance on all levels of their business activity
- Support business analysis and related practices through IIBA Chapter events, including presentations on business architecture, process modeling, and other related techniques, as well as vendor tool demos and user group discussions
- Joint approach to access new networks and relationships with other markets
- Develop a strategic approach to engage academic institutions through outreach and research programs
Please read the attached press release for more information.
Enterprise Architect User Group goes to Paris & Brussels this September
The next EA User Group events are scheduled for 17th September 2015 in Paris and 18th September in Brussels.
For just €75, attend either of these events and get instant access to all the presentations from both!
Our sponsors:
EA User Group Paris
VISEO will host the first EAUG in France on Thursday, September 17th 2015.
This first edition will introduce talks and presentations in French on a wide array of topics including Enterprise Architecture (TOGAF, ArchiMate), modelling IT and software applications, generating and validating documentation from the models, and Systems Engineering (MBSE, SysML).
Enterprise Architect add ins will be shown in a dedicated area, where users and experts will be able to share their opinions and experiences on notations, languages, methodologies around a coffee, tea or other refreshment.
You can view the agenda for the day here.
EA User Group Brussels
The next English speaking Enterprise Architect User Group event will be in Brussels on September 18th 2015, sponsored by ACV-CSC.
This conference will provide an opportunity to discuss many aspects of Enterprise Architect and its use. We are currently appealing for speakers to make this a memorable day.
The preliminary agenda for Brussels is available here.
Sparx Systems listed in CIOReview's 20 Most Promising SOA Technology Providers of 2015
Sparx Systems has been recognized for it's leadership in providing quality technology in support of Service Oriented Architecture Technology related modeling.
CIOReview recently published a list of the "...20 most promising SOA Solution Providers, listing the best vendors and consultants who provide key technology solutions and services related to SOA." CIOReview is a technology magazine that talks about the enterprise solutions that can define the business goals of enterprises of tomorrow.
Enterprise Architect implements the OMG’s Service oriented architecture Modeling Language (SoaML), which provides a standards-based approach to modeling SOA solutions using the UML.
As a natural complement to SoaML, Enterprise Architect also supports the Service Oriented Modeling Framework (SOMF), which encourages a holistic view of enterprise software entities via a technology-independent notation. The SOMF modeling notation provides an intuitive approach to visualize “used-to-be”, “as-is” and “to-be” states of the enterprise service portfolio.
CIO Review's 20 Most Promising Service Oriented Architecture Technology Providers of 2015
Read the full article: http://www.sparxsystems.com/bin/cio-review-soa.pdf
Top 20 list: http://ea.cioreview.com/vendors/2015/20special1
Sparx Systems listed in CIO Review's 20 Most Promising Enterprise Architecture Technology Providers of 2015
Sparx Systems has been regarded highly in a recent publication of CIO Review magazine, identifying the company as a benchmark vendor within the Enterprise Architecture space.Following on from CIOReview's inclusion of Sparx Systems within the 2015 BPM Top 20 list, the review process is conducted with the support of industry experts, identifying vendors who "... have exhibited vast knowledge and in-depth expertise in delivering EA related solutions."
An active and informative Sparx Community is one of the driving forces that support Sparx Systems in being recognized in this space; a highly collaborative Community membership who share their experiences underpins the global appeal of Enterprise Architect.
CIO Review's 20 Most Promising Enterprise Architecture Technology Providers of
Read the full article: http://www.sparxsystems.com/bin/cio-review-ea.pdf
Cover story: http://ea.cioreview.com/vendors/2015/
Top 20 list: http://ea.cioreview.com/vendors/2015/20special1
EA User Group - Canberra Australia - September 2015
EA User Group - Canberra Australia - September 2015
Date: Wednesday 16th September 2015 (3-6pm)
You are invited to the Canberra Enterprise Architect User’s Group meeting at the Botanical Gardens auditorium on Wed 16 Sep 2015 (3-6pm).
As well as hearing from a number of Enterprise Architect users, the event provides an excellent networking opportunity.
If you are unable to make it to the event, please pass this invite to a colleague.
RSVP: 11 September 2015
Please direct any queries to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
3-5pm, presentations and question time;
- Using Sparx as an Enabler for our Statistical Business Transformation Program – Australian Bureau of Statistics – Helen Toole
- Foundation Spatial Data Framework Model Registry – ANZLIC/GA Brian Sloan/Graham Logan
- Enterprise Architect in Geoscience Australia – Irina Bastrakova
- Sparx Systems Update
5-6pm; Networking and Drinks
Factoring and Enterprise Architect
Factoring has been around for hundreds, if not thousands of years and today the global worth of the factoring business is estimated to be over €2.25 trillion.
Partho Chakraborty and Arvind Sonmale, recently published a book called “Factoring - A Powerful Tool in the World of Finance”. In this publication Enterprise Architect was used to create the Business Process models using BPMN 2.0.
Factoring as means of finance is very ancient and there has been much written on the topic. What we currently see on Factoring can be considered the classical form.
Today the customer is very discerning and wants more and the aim of this book is to go beyond classical factoring.
This book is in 3 parts and introduces new topics and techniques, with a lot of examples and some live cases. It contains many graphical examples, some of which are unique as it gives information on and traces our history on this ancient monetary system while providing a view of factoring and it’s value in a modern context.
Published by Notion Press, the book is available through Amazon.