Creating marvelous EA documentation using LaTeX
Written by sparxsystems- (1924 Downloads)

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Friday, 10 February 2017 17:49 posted by Archimetes
do not know if this is still actual, but we've made an add-in capable of producing LaTeX documentation.
The template is fully customizable, plain text, and may produce other formats as well.
Have a look at if interested.
Jan -
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Tuesday, 18 June 2013 09:40 posted by beginner
Hi John,
Sorry for the late reply, but I got not informed about new posts.
Well, in the time since publishing this article I have introduced a LaTeX based documentation for one customer. And it works really good. However, as it was a dedicated development I an not publish details. But basically it started with the framework published here.
You may ask me details via PM.
Thomas -
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Thursday, 23 May 2013 13:01 posted by John Daragon
We're looking quite seriously at the idea of using LaTeX for technical documentation. My day job is in a large organisation which makes heavy use of Microsoft Word templates, which don't seem to be a very good fit for our problem domain. I'm keen to see our programming documentation sit in the same source control system as our code, and LaTeX seems to fit this model really well.
I wonder if you've published anything on the EA end of this operation - guidelines on the extraction of model data?