Sparx Systems India

Sparx Systems India

In the most recent release of MDG Office Integrations (v1.4.40), an exciting enhancement known as the "BPMN Visualizer" has been introduced, offering an excellent utility for BPMN users. This feature facilitates the seamless transfer of BPMN Components between Microsoft Excel documents and Sparx Enterprise Architect Models.

The key feature of 'BPMN Visualizer' in MDG Office Integration

  • Simplified Approach that eliminates the necessity for Profile Creation during import and export for mapping items. This drastically minimizes user time and the possibility of manual errors.
  • Through a single click of "Excel to EA" menu, users can quickly synchronize BPMN Components, seamlessly updating and aligning data between Excel and the Enterprise Architect model.
  • The visual representation of diagrams from the Enterprise Architect model, as well as the related preconfigured mapping table, can be displayed within Excel.
  • The capability to incorporate multiple diagrams is supported when a package is selected. This involves displaying all diagrams in the selected packages along with their corresponding predefined mapping tables on separate sheets.

BPMN Components on Microsoft Excel

MDG Integration for Microsoft Office provides seamless integration within Microsoft Excel (Version 2007 and above). A newly introduced feature named ‘BPMN Visualizer’ now resides in the ‘Feature’ dropdown of the Enterprise Architect ribbon in Excel. This feature facilitates the seamless transfer of ‘BPMN Components' between an Excel document and Enterprise Architect, allowing for bi-directional data exchange.


To import BPMN Components into Enterprise Architect from Excel

Excel FeatureDropdown

The Feature dropdown offers the following selection options:

‘Export to EA’: Export the elements to Enterprise Architect using Profiles

‘SysML Requirement Manager’: Import SysML requirements from Enterprise Architect and Export SysML requirements and their connectors to Enterprise Architect.

‘BPMN Visualizer’:  Import BPMN Components from Enterprise Architect and export BPMN Components to Enterprise Architect.
Open project icon in Excel

Allows one to select a *.eap or *.eapx or *.feap or *.qea or *.qeax or *.eadb through local project, server connection, or cloud connection.

Local Project: To connect the Local Enterprise Architect model.

Server Connection: To connect to an Enterprise Architect repository through a database

Cloud Connection: To connect to an Enterprise Architect repository through the Pro Cloud Server
Excel_Diagram_Selection_option Allows users to select a Package or BPMN Diagram to Load from the Enterprise Architect Model to Excel with the respective diagram image.

Select a package

  • This window will be displayed when the Package Icon is clicked.
  • It displays all the models and packages from the selected Enterprise Architect model, with BPMN Components being imported specifically.


Select a BPMN Diagram

  • This window will be displayed when the Diagram button is clicked.
  • It provides a hierarchical overview of all diagrams within the packages of the model. Users have the ability to choose a specific BPMN diagram from this view.


Note: The ‘Ok’ button will only enable when the selection type is BPMN Diagram

Utilizing Excel for BPMN Components

  • The selected diagram is imported to an Excel sheet along with its predefined mapping table.
  • The Excel sheets are named in the format of Diagram Name with Diagram ID.


Excel column definition

Action ID The Unique ID of BPMN Elements. It’s used to map the connectors and parent.
Action Name Name of the BPMN Element
Action Type Type of the BPMN Element
Next Action ID Target BPMN Element to connect based on the Action ID.
Connector Name Name of the BPMN Connector
Connector Type Type of the BPMN Connector
Parent The parent of a selected BPMN Element based on the Action ID.

Creation of element from Excel to Enterprise Architect model

  • To create a new element, enter a name in the ‘Action Name’ column (mandatory).
  • By default, the ‘Action Type’ is ‘Activity’. Users can change the type using the drop-down list.
  • Mapping the parent element for the newly created element is also achievable using the ‘Parent’ column.


Note: Supported Element types are Activity, Gateway, StartEvent, IntermediateEvent, EndEvent, DataStore, DataObject, BusinessProcess, BPELProcess, GlobalTask, Pool, and Lane.

Establishing connectors for the newly created element in Excel

‘Next Action ID’ creates a connector between two BPMN elements. Choose the appropriate ‘Action ID’ in the checklist box of ‘Next Action ID’ to connect. By default, the connector type is ‘Sequence Flow’


Note: Supported connector types are SequenceFlow, MessageFlow, Conversation Link, DataAssociation, and Association.

