Do you know? 86 percent of corporate professionals cite lack of collaboration or ineffective communication as the main reason for workplace failures (Source) and 94% feel collaboration is essential in today’s workplace (Source).As businesses using Sparx Enterprise Architect become increasingly global, modelling teams that collaborate effectively are seen as the key to the success of an organization. The benefits of Collboration while modeling Enterprises are:Drive Alignment
97 percent of professionals believe a lack of alignment within a team directly impacts the outcome of a task or project. (Source)
Collaboration helps in shared understanding and alignment within and across your Enterprise Architecture modelling teams. It increases the clarity on the architectural problem at hand and ensures all the stakeholders are on the same page. Everybody can then discuss and agree on the final design and work towards achieving it. It becomes easy to move the ball from one court to another without any issues. Actions will be done quickly and problem-solving will be faster and more effective.
Hit the Deadline with Ease
92 percent of professionals agree that an organization’s tendency to hit or miss deadlines will impact bottom-line results. (Source)
Collaboration greatly enhances the productivity of individuals in the modelling teams and the teams within your organization. With a good online collaboration tool for your team, you no longer need to arrange meetings to get feedback on your Enterprise Architect models. Reviews can be set up easily on which reviewers can add their feedback and all the stakeholders can be involved to get a consensus on the feedback. This makes the review workflow steady and organized. The participants can contribute promptly as necessary.
There will be less confusion. You will save tremendous amounts of time and increase the agility of work.
Bring in a Sense of Community
90 percent of professionals believe decision-makers should seek other’s opinions before making a final decision. (Source)
A collaborative workplace builds a sense of community within your organization. This motivates your modelling teams to go ahead beyond expectation with informed and sound decisions. Collaboration eliminates all the frictions and silos. Work is made better by working together.
"Two heads are Better than One"
This old adage is applicable to all business problems even today. By ensuring that every stakeholder is engaged in the modelling process, you gain multiple perspectives in terms of ideas and visions. Every participant will be able to bring a different set of skills and points of view to the problem at hand.
Prolaborate, powered by Sparx Systems Pro Cloud Server, is a sharing and collaboration software for Enterprise Architect that lets you collaborate and achieve the above mentioned goals.
To know more on how you can model collaboratively, please check Importance of Collaboration in Enterprise Modeling or write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Monday, 15 January 2018 13:01
4 Reasons to Collaborate in Enterprise Modeling
Written by Madhava Narayanan R
Published in
White Papers

Madhava Narayanan R
Senior Product Manager of Sparx Prolaborate, Sharing and Collaboration Software for Enterprise Architect. 5+ years of experience as Product Manager building Web and Mobile apps for B2B SaaS companies; Total experience of 8 years.
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