

Director of Sales at Armstrong Process Group. Wally helps customers design customized Sparx Enterprise Architect training and consulting solutions. 

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Sparx Enterprise Architect Systems Engineering


Enterprise Architect Systems Engineering provides students with a hands-on opportunity for learning how to capture systems engineering models with the OMG Systems Modeling Language 1.3 (OMG SysML™) using Sparx Enterprise Architect (EA). Starting with an overview of EA, students will review various configuration options and model organization guidelines. Students begin building a domain model using simple block definition diagrams.

Then students capture system requirements and establish traceability relationships using a relationship matrix. Students continue with creating actors and use cases to build a use case model and then represent their interactions with sequence diagrams. Modeling of state-driven behavior is covered through the use of state machine diagrams.

The decomposition of the system into subsystems and components is covered. Students simulate system constraints using parametric diagrams. The course concludes with modeling more detailed internal system behavior with internal block diagrams and activity diagrams. Most class time is used for students to do hands-on exercises following step-by-step workbook.

Download the attached PDF listing of Sparx Enterprise Architect Systems Engineering Course by APG.

APG is offering our Sparx Enterprise Architect Systems Development course via web-based delivery on Tuesday, February 11th. Course will have live instructor with a maximum of 8 students. Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for pricing and details.

Topics Covered:

·     Build Domain Model

·     Model Analysis Realization

·     EA workspace configuration

·     Analysis model

·     Business analysis model

·     Collaborations and analysis realizations

·     Business domains and entities

·     Participants diagram

·     Relationships and element lists

·     Analysis model organization

·     Build Use Case Model

·     Sequence diagrams

·     Use cases, actors, and packages

·     Model Subsystems

·     Use case diagrams

·     Sequence and class diagrams

·     Model Entity State

·     Architectural pattern

·     States, transitions, events

·     Subsystems and interfaces

·     Guards, actions, activities

·     Subsystem interface realizations

·     Map operations to events

·     Class and sequence diagrams

·     Model System Workflow

·     Subsystem dependencies

·     Activity diagram


·     Activities, synchronization bars


·     Transitions, decisions, guards


APG is offering their Sparx Systems Engineering Course via web-based delivery on January 29th. Course will have live instructor with maximum of 8 students. Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for details and pricing.

Topics Covered:

·     Build Domain Model

·     Model System Design

·     EA workspace configuration

·     Parts and values

·     Domains and blocks

·     Value types, units, and dimensions

·     Diagrams and elements

·     SysML block definition diagrams

·     Relationships and properties

·     Model Constraints

·     Capture System Requirements

·     Constraint blocks and binding connectors

·     Importing requirements from documents

·     Parametric simulation

·     SysML requirements diagrams

·     SysML parametric diagrams

·     Traceability matrices

·     Model System Interaction

·     Searching and navigating model

·     Ports, interfaces, and signals

·     Build Use Case Model

·     Flow properties and flow items

·     Use cases, actors, and packages

·     SysML internal block diagrams

·     Use case interactions and fragments

·     Model System Behavior

·     SysML use case and sequence diagrams

·     Activities, flows, synchronization bars

·     Model System State

·     Partitions, pins, decisions, guards

·     States, transitions, events

·     SysML activity diagrams

·     Guards, actions, activities

·     Allocations

·     SysML state machine diagrams


See demos of Sparx System Enterprise Architect by APG at the Building Business Capability (BBC) Conference on November 11-15, Mandalay Bay Resort, Las Vegas.