Excel to EA iconTo update the changes from the mapping table in Excel to the Enterprise Architect model utilize the ‘Excel to EA’ Icon available in the Excel Ribbon; The preview form is presented to the user to ensure that the intended changes are ready for export. Once you click the ‘Export’ button, synchronization is initiated between the Enterprise Architect Model and Excel, causing the changes to be updated in Excel as well.


As depicted in the image below, you can observe that the recently generated ‘Process goods’ element has been incorporated into the Excel diagram. This element establishes a connection with the ‘Gateway5’ element, as indicated in the mapping table. Likewise, this synchronization is also reflected in the Enterprise Architect model.


EA to Excel iconThe ‘EA to Excel’ icon enables users to revert the produced items back to their original state as Enterprise Architect Models, providing an opportunity to undo changes made in Excel. Additionally, it facilitates the synchronization of changes made from Enterprise Architect to Excel.


BPMN Components from Enterprise Architect to Microsoft Excel

Through the ‘BPMN to Excel’ menu, users can export data pertaining to BPMN Components, which have been accumulated within Enterprise Architect, into the Predefined mapping tables along with diagrams in separate sheets within Excel.


After selecting the package or BPMN Diagram, the Enterprise Architect will begin exporting data to an Excel sheet and proceed with Refer "Utilizing Excel for BPMN Components"

Check out the BPMN on Excel and Enterprise Architect video here

To know more or to request a demo, please reach out to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

"SysML Requirements on Excel" is a new MDG Office Integration feature that allows users to author SysML requirements using Excel. Users can seamlessly integrate SysML requirements between MS Excel and Enterprise Architect.

Key features

  • Import and export SysML requirements data from Excel into Enterprise Architect.
  • Ability to create SysML Compliant requirements with inter-dependencies

SysML Requirements in Enterprise Architect

Using the “SysML Requirements on Excel” menu, users can connect an Enterprise Architect Model with an Excel spreadsheet.

This will create an Excel Document with required templates to let users create SysML requirements. This will also copy any existing Enterprise Architect requirements and the derived relationships to the Excel spreadsheet, to let users update or modify these contents.


Working with Excel to author Requirements

The Excel template for SysML requirements authoring will have two spreadsheets,

  1. Requirements – The requirements sheet is used to create and update SysML compliant requirements, including Id and text, the sheet also displays any derived requirements (interconnected requirement)


The Requirement Sheet has two parts: "SysML Requirements" and "Derived SysML Requirements".

SysML Requirements – It contains Name, Notes, Status, Version and Id, Text (Mandatory tags for SysML)

Derived SysML Requirements – It also contains Name, Notes, Status, Version of Derived Requirement for each SysML requirement. This part is completely non-editable.

  1. Requirement Matrix – This worksheet will present all requirements in a matrix format to let users easily create derivation inter-dependencies between them.
  • This sheet will be automatically updated when new requirements are added in the ‘Requirements’ worksheet
  • New relationships created in this spreadsheet will also be automatically updated in the ‘Requirements’ worksheet


Insert Elements and Connectors

Insert the element in the Name Column of the Requirement Sheet (with Notes, Status, Version, ID, and text, but the Name column is mandatory). And create a connector between the newly created element and the existing element in the ‘Requirement Matrix’ sheet.


Newly created connector details are updated in the ‘Requirement’ sheet.


Excel_to_EA_icon.png To sync or update the modifications to the Enterprise Architect Model, use the Excel to EA icon. The changes reflected in the Enterprise Architect Model will be shown in the preview form. To update into an Enterprise Architect Model, select Export.


New elements are created under the chosen package.


EA_to_Excel_icon.png The EA to Excel icon is used to restore the produced items to their original state as in the Enterprise Architect Model.

Prior to ‘EA to Excel’


Post ‘EA to Excel’


SysML Requirements on Excel (from Excel)

MDG Integration for Microsoft Office offers integration within Microsoft Excel (Office 2007 and above), and a new feature called SysML Requirement Manager is added to the feature dropdown of the Enterprise Architect ribbon. Using this, users can easily push the contents of SysML requirements from an Excel document to an Enterprise Architect or vice versa.

