Monday, 30 April 2018 10:38

EA User Group - Presenter Spotlight; Bert Dingemans

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EA User Group - Presenter Spotlight; Bert DingemansEA User Group

Presenter Spotlight: Bert Dingemans

As we prepare for the London EA User Group this June we will be looking at our presenters & what they are bringing to the proceedings this time around.

To kick things off we will be having a look at what our old friend Bert Dingemans is up to.

EA User Group - Presenter Spotlight; Bert DingemansIf you have been to any of the London or European events over the last few years then you will have undoubtedly run into Bert as he is an extremely active member of the EA Community. Bert is the author of the book "Data architecture in practice" and of articles and whitepapers focusing on Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect, data architecture, integration, management and modeling techniques. He also works on various architectural products such as a wiki on information architecture, and a Data Management component in EA.

At the London 2018 event Bert will be taking part in both days of the event delivering a training session on day one and two separate presentations on day two.

Thursday 7th June - Advanced data modelling in Enterprise Architect

Data modelling has multiple dimensions and layers. Think about the conceptual, logical or physical data model layers or modelling languages like UML, ERD or ArchiMate.

In this hands on session Bert will guide you through the creation of a small but full model on a sample case in Enterprise Architect. During the session you will undertake the practical application of techniques such as UML class modelling, ArchiMate Passive Structure viewpoints, CRUD matrix and ERD. Furthermore you will discuss and apply a technique for integrating the three modelling layers. At the end of this session with Bert you will have an example of an integrated data model which you can extend to your own situation.

NOTE: If you would like to participate in this session you will need to bring your own laptop with EA already installed.

Friday 8th June - Using Enterprise Architect for architecting a Big Data Platform

11:10 - Tab Room

Many organisations are investigating the possibilities of Big Data solutions, for example in the energy sector. Introducing Big Data is new and traditional approaches are of limited use. Think about introducing data-lab functionalities, innovative and agile approaches, new technologies like NoSql or Hadoop. How are you going to support these activities in an organisation as an architect and how can Enterprise Architect support you in adding architectural value.

In this session Bert will discuss a reference architecture for a Big Data Platform, modelling techniques, architectural patterns and agile approaches all supported by the use of Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect, including examples of big data patterns, solutions and templates based on ArchiMate.

Friday 8th June - Integrated Data Architecture Add On for Enterprise Architect

15:15 - Tab Room

Enterprise Architect has great implementations of multiple techniques for creating data models. For example UML class diagrams, the extended data model, ArchiMate and matrix views for specific association types. This gives you the opportunity to create conceptual, logical and physical data models. However integration of these modelling layers is possible but can be rather tedious.

Therefor EAxpertise is developing an Open Source extension named IDEA (Integrated Data Entity Architecture). This Add-on is based on numerous scripts and screens making the integration of the before mentioned data modelling layers simple and fully automated. Furthermore the extension has an advanced web interface giving non-modelers access to all your (integrated) data models. Participants of this session will receive a sample repository containing the automation scripts.

If you would like to join us at the EA User Group in London this June to hear what Bert and our other experts have to say then head on over to the EA User Group website to pick up your tickets!

Read 3398 times Last modified on Monday, 30 April 2018 22:47

Sam Nice

Dunstan Thomas Consulting

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