We run Enterprise Architect on our Teamcity Continuous Integration Server so we can update class diagrams on build – or run unit tests for some of our Enterprise Architect integration projects - like AMUSE.
Some of this information was already published on our blog about a year ago.
- First of all you need to install Enterprise Architect on the server and start it once so you are able to enter the license code.
- Next you need to make sure that the Service - in our case the "build agent" is using an interactive User that can also start Enterprise Architect when logged on.
- if you try now you will end up with an error message like
Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {8667FE5E-6D96-400A-AF0A-15C29F94DFCD} failed due to the following error: 80080005.
- The code suggests lack of permission to use the COM interface from within the windows service. Solution: you must configure DCom (EA.App)
- Open COM-Components-Window and navigate to DCOM, EA.App
- right-click EA.App and go to properties
- go to security tab and customize Launch Permissions
- add the user from above permitted to launch EA and grant full permissions
- in EA.App Properties move on to Identity-Tab, and change user to the one entered before in Launch permissions
For those who already forgot all of their COM+ knowledge I enclose two pictures below to guide you:
This is what you are looking for "Component Services"
Locate the EA.APP and go to properties
As always I hope this is of value to some people out there.