This animated version of the Goal-Driven Service Oriented Architecture (Goal-Driven SOA) process illustrates on a short case study how companies can capitalize on their business capabilities (*) in order to react swiftly and coherently to changes.
Thanks to its reusable goal-driven business capability components - easily adaptable to changing requirements, the "Goal-Driven SOA" process aims at allowing companies to control execution of their processes and underlying SOA services then adapt them efficiently to targeted situations.
In order to show how to align IT systems to changing decisions, this presentation illustrates a bridge from Business Goals to IT system components using the following steps :
1) Linking business strategies, tactics, processes to IT services and use cases on the basis of business goals in order to propagate changes toward IT system components,
2) Elaborating the Goal-Driven SOA backbone, by transforming functional specifications into corresponding SOA components,
3) Integrating underlying behaviours of SOA components into the Goal-Driven SOA backbone
(*) A business capability is a particular ability or capacity that a business may possess or exchange to achieve a specific purpose or outcome - Microsoft :
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