To import SysML requirement data into Enterprise Architect from Excel


Dropdown list to choose the Export to Enterprise Architect Model or the SysML Requirement Manager for the document.

‘Export to EA’: Export the elements to Enterprise Architect using Profiles

‘SysML Requirement Manager’: Import SysML Requirements from Enterprise Architect

and Export SysML Requirements and their connections to Enterprise Architect.


Allows one to select a *.eap or *.eapx or *.feap or *.qea or *.qeax or *.eadb through Local project, server Connection, or cloud connection.

Local Project - To Connect Local Enterprise Architect model.

Server Connection - To Connect to an Enterprise Architect repository through a database

Cloud Connection - To Connect to an Enterprise Architect repository through Pro Cloud Server

Select a package

  • This screen will be displayed when the Package button is clicked.
  • It displays all the models and packages from the selected Enterprise Architect model, with SysML Requirement items being imported specifically.


After selecting the package and clicking ‘OK, ‘Enterprise Architect will begin exporting information to an Excel sheet and proceed with Refer "Working with Excel to author Requirements"

Check out the SysML Requirements in the Enterprise Architect video here

To know more or to request a demo, please reach out to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.






  • The Code Analyzer is a must-have tool when working with source code. It runs extremely complex queries on source code repositories at incredible speeds, when used locally or on a Sparx Intel cloud service.
  • The Code analyzer uses a high-level query language developed by Sparx systems. It also has a large vocabulary that allows code metrics to be queried quicker than traditional methods.
  • It is highly effective for large-scale code bases. This is because it allows the user to rigorously check any minor changes using a distinct cross-reference analysis of the code to verify that all effects are clearly visible.

Code Miner Framework

  • In Sparx Enterprise Architect 16, users can compile their code base into a Code Miner repository. Code Miner system provides instant and comprehensive access to existing source code information.
  • It enables complete access to all features of the original source code in a machine-readable manner. This is done by parsing all source code and storing the resulting “Abstract Syntax Tree” in a read-optimized database.
  • The main purpose of the Code miner is to give quick and effective access to data concealed within source code.
  • The interfaces have been designed to be as simple as possible while ensuring optimal performance.
  • As a result, the system can assess the program's structure, calculate metrics, track relationships, and even refactor the code.


                                                                                          Figure 1: Code Miner Framework

What’s New in Sparx Enterprise Architect 16?

Sparx Intel Service

  • The Sparx Intel service program enables development projects and customers to learn more about the code bases and software frameworks they're working with.
  • Multiple Enterprise Architect customers can use the service to access and (raise a query for the same data) query the same data from a variety of software domains and frameworks.
  • Clients of Enterprise Architect can use the service to have access to Intelli-sense in code editing and smart search results in search tools.
  • The Sparx Intel service is a division of Sparx Satellite Services. The service can be installed on a local network or in cloud, plus it runs on Microsoft Windows.
  • The Sparx Intel Satellite service can be executed as a standalone process or as a Windows service.

Sparx Intel Service

                                                                        Figure 2: Sparx Intel Service

Config File Format

Directive Description
Name When a service is named on the command line, the service with the matching name attribute will be commence.
Status The service will be start only when status = ON
Lazyload When lazyload is 'true', any Code Miner database will be delay loaded until an Intel request is made to the service.

Defines the level of information logged, as a combination of keywords { information, warning, error} separated by a '|'.  For example:

     loglevel= Information|warning|error

Specifies the full pathname of the log file to write to. For example:



Specifies the full path name of the Code Miner database to be loaded. For example:


Multiple 'database' directives are allowed, each specifying a different database.


Identifies the IP address that is permitted to connect to the service on the Port. For example:



     allow=172.160.*      (wildcards are allowed when the 'network'

                                      directive has a value of 'network' or 'public',

                                      but not 'local')


Allows service connections to be restricted.

  • local - the service can’t be heard on any connection other than localhost
  • network - when used with wildcard 'allow' directives, it allows clients on an allowed IP address wild card to connect
pubic - allows any connection
Show When 'true', the Console window for the service will be shown; the default is 'false'.
Port The Port on which the service will be heard


Further Information

Please contact us or write an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You nedd JavaScript enabled to view it. or call us @+91 8248004261 to have a live demo about the new EA 16 features and capabilities.

