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Data Modeling - Logical and Conceptual MDA Transforms
it to the Logical level – eliminating Primary Keys, Foreign keys, Identifiers and simplifying the Field types to standard UML typing. Logical to Conceptual transform This simplifies the Logical diagram by removing the Attributes to give the simple... -
DoxyGen Code Templates for Enterprise Architect
Enterprise Architect provides a number of code templates that specify the transformation from UML elements to the various parts of a given programming language. The following tutorial demonstrates how to modify a base code template to add support for... -
Webinar; TFS/EA Integration
domain of Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) tools, and how it can be used alongside Sparx Systems' Enterprise Architect UML Modelling tool. Agenda: Webinar Goals/Introduction Integration Options: Modelling in Visual Studio Developing in Enterprise... -
AMUSE Demonstration
the AMUSE add-in for Enterprise Architect. It is presented by Phil Chudley, one of the Senior Consultants and OMG Certified UML Professionals at Dunstan Thomas, but was a combined effort of Phil & Daniel Siegl, Chief Executive Officer, LieberLieber... -
The TOGAF MDG Extension; An Overview
Technology for TOGAF Features A visual clickable Interface for ADM Useful starter model to help you become productive quickly UML profiles for FEAF Business, Performance, Service and Technical Reference Models Efficient relationship management for model... -
Requirements Management with Enterprise Architect
Enterprise Architect (EA) is one of the few UML tools that integrate requirements management with other software development disciplines, by creating requirements directly in the model. Requirements management is built into the core product, solving... -
Architecture Based Approach to Semantic Interoperability and Information Protection
Paper describing an Architectural approach to Semantic Interoperability and information protections using UML and UPDM. ASMG supports this approach using Enterprise Architect and its UPDM extension. -
Linking the Domain and Requirements Models
advent of structured repositories such as Sparx Enterprise Architect, along with well-defined meta languages such as BPMN and UML, opens up new possibilities in the use of domain and requirements models; by linking these models we can begin to ask... -
Integrating Sparx Enterprise Architect with external development tools
Editors. Clear the check-box alongside Use inbuilt editor if no external editor set, and then click Close. Right-click an UML class element (in the Project Browser or on a diagram), and select View Source Code... The source code will displayed in an... -
Shaping Service Orientation using Smart Use Cases
especially in service oriented architecture projects. In most projects Enterprise Architect is used with a smart use case UML profile to quickly model and even estimate smart use cases. When applying smart use cases to service oriented architecture,... -
SysML Modelling Language explained
provides a vocabulary suitable to Systems Engineering e.g. by modelling Blocks instead of classes. SysML uses a subset of UML2 and defines its own extensions, making it a smaller language that is easier to learn and apply. Abstract: UML, the standard... -
Design Driven Testing for ArcGIS Server Development
with Sparx Systems to produce a uniquely powerful set of capabilities for driving testing from Enterprise Architect UML and SysML models. By combining the functionality of Sparx's structured scenario editor and that of the Agile/ICONIX add-in, it's now... -
Design Driven Testing for Systems
Design Driven Testing (DDT) for software was first outlined in the book Use Case Driven Object Modeling with UML: Theory and Practice (by Doug Rosenberg and Matt Stephens), and then described in detail in Design Driven Testing: Test Smarter, Not Harder... -
Sparx Systems to present at Geospatial World Forum
as a global SME, engages with this community through the provision of Enterprise Architect, accepted as one the most popular UML modelling and design tools within the sector. For more about the Geospatial World Forum visit -
"Probably the largest collection of Sparx EA talent ever assembled"
and started by encouraging us to think about using languages that our customers can understand – Russian, German, English, UML, SysML, he had them all covered – before describing his work with executable models. Ian Mitchell from eaDocX, did two... -
Changing the Appearance of BPMN 2.0 Elements - A Tagged Value Summary
as a “white box” ready to contain Activities and other process flow elements true – displays as a “black box” resembling a UML Class element participantMultiplicity false true false – no icon displayed true – displays “three vertical bars” icon 2.7 Data... -
Sparx Systems Supports GML
with WXXM (Weather Information Exchange Model), which is an industry profile based on GML. Sparx Systems' recent release of UML to GML underscores our support for standards and standards development to enable efficient geospatial communication within... -
CEN/TC 287 Award for Academic Excellence in INSPIRE
received the award. Sparx Systems' ArcGIS plug-in was developed in conjunction with CSIRO and supports the creation of visual UML models of ArcGIS geodatabases. Visualizing geodatabase designs, facilitates traceability of geospatial systems to the... -
ODM MDG Technology Whitepaper
This paper introduces ontology development with UML using Enterprise Architect's MDG Technology for ODM. The Ontology Definition Metamodel (ODM) was developed by The OMG and covers the Web Ontology Language (OWL) and the Resource Definition Framework... -
Mobility - Global Change Agent
while enabling milestones to be achieved within agreed time-frames. A key standard for enterprise architecture is the use of UML for creating design models: Enterprise architecture is about ensuring that...