Friday, 05 February 2010 20:41

eBook: 20 Terabytes A Night

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Describes experiences and lessons-learned from the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) project. The sheer size and complex nature of LSST, bring a unique set of challenges and a massive software modeling endeavor. UML and ICONIX process are critically important in such an undertaking. Includes an in-depth discussion of tailoring ICONIX Process to support algorithmically-intensive development.

In its first month of operation, the LSST will see more of the Universe than all previous telescopes
combined. Its rapid‐fire, 3 billion pixel digital camera will open a movie‐like window on objects that
change or move; its superb images will enable mapping the cosmos in 3D as never before.
Surveying the entire sky every few days, LSST will provide data in real time to both astronomers and
the public.

The Data Management (DM) part of the LSST software is a beast of a project. LSST will deal with
unprecedented data volumes. The telescope’s camera will produce a stream of individual images
that are each 3.2 billion pixels, with a new image coming along every couple of minutes.
In essence, the LSST sky survey will produce a 10 year “sky movie”.

For LSST Data Management, a good strategy is to make extensive use of rapid prototyping (in this
case algorithm development via prototyping) in addition to UML modeling. So a two‐pronged
strategy of prototyping and modeling has been underway on LSST for a few years now.

A further complication in modeling LSST’s DM software is that the development is being done in
multiple, independent, geographically distributed research organizations—places like Princeton,
Stanford, University of Washington and Caltech, among others. This places some significant
requirements on the modeling tools that are used by the project.



Read 7289 times Last modified on Tuesday, 09 April 2013 22:50
doug rosenberg

doug rosenberg

Parallel Agile, Inc. (Founder, Chief Technology Officer) - formerly ICONIX (CEO)
After running ICONIX for 35 years and writing 7 books on UML, use cases, and agile software development, Doug discovered a new way to improve productivity by leveragng parallel development, and founded Parallel Agile ( in 2018 after 4 years of test projects at the USC Center for Software and Systems Engineering, where he's been working with Prof. Barry Boehm.   A new book "Parallel Agile - Faster Delivery, Fewer Defects, Lower Cost" is mostly written and will be released during 2019.   We're also developing a Parallel Agile Add-In for Enterprise Architect and are available for training and consulting.  
In his previous lifetime...
Doug Rosenberg founded ICONIX in his living room in 1984 and began training companies in object-oriented analysis and design around 1990. ICONIX specializes in JumpStart training for UML and SysML, and offers both onsite and open-enrollment courses.
Doug developed a Unified Booch/Rumbaugh/Jacobson approach to modeling in 1993, several years before the advent of UML, and began writing books around 1995. Design Driven Testing is his 6th book on software engineering. He’s also authored numerous multimedia tutorials (including Enterprise Architect for Power Users) and several eBooks, including Embedded Systems Development with SysML.
Doug has spent the last few years doing "deep dive" consulting into cutting-edge technology including cross-platform mobile app development, REST APIs, and NoSQL databases, and gaining first-hand experience on some "hardcore agile" projects of varying sizes.  He's also been working with dozens of graduate students at the University of Southern California Center for Systems and Software Engineering (USC CSSE), managing Directed Research projects and developing/piloting the Parallel Agile process.
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