Wednesday, 19 October 2016 04:08

New! Support Contracts with Bellekens!

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Ever needed a helping hand, or needed an expert to fall back on if you have a difficult question or face a problem with Enterprise Architect?

Now you can. Bellekens now offers support contracts for those occasional interventions.

We offer both Monthly as Yearly subscriptions depending on your needs.


You will receive a monthly invoice with all the details of the treated support tickets.

Base Base hours base hourly rate base amount extra 15 minutes **
No base* 0 € 45
1 h base 1 € 150 € 150 € 45
2 h base 2 € 140 € 280 € 45
5 h base 5 € 130 € 650 € 45
10 h base 10 € 120 € 1.200 € 45

* If you choose for the option with No base the minimum charge is 1 hour. Extra work will be charged per extra 15 minutes. So your monthly invoice can either be €0, or it will be at least € 180
The other options have a base price that will be charged every month, regardless of there was an actual support request that month or not


You pay out front for a full year in support. In the event that the chosen plan doesn’t really fit your needs anymore we are quite flexible in changing your plan at any time.

Base Base hours price per hour base amount extra 15 minutes **
12 h base € 12 € 140 € 1.680 € 35
24 h base € 24 € 130 € 3.120 € 45
60 h base € 60 € 120 € 7.200 € 45
120 h base € 120 € 110 € 13.200 € 45

**Outside of the base hours foreseen in the support contract

For more information and singing up to the service please visit the Support page

Read 4832 times Last modified on Wednesday, 19 October 2016 22:45
Geert Bellekens

Geert Bellekens

Bellekens IT (Consultant)

Bellekens IT was founded in 2004 by Geert Bellekens and has a strong focus on UML, modelling and analysis methodology.

Geert Bellekens has helped several of the larger Belgian organizations to define and document their modelling method, train and coach the modelers and develop supporting tools.

Geert Bellekens is an acknowledged Enterprise Architect expert and has written numerous add-ins for Enterprise Architect, including the free open source EA Navigator and EA-Matic.

He is also one of the founding members and a regular speaker on the EA User Group events.
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