This document presents an overview of the modeling notation introduced by Michael Bell in his seminal book Service-Oriented Modeling - Service Analysis, Design and Architecture. SOMF provides a formal method of defining services at different levels of abstraction, along with a set of disciplines to guide practicing modelers. The overview focuses on the modeling facets, including meta-model concepts and notation, using sample diagrams for illustration.
Monday, 01 March 2010 16:54
Enacting the Service-Oriented Modeling Framework (SOMF) using Enterprise Architect
Written by FrankTruyen
Published in
White Papers
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- EA-SOMF_Introduction_V3.pdf (1905 Downloads)

Frank is the President of Cephas Consulting Corp., a firm specializing in the introduction of modeling notations and the Model Driven Architecture (MDA®) approach into software development organizations. Cephas customers can draw upon Frank’s twenty plus years of extensive experience as a manager, architect and developer, as well as leverage his in depth technical knowledge of modeling best practices using the Enterprise Architect tool.
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