Assuming uml is required, the following results were found.

  • Trac-Car Recognised for Technology Innovation at UNFCCC

    to understand and reduce their own emissions. The core of the reporting has been generated from an Enterprise Architect UML model, and the cloud platform is designed to connect to existing meters, spreadsheets, databases etc and capture accurate,...
  • Enterprise Architect for mixed-language environments

    rate. What is the QUAD-ML mixed-language? It is a unique proprietary approach to integrating the four key modeling languages UML, SysML, BPMN and SoaML, into one compact and simplified hands-on course using EA, designed specifically for enterprise...
  • Learn through pictures: Fundamentals of HTML Reporting

    celebration, and so I contributed an article to the Sparx Community that illustrated the improvements through a couple of UML diagrams. This was quite well received, and resulted in me being featured in a Community Author Spotlight on
  • Importing requirements from Excel to Enterprise Architect with eaDocX for a model-driven approach to build the RFP response

    "response" stereotyped requirements and Feature elements. Associate these elements to theclient's requirements. Creating UML/BPMN diagrams to suggest an architecture, illustrate the solution or an option to one or several requirements. Assessing and...
  • High Level Architecture HLA 1516 Evolved MDG Technology

    3.1.2 HLA 1516e Base of Knowledge The wizard creates many packages containing all gathered info about HLA expressed using UML notation. In interfaces package you can find all C++ classes created from a reverse design from a C++ header of HLA specs, FOM...
  • ISO 19160-1 Addressing Standard Released

    the concepts in the model. The model was developed in Enterprise Architect and is presented in the Unified Modeling Language (UML). For almost a decade Sparx Systems has supported the global geospatial community through provision of Enterprise Architect...
  • Enterprise Architect 13 beta preview

    and prevents from creating associations between elements (quicklinker is disabled). Reorder messages mode is only active in UML or SysML sequence diagrams. When enabled, it lets you move messages without ordering the surrounding ones (same effect as...
  • Threatscapes in Focus: How NIEM supports Law Enforcement

    read and interpret those messages, even if they are sent machine-to-machine. Sparx Systems Support for NIEM The NIEM-specific UML profile – which enables data exchanges to be modeled in tools like Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect – was released by the...
  • To Shape Script, or not to Shape Script?

    Scripts as follows: “As Shape Scripts are associated with stereotypes, you define them through the ‘Stereotypes’ tab of the ‘UML Types’ dialog; each stereotype can have one Shape Script.” In plain terms, you can define how EA renders your elements by...
  • Introducing EA4BI

    architecture Provides linkage with other enterprise architecture domains and modeling languages, such as ArchiMate, BPMN, UML, and data modeling The EA4BI toolkit is available as a free extension (MDG technology) for Sparx Enterprise Architect....
  • RepoDoc, a call for testing

    need. What you can achieve? Here are few examples of documents, generated with RepoDoc. Find more at UML model overview (HTML) Requirements catalogue (LaTeX) Dependency graphs (DOT/Graphviz) Dependencies between UML elements....
  • Managing a student project with Enterprise Architect - Part 4

    having students develop use cases in parallel with each other. Previous articles in the series have presented snippets of the UML model but everybody knows that successful implementation is where the rubber meets the road. So this article will show you...
  • Sparx Featured in SD Times: DevOps Driven Digital Transformation

    of increased productivity between development (Dev) and IT operations (Ops). The Sparx CEO also explained the importance of UML as the established standard for software modeling. "Within those organizations that are undergoing digital transformation to...
  • Global Carbon Market Model

    to address climate change successfully to limit global warming to 2 degrees. Trac-Car is releasing its Global Carbon Market UML Domain Model for Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect Version 13. It can be freely downloaded, adapted and used. It is intended...
  • Call for Speakers and/or Teachers – EAUG Brussels 2017

    Capability Mapping, Process Modelling Systems Engineering Business Analysis, Requirements Management Modelling Languages (UML, SysML, BPMN, ArchiMate) SOA, DDS, GIS, NIEM Data modelling Code generation/IDE integration Project management EA-based...
  • EA User Group - Presenter Spotlight; Guillaume Finance

    day role as a modelling and EA expert/consultant at VISEO, Guillaume also provides support, expertise & coaching services on UML, SysML and Sparx EA. Friday 8th June - Extending EA with custom scripts to cater for specific needs and user requests using...
  • University Week February 2019

    and ArchiMate for Enterprise Architecture Online English Sparx Systems India Feb 25th 9.30 - 16.30 IST Enterprise Architect UML Training Online English Sparx Systems India Feb 26th 9.30 - 16.30 IST Enterprise Architect UML Training Online English Sparx...
  • How does a code generator enable large-team parallel development?

    managing a large mainframe operating project (OS/360), which was introduced in 1964. That’s a long time ago. There were no UML modeling tools, no REST APIs, no NoSQL databases. So it’s not unreasonable to ask the question 55 years later whether any...
  • The Ultimate Guide to upgrade to Sparx Enterprise Architect 15

    Diagram Filter Layout | Diagram Filters Publish Glossary Publish | Glossary Configure Project Options Configure | Options UML Types (Stereotypes / Tagged Values / Cardinality Values) Configure | UML Types Project Types Configure | Model Types Database...
  • Addon for Data Mappings in Sparx Enterprise Architect

    Introduction Sparx Enterprise Architect is well known for modelling languages like UML, BPMN and ArchiMate. However creating data models in Sparx Enterprise Architect is also well supported. For example with the database engineering models, the...

Results 121 - 140 of 220