Click here to see a sneak peak of how Code Analyzer in EA16 works.

The Gantt View is a tool for visualizing the elements of a project, package, or diagram as well as the resources assigned to them. The tool will enable a traditional or agile project manager to ensure that a project's resources are allocated to repository content and that high-value outcomes are achieved directly from the repository.

Where Can I Find the Project Gantt Chart?

Users can access the Project Gantt Chart through the following options :

  • Ribbon: Design > Package > Gantt View
  • Ribbon: Design > Diagram > Views > Gantt View
  • Diagram Context Menu:  Switch View | Switch to Gantt View
  • Browser window Package context Menu | Open Package in | Gantt View

What’s New in Enterprise Architect 16?


Gantt Chart view in the Resource Allocation window

The revised Resource Allocation docked window now works as a Gantt Chart, giving users a better visual experience while assigning and managing jobs in the model.

  • The users can get a clear picture of what’s going on with any element.
  • Drag and drop to quickly change the start and end dates.
  • It’s simple to add and change tasks.
  • On work items, the user can zoom in and out.
  • For rapid visual reference, percent completion is placed on tasks.


Project Gantt View Facilities

 Options  Actions
Display tasks only for ‘today’ or ‘another day’ Right-click on the display and select the option:
  • 'Show Only Active Tasks for Today' - to show only tasks that are in progress today
  • 'Show Only Active Tasks for Other Days'—to show only tasks that were in progress on a specific day in the past, or that are scheduled to be in progress on a day in the future; a calendar dialog displays from which you select the day to examine
Display the properties of the element to which a resource is assigned. Right-click on the element entry and select the 'Show Element Properties' option.

The 'Properties' dialog for the element displays.

Display the Resource Allocation details for an element or resource. Right-click on the entry and select the 'Show Task Properties' option.

The 'Assigned Resources' dialog gets displayed. You can now edit the details and, if necessary, change the resource allocated to the element.

Display the Resource Allocation records for an element. (Also available in the Report View.) Right-click on the entry and select either of the context menu options:
  • 'Show Element Resource Allocation window' (if the window is closed or hidden)
  • 'Find Task in Element Resource Allocation window' (if the window is visible but showing the details of another element)

The Resource Allocation window displays the details of the selected entry  and other resource allocations for the element listed in the left-hand panel.

You can edit the details and, if necessary, change the resource allocated to the element.

Assign a new resource to an element. Right-click on an element in the display, and select the 'Assign Resource' option.

The 'Assigned Resources' dialog gets displayed.

Further Information

Please contact us or write an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call us @+91 8248004261 to have a live demo about the new EA 16 features and capabilities.

Click here to see a sneak peak of how GANTT Chart in EA16 works.

Custom Documentation

  • Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect has a powerful feature to generate a quick report through the ‘Custom Document’ feature.
  • Beneficial among businesses and firms not only because of the ease of generating reports but also because they are usually quite accurate and uniform.
  • Helps the business to stay competitive by making the right data available to the right people at the right time.

What’s new in Custom Documentation in Sparx Enterprise Architect 16?

  • New custom document templates and sample document contents are available through Model Wizard and can be accessed from Document Publishing perspective.
  • This new documents templates allow you to produce high level design, functional and business requirement document.
  • Creating a Custom Document is fairly simple, and you can generate a document with a few clicks by simply dragging and dropping a model content from the Project Browser.
  • It Dynamically updates the entire document or a particular section, ensuring that it reflects the latest changes in the Model. So that, you can save time and avoid regenerating a document then copy-paste the changes in the existing word documents.
  • Warnings are now displayed when data is lost when updating a dynamic part.
  • Ad hoc reporting features allow users to customize to insert their own words, images, logo and other contents to their own requirements.
  • Improved content list, which now includes the element and template for each dynamic part.
  • During document generation, a progress indicator will bring better feedback.
  • Numerous improvements and usability improvements have been made.

Custom Template Figure 1: Custom Templates

Further Information

Please contact us or write an email to mailto:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call us @ +91 8248004261 to have a live demo about the new EA 16 features and capabilities.

