Wednesday, 11 January 2017 09:51

London User Group; Call for Speakers

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If you are a user of Sparx Systems’ Enterprise Architect, we’re inviting you to share your user stories with the EA community at the next User Group event in central London on May 19th 2017.


We are interested in just about everything you do with Enterprise Architect, from the organisation of your model to enhancements you have made using MDG or the automation API, or even just a project with which you are especially happy. That said, we are not just after the sunshine stories and would be interested in hearing about any experiences learned the hard way.

Presentations of an obvious or purely commercial nature will not be accepted. View our speakers style guide for tips.
 JOIN US AT Code Node, London
This year's London event is returning to the fantastic Skills Matter venue, Code Node. But this time around we're adding a twist to the proceedings. London 2017 will see an additional day added to the event roster which will be on the 18th May before the usual day of presentations and networking on the 19th. This extra day of content will be a training day with no less than six half day training sessions running! Full details on the training day will be published on the EA User Group website, along with ticketing information very soon.
Read 9247 times Last modified on Thursday, 12 January 2017 22:07

Sam Nice

Dunstan Thomas Consulting

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