Requirements in Context - Webinar
Requirements in Context Thursday, September 13th, 2018 at 10:00 AM Pacific (1:00 PM Eastern) Register: https://www.modernanalyst.com/Webinars/tabid/207/ID/5074/Requirements-in-Context.aspx Scott Ambler, a key founder of the Agile movement accurately...
https://community.sparxsystems.com/news/1191-requirements-in-context-webinar -
Using Keyboard Shortcuts with Enterprise Architect Extension Menus
Using Keyboard Shortcuts with Enterprise Architect Extension Menus by Phil Chudley, Principal Consultant at Dunstan Thomas Consulting Background Extensions written for Enterprise Architect often define menus to invoke functionality, and although a...
https://community.sparxsystems.com/tutorials/1181-using-keyboard-shortcuts-with-enterprise-architect-extension-menus -
Towards a Knowledge Democracy and Digital Transformation
making the traditional“service” model obsolete. In other industries such as, Retail, Oil and Gas, Financial services, Health and Defence etc, software is driving digital transformation and as we re-evaluate our ideas about the workplace , through the...
https://community.sparxsystems.com/insights/1178-democratization-of-knowledge -
Tooling Challenge
Baltimore where the HL7 Tooling Challenge was announced. HL7 is the global authority on standards for interoperability of health information technology with members in over 55 countries, and the body of work that HL7 has undertaken to develop the...
https://community.sparxsystems.com/news/445-17tooling-challenge -
Use Java, C# & Co for your Scripting
Use the power of modern IDEs and languages like Java, C#, F#, VB, or C++ for your EA Scripting. Here you find everything you need for a quick-start. Develop your solution, let's say a Text to Speech application for selected EA items. Code it in your...
https://community.sparxsystems.com/community-resources/1219-use-java-c-co-for-your-scripting -
Application Portfolio Management using Sparx Enterprise Architect
to address key reporting requirements such as application lifecycle management, portfolio management, cost management, health management and much more. Dashboards for these use cases can be created for different organizational units and consumers using...
https://community.sparxsystems.com/white-papers/1169-portfoliomanagement-sparxea-prolaborate -
Announcing the Speaker line-up for the UK EAUG 24th May 2022
data modelling MBSE Archimate business rules New ways of managing versions and multiple projects in your models How banks, health services, power networks, security systems and even ejector seats are modelled in EA And more… The full agenda, speaker...
https://community.sparxsystems.com/events/1441-announcing-the-speaker-line-up-for-the-uk-eaug-24th-may-2022 -
Sparx Systems Supports Development of the Building Information Model
software is widely used in finance, defense, government, aerospace, automotive engineering, geospatial, entertainment, health, smart grid, aviation, retail and telecommunications. Sparx Systems' flagship modeling platform, Enterprise Architect, provides...
https://community.sparxsystems.com/news/1175-sparx-systems-supports-development-of-the-building-information-model -
Award for Smart Grid Technology based on Enterprise Architect
and 10 Masters’ Degree courses in the fields of engineering, social and business sciences, design, media & art, and health sciences. Learn more at http://www.fh-salzburg.ac.at/en/ About Sparx Systems Sparx Systems, founded in Australia in 1996, is the...
https://community.sparxsystems.com/news/1011-ea4smartgrids -
Geospatial Data and Service Innovation
universities and institutions to develop model based solutions for industry. Two of these awards have been offered in the health and geospatial communities and were awarded through HL7 and the EU INSPIRE. As an organisation that has been recognised by...
https://community.sparxsystems.com/insights/1010-geospatial-data-and-service-innovation -
BPMN and the Digital Enterprise - Part 2
processes, while tapping into exo-organisational ecosystems. Mobile andautomotive industries are collaborating, as are health, retail, and aviation. This requires the propagation of data between different organisations where sharing of standards based...
https://community.sparxsystems.com/insights/942-bpmn-and-the-digital-enterprise-part-2 -
BPMN and the Digital Enterprise - Part 1
Business Process Execution Language (BPEL). Mobile: The Mobile revolution is providing equity of access to education, health, government, banking, environment and business, for much of the global community. However, it is also challenging enterprise...
https://community.sparxsystems.com/insights/936-bpmn-and-the-digital-enterprise-part-1 -
Standards, Digital Disruption and Business Success
work force while the efficiency and effectiveness of standards can ultimately save lives. However, for enduring economic health and prosperity, the adoption of standards that support interoperability between business partners, is essential. In recent...
https://community.sparxsystems.com/white-papers/858-standards-digital-disruption-and-business-success -
How to Design a Geodatabase - Live Webinar!
The proliferation of location based services in banking, finance, energy, health, entertainment and many other industries, makes geographic data more valuable than ever! To store and manage geographic data, many organizations rely on Esri's ArcGIS...
https://community.sparxsystems.com/news/785-how-to-design-a-geodatabase-live-webinar -
Mobility - Global Change Agent
in use will exceed the number of people on the planet. The mobile revolution is providing equity of access to education, health, government, banking, environment and business for many sectors of the global community while challenging enterprise business...
https://community.sparxsystems.com/white-papers/780-mobility-global-change-agent -
Shared Operational Picture Information Exchange Data Model
operations such as: Crisis Response, Disaster Recovery, Humanitarian Aid, Sustainment and Support Operations, Public Health and Safety, Stability Operations and Homeland Security. The scope, complexity and frequency of these operations are presenting...
https://community.sparxsystems.com/community-resources/498-70shared-operational-picture-information-exchange-data-model -
Enterprise Architect User Group - Canberra [Thursday, 15th September 2011]
This month Anthony Draffin, from the Department of Health & Ageing, is going to do a presentation on using and composing patterns in Enterprise Architect entitled ‘Patterns - More Than Mere Stencils’. This will be a topic that builds on core Enterprise...