The Tormigo Integration module also allows you to generate project documentation and scan project documentation when searching for notes to a model. The operation will find all the notes assigned to model elements in the indicated document. The condition for model element identification in a repository of a project is the inclusion of the element’s GUID number in the text to which the note refers. Presented below is an example of note assignment to a model element.
You can select a large batch of text. It is important for the selection area was with the guid element.
Before you can analyze the document you need to add the repository to tormigo and name the group changes. For example: Consult with X.
In order to define a new project, use the "Add" button which, when clicked, opens the project defining window. Use this window to set the basic parameters of the project such as: code, title, authors, company, keywords, category, subject and note. The code of the project must be unique within the Tormigo application. These parameters can later be used in the documentation template. Presented below is an example of a project configuration window.
On the right side of the project there is a panel which allows you to define the repositories associated with the project. The "+” button allows to add a repository, the "…" button allows to edit the selected repository and the "-” button allows to delete it. The up and down arrow buttons allow to move the highlighted repository one position up or down in the list.
In order to add a new project, use the "+” button. Presented below is an example of a dialog window allowing you to select a repository.
In the "The section name in the document" field, enter the name which will mark the chapter which starts documentation generation for this repository. Next, select the connection to the repository defined in the program from the dropdown list. Confirm the entire operation with the "Save” button. If there is no defined connection to the repository, you can use the "New” button in order to define a new connection. If it is necessary to edit an already defined connection, select it from the dropdown list and then click the "Edit” button.
In order to add a new connection, click the "New” button. Define the parameters of the connection to the repository in the opened window. Tormigo, in order to display diagrams and linked documents (LinkedDocument) in the documentation, requires the provision of the path to the EAP file in the connection configuration. If you are using a repository based on DBMS, you can create an EAP file with a connection alias to the selected repository. In order to do this, open the project in Enterprise Architect and then select File | Save Project Shortcut from the main menu. Next, enter the path to this file using the "EAP shortcut” tab in the connection configuration window. The tab will be active only when defining a connection to a database other than an EAP file. Presented below is a window allowing to define the parameters of an EAP file alias.
Enter also the ‘Repository UserID’ and ‘Repository password’ if the repository requires authorization. These parameters will be stored in the Tormigo configuration. Tormigo stores all passwords in an encrypted form.
Presented below is an example of a project configuration window containing three assigned repositories.
After starting the documentation scanning operation, the user must select the “Analyze documentation” button and find the MS Word file with the documentation. Next, the application will try to find the model element in the repositories of the project for each note in the document. If the element is identified, the application will display a dialog window allowing to add a note as a Maintenance element to the model element.
The user can define the Maintenance element type and its basic properties. Selecting the "Apply the selected type to everybody and do not show this window” option will result in skipping this dialog window and saving all notes with default settings.
After clicking on "Save”, the element will be added to the model as a Maintenance element of the selected type, which will be assigned to the element to which the note referred. Presented below is a Maintenance window from Enterprise Architect with the Issue element added during the documentation scan.
For more information about Tormigo, please visit the TORMIGO website.