Displaying items by tag: version 16

Auto Refresh Diagrams

  • Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect provides the New Auto Refresh feature that allows you to collaborate on diagrams with your team in real-time. This results in improved support for multiple people offering feedback on the same diagram simultaneously.
  • It lets your team monitor the changes immediately after enabling the Auto-Refresh option on your diagram with a time interval.
  • One can design his own dynamic and distributed real-time modeling environment by combining Review, Chat, Discussion, and/or Journal.
  • The Feature is explicitly available in Enterprise Architect version 16.0 and later.


Figure 1: Auto Refresh Context Menu


  • Right-clicking on the diagram background –> Collaborate –> Auto Refresh
  • In Ribbon, select the Layout –> Auto Refresh –> Auto Refresh

Context Menu Options:

 Option  Action
 Disabled  For all diagrams, this is the default setting. Any user can update the diagram, but there is a risk of updating’ collisions. You’ll get a warning notice and a prompt to refresh the diagram if another user saves their changes.
 7  Set the refresh interval to 7 seconds and enable automatic refresh mode for the current diagram.
 15  Set the refresh interval to 15 seconds and enable automatic refresh mode for the current diagram.
 30  Set the refresh interval to 30 seconds and enable automatic refresh mode for the current diagram.
 60  Set the refresh interval to 60 seconds and enable automatic refresh mode for the current diagram.
 Pause & edit  Allows the current user to edit the diagram by pausing the automatic refresh of the diagram and releasing the lock on the diagram for the current user.
 Resume  Saves any outstanding changes to the diagram and reapplies the lock, which prevents any additional modifications to the diagram and resumes the diagram’s automatic refreshing.












Auto Reload Changed Diagrams

  • Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect’s New Auto Reload functionality ensures that the diagram you are working on is the most recent version.
  • One can reload any diagrams that are open while others make modifications by enabling this functionality in Enterprise Architect.
  • It allows one to rapidly communicate with other individuals at work and ensures that the graphical reports EA provides are up to date.


  • Layout –> Diagram –> Options –> Auto Reload Changed Diagrams.

Click here to see a sneak peak of how Auto Refresh in EA16 works.

Further Information

Please contact us or write an email to mailto:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call us @ +91 8248004261 to have a live demo about the new EA 16 features and capabilities.

Published in News
Monday, 18 October 2021 05:46

Enterprise Architect 16 beta

Official release of Enterprise Architect 16 beta

The beta release of Enterprise Architect 16 is now available for you to download and experience.  

Registered users have immediate access to the EA16.0 beta installer


Version 16 expands and transforms major aspects of the tool suite:

  • Modeling, Collaborating and Governance - Enhanced Start Page, Grid Style Diagrams, attach small files and images in Chat, auto-refresh Diagrams, auto-reload Diagrams, improved model governance, Formal Reviews and more.
  • Enhanced Technologies - Enterprise Architect 64 bit, Code Analyzer, new standard file based repositories, Scriptlets, "native" DBMS connections, expanded JavaScript library and more.
  • Tools, Frameworks and User Experience - Quick Access Toolbar, Model Patterns for Systems Engineers, NIEM 5.0, Status tab in Inspector Window, Gantt Chart in Resource Allocation window, new Dark Sapphire UI theme and more.

Review the complete range of enhancements Enterprise Architect 16 via the release page: https://sparxsystems.com/products/ea/16.0/index.html


Enterprise Architect 64 Bit

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