Displaying items by tag: cloud floating license

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Sparx Systems suite of products enables enterprise architecture, process management and informed decision making. We are committed to ensuring that you stay connected and continue working in the current scenario.

Companies around the globe have rolled out mandatory remote work. However not all companies would have had the time to organize remote access to their teams, neither would have had time to organize VPN or any other form of accessing the model information.

Introducing a ready to start, obligation free, Cloud infrastructure to let you move your Enterprise Architect repositories to Cloud and resume your modelling efforts instantly.

Sparx EA On Cloud Deployment

The hosted environments can be used to continue the two core aspects of EA practice.

  • Central Repository – Your models hosted in the central repository, easily accessible through ‘Cloud Connection’ of Enterprise Architect.
  • Floating Licenses – Your floating licenses managed in Secure AWS app servers to let your team continue their EA Usage.

That said, we’ve been offering this service for a while, here is our part to assist the Sparx User Community

As a response to the unprecedented scenario, we are trying to lower the barriers to switch. We understand your challenges and have worked on the best possible ways to make it easier for you.


How We can Assist

My Organizations’ procurement process isn’t quick

We understand your world, You can start immediately and pay later!. Continue working as you work on the procurement process alongside

What if the approvals doesn’t go ahead

Not to worry, we understand! You can just backup your data and cancel your subscription.


We ensure your data is hosted in the AWS servers in your region, and the infrastructure is compliant to GDPR policies.

My Organization Has stringent Security Policies

We use the secure AWS instances and we have been assisting firms globally for several years.

We have all the necessary security policies in place and the required Auditing reports required to ensure your data is secure.

I’m unsure of the migration strategy

Not to Worry, our Service partners across the world are ready to assist too. Just let us know

I have advanced integration Requirements

The infrastructure is scalable and the services team is highly competent to assist you with any advanced integration or customization needs.

Below is a quick glance of the key benefits you can expect when you make a move.

EA Repositories on Cloud

Databases managed on Cloud by experts

EA License Management

Avail floating licenses from the Cloud

Secure Access

All connections are secured using

HTTPS protocol

Anywhere and Anytime

Connect to your Enterprise Architect

models from any location

Robust Cloud Deployment

Cloud hosted using AWS, the world leader

in Cloud Computing Services

Location Advantage

AWS cloud Region chosen based

on your location

Get started Now!, Please visit https://prolaborate.sparxsystems.com/enterprise-architect-models-on-cloud or drop a note to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to let us help you get started forthwith.

Published in News