The TOGAF MDG Extension
The TOGAF MDG extension is provided as a separate licensed component that extends the functionality of Enterprise Architect. The licence to use the TOGAF MDG extension is included in the licence price for the following editions of Enterprise Architect:
- Business & Software Edition
- Ultimate Edition
For all other editions an additional license is required in order to use the TOGAF MDG extension. Of course, the TOGAF MDG extension is available for 30-day free evaluation. Please note that although the license to use TOGAF is included with the Business & Software, and Ultimate editions, the TOGAF MDG extension still needs to be downloaded and installed.
The TOGAF MDG extension can be downloaded from:
A good user guide can also be downloaded from:
Once downloaded, simply double-click the file 'EATOGAF.exe' to begin the installation process. When Enterprise Architect is restarted, then the functionality of TOGAF is available.
This is provided by:
- The Add-Ins menu
- TOGAF toolboxes and TOGAF elements
- Options on the Select model(s) dialog
- New TOGAF diagrams on the New Diagram dialog
The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF) is one of the most widely accepted methods for developing enterprise architecture. TOGAF is an open framework providing a practical, definitive and proven step-by-step method for developing and maintaining enterprise architecture.
The key to TOGAF remains a reliable, practical method – the TOGAF Architecture Development Method (ADM) – for defining business needs and developing an architecture that meets those needs, applying the elements of TOGAF and other architectural assets available to the organization.
TOGAF embodies the concept of the Enterprise Continuum to reflect different levels of abstraction in an architecture development process. In this way TOGAF facilitates understanding and co-operation between actors at different levels. It provides a context for the use of multiple frameworks, models, and architecture assets in conjunction with the TOGAF ADM. By means of the Enterprise Continuum, architects are encouraged to leverage all other relevant architectural resources and assets, in addition to the TOGAF Foundation Architecture, in developing an organization-specific IT architecture.
For detailed information on TOGAF, visit:
Benefits of MDG Technology for TOGAF
- Helps align business processes and IT to the business strategies and goals
- Provides support for all the phases in the ADM
- Provides support for OMG’s Business Motivation Model
- Provides support for the Architecture Content Model
- Provides support for visual modelling of As-Is and To-Be architecture
- Provides support for modelling all four architecture domains specific to TOGAF (Business, Application, Data and Technology)
- Provides support for the report generation of TOGAF work products
- Provides out-of-box FEA reference models
MDG Technology for TOGAF Features
- A visual clickable Interface for ADM
- Useful starter model to help you become productive quickly
- UML profiles for FEAF Business, Performance, Service and Technical Reference Models
- Efficient relationship management for model artefacts with Enterprise Architect’s Relationship Matrix and Hierarchy View
- Links to external files, audit log and report generation features of Enterprise Architect provide additional capability for the Add-In in maintaining and managing your enterprise architecture
Getting Started
Assuming that you have already created an Enterprise Architect project, then to structure this project according to TOGAF:
- Right-click on the project root.
- Select the Add-Ins TOGAF Insert New Framework Model menu option.
- In the Name field, type a name for the model.
- Click on the OK button.
A new base TOGAF model is created, displaying the TOGAF Interface diagram. The structure created in the project browser is as below:
The diagram TOGAF-ADM is opened and is as below:
This is the defined Application Development Method, each circular node in the diagram is linked (via double-clicking) to the package of that name within your project. Empty diagrams of the appropriate type have been created in their respective packages, ready for modelling to begin. Double-clicking a circular node will open up the corresponding diagram.
If we take as example, in TOGAF a new system begins with a “Request for Architecture Work”. This is accessed by double –clicking the Preliminary node. This opens up an ADM Diagram called ”Preliminary”, which looks as below:
The single element (there could be more) details the text of the Request for Architecture Work, this is captured very conveniently by a Linked Document. In the TOGAF MDG extension, this linked document can be opened by double-clicking the Request For Architecture element. (Note this behaviour is not available for all TOGAF elements). A template form for entering the Request for Architecture Work is displayed as shown below:
It is not possible in this tutorial to detail all procedures, diagrams and elements available in TOGAF, rather it is the intention to provide an outline to get you started with TOGAF.
All other circular nodes in the TOGAF-ADM diagram function in a similar manner to that outline above.
The other linked framework diagram in TOGAF is the “Enterprise Continuum” as shown below:
Each pictorial node links to a suitable package, containing an appropriate diagram. This section of the model is designed to illustrate the corporate resources available and where they are used.
A sample model for TOGAF does ship with the MDG extension. I t is recommended to examine this model, but please bear in mind it is far from complete! A useful resource in the example model however, is the view TOGAF-SIB (TOGAF Standards Information Base).
The Open Group’s Standards Information Base ( )is a database of facts and guidance about information systems standards. The standards to which it refers come from many sources: from formal standards bodies such as ISO or IEEE; from authoritative standards makers such as the Internet Society; and from other consortia, like the World Wide Web Consortium and the Object Management Group.
An example of the contents of this package is as shown below:
In this tutorial we have outlined the TOGAF MDG technology that is available for Enterprise Architect together with how to get started using the technology.