Click here to see a sneak peak of how Auto Refresh in EA16 works.

  • User Security in Enterprise Architect is a method of restricting the use of data update functions across the model via access rights for each function, as well as safeguarding individual parts and diagrams from modification using user locks.
  • The primary goal is to avoid unintended data alterations and to prohibit access to sensitive information.

What’s new in Sparx Enterprise Architect 16 

  • Sparx Enterprise Architect 16 enhances the model governance by making it much more secure to safeguard your model/project.
  • From Release 16.0 onwards, in the Corporate, Unified, and Ultimate Editions, if security is enabled, access restrictions can be applied to specific users and groups, to prevent certain actions.
  • Prevents data loss in the model/project at the user level on top of the model security authorization and also prevents the unwanted destruction of model data.
  • User limitations prevent a user from completing certain tasks, independent of their other user and group security rights.
  • Restrictions can be applied for deleting packages, diagrams, elements, connectors, attributes, and operations.
  • They may also be used to limit XMI Import, restore from a Baseline, and remove a Baseline. Basically, anything that could result in 'data loss'.
  • These restrictions are aimed at preventing the inadvertent deletion of model content.

User restrictions in Sparx EA 16

                                                                                         Figure 1 User restrictions in Sparx EA 16



Restriction Prevents the user from
Delete Package Deleting Packages.
Delete Diagram Deleting diagrams.
Delete Element Deleting elements.
Delete Attribute Deleting attributes from elements, or columns from data tables.
Delete Operation Deleting operations from elements, or constraints from data tables.
Delete Connector Deleting connectors.
Import XMI Importing XML Package files (but does not prevent version control imports).
Restore from Baseline 'Restoring' a Package from a previously-saved Baseline.
Delete Baseline Deleting saved Package Baselines.


Further Information

Please contact us or write an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call us @ +91 8248004261 to have a live demo of the new EA 16 features and capabilities.

Click here to see a sneak peak of how Enhanced User Security in EA16 works.

Auto Refresh Diagrams

  • Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect provides the New Auto Refresh feature that allows you to collaborate on diagrams with your team in real-time. This results in improved support for multiple people offering feedback on the same diagram simultaneously.
  • It lets your team monitor the changes immediately after enabling the Auto-Refresh option on your diagram with a time interval.
  • One can design his own dynamic and distributed real-time modeling environment by combining Review, Chat, Discussion, and/or Journal.
  • The Feature is explicitly available in Enterprise Architect version 16.0 and later.


Figure 1: Auto Refresh Context Menu


  • Right-clicking on the diagram background –> Collaborate –> Auto Refresh
  • In Ribbon, select the Layout –> Auto Refresh –> Auto Refresh

Context Menu Options:

 Option  Action
 Disabled  For all diagrams, this is the default setting. Any user can update the diagram, but there is a risk of updating’ collisions. You’ll get a warning notice and a prompt to refresh the diagram if another user saves their changes.
 7  Set the refresh interval to 7 seconds and enable automatic refresh mode for the current diagram.
 15  Set the refresh interval to 15 seconds and enable automatic refresh mode for the current diagram.
 30  Set the refresh interval to 30 seconds and enable automatic refresh mode for the current diagram.
 60  Set the refresh interval to 60 seconds and enable automatic refresh mode for the current diagram.
 Pause & edit  Allows the current user to edit the diagram by pausing the automatic refresh of the diagram and releasing the lock on the diagram for the current user.
 Resume  Saves any outstanding changes to the diagram and reapplies the lock, which prevents any additional modifications to the diagram and resumes the diagram’s automatic refreshing.












Auto Reload Changed Diagrams

  • Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect’s New Auto Reload functionality ensures that the diagram you are working on is the most recent version.
  • One can reload any diagrams that are open while others make modifications by enabling this functionality in Enterprise Architect.
  • It allows one to rapidly communicate with other individuals at work and ensures that the graphical reports EA provides are up to date.


  • Layout –> Diagram –> Options –> Auto Reload Changed Diagrams.

Click here to see a sneak peak of how Auto Refresh in EA16 works.

Further Information

Please contact us or write an email to mailto:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call us @ +91 8248004261 to have a live demo about the new EA 16 features and capabilities.