Saturday, 14 August 2021 09:44

Online training about Data Modeling in Sparx Enterprise Architect available on Udemy

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There is a new online training available about Information and Data Modeling on Udemy. In this training we use Sparx Enterprise Architect to create the various data models. Think about Conceptual data modeling in ArchiMate, Logical data modeling in UML and physical datamodels in database engineering and XSD models. On top of that various other techniques are introduced like CRUD and RACI matrix.




When you are interesting in doing this 8 hours online training with multiple example videos on how to model in sparx enterprise architect please visit the training landing page on Udemy via the link: introduction-to-information-and-data-modeling.



Read 5682 times Last modified on Monday, 30 August 2021 23:19
Bert Dingemans

I am an independent (data) architect and EA consultant working often with enterprise architect mostly for UML class diagrams and ArchiMate 2.0. I am using enterprise architect for  generating documentation, XSD files and modelling enterprise architectures with ArchiMate 2.0. I have developed an Open Source Web Publication Platform for EA.  I also participate in You can reach me at [email protected]
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