Tuesday, 29 January 2019 17:42

Defining QuickLinkers using Enterprise Architect 14

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QuickLinks is one of the most used and useful features in defining domain-specific MDG technology. In addition, the latest version of Sparx Enterprise Architect 14 allows users to define rules for QuickLinker. Each rule has unique features like defined connectors between stereotypes, filtering in classifiers, defining stereotypes connectors between stereotypes and so on. Each rule can be created in the UML profile between the defined stereotypes.

Assuming you’ve good knowledge in Defining Customized MDG Technology, Let’s see in detail about defining QuickLink rules

Methods for defining QuickLink rules are Methods for defining QuickLink rules are

  • Meta-Constraint
  • Meta-Relationship
  • Stereotyped Relationship

Each of the above-mentioned types can be accessed by creating a connector between two defined stereotypes as shown below



Meta-Constraint is used to specify a rule between two defined Stereotypes. The value should be assigned in the tag 'umlRole' on the connector created for meta-constraint.

To create Meta-Constraint

In the below example we are extending\generalizing two stereotypes named Object and Data from BPMN2.0 Activity. Creating a new meta-constraint with classifier filter between the created stereotypes. The created meta-constraint will be used to filter based on the target stereotype when selecting the classifier from the source stereotype.

  1. Draw a connector with meta-constraint stereotype between the two defined stereotypes


  1. Navigate to the tags tab of the created connector and set one of the constraint values as shown below in the umlRole tag


  1. Once saved the defined QuickLink constraint looks like below


After importing the created profile/mdg in the model, when defining classifier for the element with stereotype Object enterprise architect will only show elements with stereotype as Data in the list (refer below)      Untitled3

 This is the process of defining meta-constraint in QuickLink. Above example illustrates with the constraint value\ umlRole as “classifier”.

For other types of constraint values refer below diagram from SPARX.

          Untitled 0.1


Meta-Relationship is used to specify a valid UML Connector between two defined Stereotypes. The name of the UML Connector should be set in the value of tag 'metaclass' on the connector created for Meta-Relationship.

To create Meta- Relationship

In the below example we are extending\generalizing two stereotypes named Application and Function from BPMN2.0 Activity. Creating a new metarelation with generalization connector between the created stereotypes. The created metarelation will be used to create a generalization connector in quick links.

  1. Draw a connector with metarelation stereotype between the two defined stereotypes


  1. To set the UML connector , Navigate to the tags tab of the created connector and set one of the UML Connector as shown below in the metaclass tag


  1. Once saved the defined QuickLink constraint looks like below


After importing the created profile/mdg in the model, the created UML connector will be displayed in the QuickLinker list when we try to create a QuickLink between these stereotyped elements application and function. It can be even defined as self-connector (refer below)


  This is the process of defining meta-relationship in QuickLink.

Stereotyped Relationship

Stereotyped Relationship is used to define a stereotyped connector between the two defined Stereotypes. The name of the stereotyped connector is set in the value of tag 'stereotype' on the connector created for Stereotyped Relationship.

To create Stereotyped Relationship

In the below example we are extending\generalizing two stereotypes named Mobile and Web from BPMN2.0 Activity. Creating a new stereotyped relationship between the created stereotypes. The created stereotyped relationship will be used to connect the target stereotype element with BPMN2.0 sequence flow.

  1. Draw a connector with stereotyped relationship stereotype between the two defined stereotypes


  1. To set the connector stereotype, Navigate to the tags tab of the created connector and set one of the connector stereotypes in stereotype tag(It can be either a simple or a fully qualified connector stereotype )


  1. Once saved the defined QuickLink constraint looks like below


After importing the created profile/mdg in the model, the defined stereotyped connector will be displayed in the QuickLinker list when we try to create a QuickLink between these stereotyped elements (refer below)


This is the process of defining stereotyped-relationship in QuickLink.


You can download the complete MDG defined model and Generated MDG here for reference.

For more details This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Read 4062 times Last modified on Wednesday, 30 January 2019 22:47
Arshad Ahamed

Working as a consultant with a software development background in Sparx Systems India. Has assisted and worked with several teams to roll out their Architecture modeling practices, migration of their solution As-Is and To-Be view into Sparx Enterprise Architect from various enterprise tools.

Arshad is an expert in Customizing, Extending, and Integrating  Enterprise Architect with other software applications like Visio, MS office suite, service now, Jira, etc. 

Highly proficient in scripting (VBScript, Jscript) for Automation inside Enterprise Architect, Creating UML profiles, Creating document generation templates and custom MDG technologies based on client requirements.

Expert in developing custom addin for enterprise architect based on client requirements. 

For more articles and blogs refer to Sparx Systems India Blogs  |  Arshad 



1 comment

  • Comment Link wikitect Tuesday, 16 November 2021 10:38 posted by wikitect

    There is a problem with using metaconstraints in Sparx EA - they don't constrain the definition of a triple because the constraints are permissive only )they allow and don't forbid). For example:

    If in my metamodel I have 2 triples: Physical has part Physical and Requirement has part RTequirement.

    If I apply a metaconstraint to the has part connector to allow connection to Physical and Requirement stereotypes the following triples are then offered by Quicklink:
    * Physical has part Physical (Wanted)
    * Physical has part Requirement (Unwanted - semantically incorrect)
    * Requirement has part Requirement (Wanted)
    * Requirement has part Physical (Unwanted - semantically incorrect)

    This method / Sparx capability has no mechanism to prevent Physical has part Requirement and Requirement has part Physical triples.

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