

Terry Merriman

OAD Consulting, Inc. (Chief Architect)
Terry Merriman, Chief Architect at OAD Consulting, has over thirty years in S/W development. He has worked with fortune 500 companies in the US and Europe, providing services for architectural departments and multi-million dollar projects. His efforts have culminated in (EA)2, an enterprise architecture modeling framework. It includes toolsets for modeling the Business, Information Systems, and Infrastructure Architectures, which help ensure architecture and project level models are precise, concise, consistent and understandable. (EA)2 also includes a comprehensive set of extensible reports that provide information for strategic planning.

This video shows a presentation given by Terry Merriman at the International Association of Software Architects (IASA) conference in New York City in October, 2009. It discusses the general concepts of modeling enterprise architecture and then provides a live walk-through of an architectural reference model. The model was created using the (EA)2 Enterprise Architecture Modeling Framework, an add-in for Enterprise Architect supplied by OAD Consulting, Inc.

The presentation shows how use Enterprise Architect and (EA)2 to model...

  • the horizontal slices of the enterprise architecture, namely the Business, Application, Data, and Infrastructure architectural views,
  • the verical slices of the enterprise architecture, i.e. the business processes and all of the architectural assets needed for their realizations
  • roadmaps that let you visualize the state of your architecture at given points in time

Terry Merriman is CEO & Chief Architect for OAD Consulting, a Sparx Systems' VAR. More information can be found at

Please join Terry Merriman, Chief Architect at OAD Consulting, for a free IASA webinar on Tuesday, April 27, from 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM Eastern Time (US). You will get to see Enterprise Architect and (EA)2, OAD's Enterprise Architecture Modeling Framework add-in for Enterprise Architect, in action.

Topic: A Model-based Approach to Enterprise Architecture


Enterprise Architecture must address the needs of a multitude of stakeholders in terms they can understand. It should leverage existing information sources, such as configuration management systems, to get up-to-date current state information and merge it with future state planning. To ensure the success of any enteprise architecture effort, the architectural direction, guidance, and conforming principals must be readily available to project teams implementing the architectural vision.

This webinar will walk through a sample model to show how UML was extended to create a modeling framework specific to each of the architectural views (Business, Application, Data, and Infrastructure) and how to leverage those views for project work. It will then show how these "horizontal slices" of the enterprise architecture can be used to show a "vertical slice" that illustrates all of the key architectural assets needed to realize a given business process. Finally, it will show how the vertical slices can be managed with roadmaps and roadmap phases to show the current state of the architecture and the state at any given point in the future.

Learning Objectives

- How to address the needs of the various stakeholders through the use of architectural views so the stakeholders can evaluate the value provided by the architecture

- How to build an over-reaching framework that ties the different architectural views together while permitting drill down capabilities into the details of each view in a manner that is natural to that view

- How to represent the current and future states of the architecture and track progress against the plan.

You may register for the webinar at: