Displaying items by tag: webea

Monday, 04 May 2020 18:52

Register Now - EA Global Summit - 2020


The e-Conference For the Global EA Community

Discover and learn with the world’s prolific EA professionals

Explore the latest trends and learn how to best use Enterprise Architect to solve real business problems. A line-up of expert speakers from across the world is ready to deliver webinars on the latest techniques, best practices, implementation guidance and much more.

Pre-Register Now at https://eaglobalsummit.com/

ea global summit


Published in News
Tuesday, 03 December 2019 07:31

WebEA hosted in a loadbalanced scenario

PHP has a very powerful session handling mechanism. By default it uses files, but you can use MemCache, MemCached or Redis, too and in some cases SQLite could be an option. These scenarios are provided with simple configuration settings. But if you have a Windows infrastructure then some of these "sounds-easy" scenarios do not really work. MemCache, MemChached are out-dated, Redis is not really available for Windows and the port from Microsoft is depricated. SQLite does not provide Row-Level-Locking mechanism that is required for a transaction intensive way of session handling.

So I thought it is clever to use an existing MS SQL Server that was already used for EA repositories.

You can find a lot of resources explaining how to write your own session handler, but none explaining the combination of SQL Server and what to configure without the need to adapt the code (meaning WebEA).

What is required:

MS SQL Server for PHP

installed as an extension please take care to use the fitting version to the PHP version


This setting defines, that a user specific session handler should be used:

session.save_handler = user

This adds automatically the session handling to every php file interpreted:

auto_prepend_file = "[path]SSCESessionHandler.php"


Then you need a class that implements the SessionHandlerInterface:

class SparxCEFileSessionHandler implements SessionHandlerInterface

that means the following methods:

public function open($savePath, $sessionName)

--> here you open the connection to the database

public function close()

--> here you close the connection to the database

public function read($id)

--> here you read the session data

public function write($id, $data)

--> here you write the session data

public function destroy($id)

--> here you remove the entry of the session

public function gc($maxlifetime)

--> from time to time garbage collection takes place - a good place to remove out dated sessions

And at the bottom of this file - you should instanticate and start the Session Handler - because this will become the top most part of any php in the future of this installation

$handler = new SSCESessionHandler();
session_set_save_handler($handler, true);



Published in Tutorials
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Single Sign On with Sparx Systems ProCloud 3.0 WebEA and Microsoft Server 2016 with Internet Information Server

After an installation as documented with the following User Security settings in Enterprise Architect


You will get the following Login for your model in WebEA – and if you choose to login with Windows ID – the default behavior is that does not work “Internal Server Error” occurs.


Here are the steps to solve that issue

First go to the Web Site’s authentification:


Then change the Anonymous Authentification (WebEA will also work with other authentication modes, but it is not necessary to have the huge overhead for configuring that – as the underlying connection to the data will be authenticated) – The trick is to define the Anonymous user identity as Application Pool Identity.


After such a change it is recommended to restart the Web Publishing Service


Then refresh the Web Site and after choosing the Model and Login With Windows ID – depending on the browser type a Windows Security dialog will occure – here you can type in Domain\User and Password


But be aware of the correct writing – as the user name is case sensitive (EA does not take care, but WebEA does)


Of course in a intranet zone you can get rid of the Windows Security Dialog, by adding it to the Intranet zone via Control Panel


If it is not configured to be automatically detected you can define that manually


With Internet Explorer there is a strange behavior as it does not work properly


So therefore I recommend to use the Trusted Site configuration, but there you have to adopt the custom level to allow automatic login with current user name and password

SSO 10

These settings are used by almost all browsers except Firefox (Firefox always will ask for credentials), whyever – I tried with IE, Edge, Firefox and Chrome.


Published in Tutorials
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Setting Up the Pro Cloud Server for Enterprise Architect


A step-by-step guide to installing and configuring the Pro Cloud Server. Easily deploy a web and mobile enabled collaboration platform for Enterprise Architect, connecting team members and clients with a live, web-based view of your model – all within your own cloud environment. 


Learn more and register Today!


Published in News

David Rubinstein, Editor in Chief at SD Times, recently interviewed Geoffrey Sparks regarding Enterprise Architecture and how effective collaboration platforms assist in delivery of business value.

industry spotlight article sd times july 2017


In this month's SD Times, Sparx Systems is in the industry spotlight, discussing the new Pro-Cloud Server, WebEA and RESTful API for OSLC, as well as the role of dynamic collaboration in digital transformation.


In the interview, Geoffrey Sparks, CEO of Sparx Systems, comments "The ability to dynamically create models, collaborate and integrate models over multiple domains and technical platforms is a remarkable and highly agile solution that has the capacity to radically improve the quality, accuracy and effectiveness of model-based project."


The article also calls attention to the collaboration between Sparx Systems and the IIBA, resulting in the development of a toolkit for IIBA's Business Analysis Body of Knowledge® (BABOK® Guide v3). On the collaboration Sparx Systems COO, Tom O'Reilly commented " It is the first time business analysis techniques have been actualized in this way and we are excited about the outcome."


Read the full article on the Sparx Systems website (PDF, 1.4Mb)

Published in News
Friday, 10 March 2017 00:21

Sparx Systems Pro Cloud Server - Coming Soon

The Pro Cloud Server, coming in Q2 this year will offer enterprises a convenient way to host EA models on their internet or intranet environment, to broaden available access to the model throughout the enterprise.


Sparx Systems' web client WebEA will connect to the Pro Cloud Server to provide a mobile view of Enterprise Architect models in real time, fostering collaboration between model authors and stakeholders and supporting access on the move. Discussions when enabled, will be stored in the model to create a seamless vision of stakeholder feedback visible in both the cloud and desktop environments. 



Entry-level creation of requirements, issues, tests and use cases enables stakeholders a more advanced method of contributing to the model. And the creation of watch lists will help keep model authors and stakeholders alike informed of changes to the model.


Sparx Systems is hosting a read-only copy of the EA Example model for users to explore. 


URL: demo.sparxpublic.com  

Select model: EA Example 

Access code: demo


More information as well as a sign-up form for more information is online at: http://www.sparxsystems.com/products/procloudserver

Published in News