Tuesday, 15 May 2018 10:14

EA User Group - Presenter Spotlight; Guillaume Finance

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EA User Group - Presenter Spotlight; Guillaume FinanceEA User Group

Presenter Spotlight: Guillaume Finance

Continuing our spotlight on this year's presenters at the EA User Group in London we look now at Guillaume Finance who will be presenting on the Friday morning of the event.


EA User Group - Presenter Spotlight; Guillaume FinanceGuillaume is a long time member of the EA User Group committee and an active member of the EA Community at large.

Guillaume has been using Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect for over 11 years to build and maintain models for software projects & to produce functional & technical specifications based on the expected level of deliverables. In his day to day role as a modelling and EA expert/consultant at VISEO, Guillaume also provides support, expertise & coaching services on UML, SysML and Sparx EA. 

Friday 8th June - Extending EA with custom scripts to cater for specific needs and user requests using Sparx API

10:00 - Tab Room

Enterprise Architect supports most modelling languages and notations i.e. UML, BPMN, SysML, and ArchiMate. Whether EA is used to build models for a software application, identify business processes, define the system with the MBSE approach, or carry the IT landscape via the business, application and technical layers, customizing the notation with stereotypes and adding tailored features is almost a recurring request.

Automated tasks and additional features can be built using EA API via scripts, add-ins, external tools, etc. Based on a large number of scripts implemented for clients involved in software, data, and systems engineering, Guillaume will share his experience on this growing activity over the past years:

  • Overview of the covered topics (custom Excel import/export, model QA, save users' time in avoiding repetive or time consuming tasks, manage EA users & groups via Excel, run a reverse on unsupported languages such as Fortran...).
  • Demonstration of a selection of scripts.
  • The need to organize and name scripts.
  • Debug scripts.
  • Compatibility with different DBMS and the Cloud connection.
  • Hints and custom scripts to publish scripts from the "dev EA project".
  • Addressing the lack of sub menus with more than 20 scripts.
  • Automatically trigger scripts with Geert's free ea-matic add-in.

If you would like to join us at the EA User Group in London this June to hear what Bert and our other experts have to say then head on over to the EA User Group website to pick up your tickets!

EA User Group - Presenter Spotlight; Guillaume Finance

Read 3182 times Last modified on Thursday, 17 May 2018 00:39

Sam Nice

Dunstan Thomas Consulting

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