In a classical UML model we usually place the composite diagram under the element, in which case finding the composite diagram, or finding the element(s) that have a diagram as composite diagram, is trivial. They are at the same location in the project browser.
In most BPMN models however there’s separation between model andlibrary where the library contains the elements, and the model the diagrams. In such a setup it suddenly becomes much harder to find the composite diagram (find in all diagram, then double click the element) and almost impossible to find the element(s) that have a specific diagram as composite diagram.
In other words drilling down is relatively easy, but drilling up becomes nearly impossible.
This problem is now solved by the EA Navigator. From the Business Process I can now easily navigate to the composite diagram, but more importantly, I can navigate back up to any elements that have this diagram set as their composite diagram.
More Information
More information about the EA Navigator add-in for Enterprise Architect can be found here: