Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) is a popular industry standard and an expressive graphical notation that enables business analysts to understand and visually document their business processes.
Tassc now offers new BPMN training combined with Enterprise Architect and UML:
EA for Business Analysts – 1½ days
Ideal for business and systems analysts who already have experience of using BPMN and UML to model and analyse their requirements. This course includes hands-on sessions to produce and document these models in Enterprise Architect.
Business Process Modelling with BPMN and EA – 1 day
Designed for business analysts new to BPMN and Enterprise Architect. Learn BPMN syntax and semantics. Create hierarchical business process models within Enterprise Architect.
UML, BPMN and EA for Business Analysts – 3 days
Designed for business and systems analysts tasked with defining system requirements. Gain a good overall exposure to the main concepts and notations of BPMN and UML. Learn how to express requirements clearly and document them within Enterprise Architect. Includes substantial hands-on sessions within the Enterprise Architect environment.