ICONIX SysML JumpStart Training provides focused, intensive lecture/lab workshops that include hands-on experience using Enterprise Architect Systems Engineering Edition, and lab time devoted to YOUR specific project. Our Embedded Systems Roadmap is built on "the 4 pillars of SysML" -- Requirements, Structure, Behavior, and Parametrics. The Roadmap also leverages unique capabilities of Enterprise Architect Systems Engineering Edition including built-in Parametric Simulation and Hardware Description Language Code Generation.
Our instructors are experts in using Enterprise Architect and, while driving EA in the lab, our instructors will teach you valuable techniques to make your team more effective and efficient users of Enterprise Architect.
SysML JumpStart Training reinforces the concepts learned in lecture by applying the methods learned to your real project in the lab--a valuable and practical benefit to your training team. Materials are learned and retained better by the students since it's relevant to the team project, directly applied to the project, and there is no "down time" before applying the information learned.
In our training classes you get real project work done, become more effective with Enterprise Architect and become proficient in SysML modeling using ICONIX Process for Embedded Systems.