Bert Dingemans
I am an independent (data) architect and EA consultant working often with enterprise architect mostly for UML class diagrams and ArchiMate 2.0. I am using enterprise architect for generating documentation, XSD files and modelling enterprise architectures with ArchiMate 2.0. I have developed an Open Source Web Publication Platform for EA. I also participate in Eaxpertise.nl. You can reach me at [email protected]
Online Training Introduction to Enterprise Architect
Sparx Enterprise Architect is a powerful modeling tool for many types of modelers. For every modeling community Enterprise Architect offers numerous modeling languages like UML, ArchiMate, SysML and BPMN It has numerous features and functionalities that aid modelers in their day to day modeling tasks. However for modellers new to Enterprise Architect the tool can be confusing because of the vast amount of functionalities and modeling concepts. To overcome the steep learning curve a new online training is available on Udemy, see https://www.udemy.com/course/introduction-to-sparx-enterprise-architect/
Udemy is an online learning environment where you can register for this online training course. This Enterprise Architect has almost 3 hours of training videos in a logical order for novice Enterprise Architect modelers. The course has five sections describing the most relevant features for modelers new in Enterprise Architect. The basics of the repository, the browser, diagrams and elements are described in video lectures. In the last sections we give an overview on publishing and reporting and using Enterprise Architect in modeling teams. Every section has a shore self test with multiple choice questions.
When registering for this online training on Udemy you get a lifetime access to the training videos and material. The material includes a sample repository used in the training as an eapx file. When you are interested please feel free to watch the introduction video on the webpage accessable via the URL above.
Addon for Data Mappings in Sparx Enterprise Architect
Sparx Enterprise Architect is well known for modelling languages like UML, BPMN and ArchiMate. However creating data models in Sparx Enterprise Architect is also well supported. For example with the database engineering models, the database builder and the possibility to import database structures, XSD models etc.
This in combination with the possibility to create Conceptual Data Models in the ArchiMate notation, UML class diagrams for the Logical Data Model makes Enterprise Architect a tool well suited for data modellers and – architects.
See for example a simple three layer data model in the image below:
Data Mappings
One of the important aspects of creating data models is the possibility to create associations between columns in tables and eventually between properties in the conceptual model and columns or XSDElements in physical models. Although this is possible in Enterprise Architect it needs a lot of actions to create each data mapping. In version 15 there is a new feature matrix but for advance data modelling a specialized form is necessary.
Within the Dutch IDEA community (see http://idea.eaxpertise.nl ) an open source addon is developed in which this specialized form is introduced. Based on the experiences from a number of Dutch organisations we can support now advanced data mapping routines in EA based on diagram with tables or classes that can both act as source and as target.
In the screen below you get an idea of the data mapping form
Based on the elements on your diagram the mapping form is loaded. From this you can take the following steps:
- Assign the entities and attributes for both source and target entities, when you activate this the grid is filled with either source attributes or target attributes
- When there are already mappings you can push a button (Load Mappings) so the already present mappings are disabled in the grid
- A possibility to make the source attributes or the target attributes in the grid leading (the leading side is prefilled in)
- A very handy functionality is the match name button that makes it possible to define a mapping when the attributes have the same name.
Based on these functionalities it is possible to create mappings between data entities fast and in an user friendly manner without leaving the Sparx Enterprise Architect application.
One extra feature for data mappings is the possibility to create merger entities. In the screenshow below you get an idea of what this means
Between source and target entities sometimes an extra element is needed, for example to merge or split attributes between source and target entities. This can be done fully by the mapper screen, by defining a merger in the grid. When the target attribute in the grid has the same name it is a merger, when the source attribute has the same name it is a splitter.
This screen and much more functionalities especially for data (architecture) modelling is part of the IDEA addon. The AddOn is available as open source and can be downloaded from the IDEA website. For a webvideo on the form please visit https://youtu.be/xpiSGimO7vo. Extra information and the possibility to download a setup file from this link: http://eaxpertise.nl/cmsform.aspx?webpage=TEA. There is also more information available about participating in the IDEA community and help us to add new data modelling functionalities to Sparx Enterprise Architect.
Migrating from BizzDesign to Enterprise Architect
This article outlines how customers can migrate from BizzDesign to Enterprise Architect. Many EAxpertise customers mentioned licence costs and additional factors have made them consider migration.
The functionality offered by both tools overlap to a great extend and especially in data modelling Sparx has more functionality than BizzDesign. For one of our customers, we undertook research on the migration options. There are three models in the enterprise architecture:
- Enterprise Architecture modelled in ArchiMate 3 models. This can be migrateusing the Model Exchange Format standard in the ArchiMate 3 definition.
- Business processes modelled in BPMN models This can be migrated with the BPMN exchange format.
- Data Models modelled in the Enterprise Data Model. For this part of the model there is no exchange format so we had to develop a solution for this.
For the last part of the enterprise model we had to develop an extension, whiuch is described below:
Migration extension
We first tried to develop a solution based on a script, but we needed a simple user interface to control the steps so we decided to extend the IDEA DLL with this functionality. The image below provides an overview of the functionality.
In the screenshot you see the following functionalities:
- Options to load the data from an excel file. BizzDesign has the possibility to define excel files for the entities that can not be exported by the stanrd XML formats like MEF and BPMN. This applies to the EDM entities
- Migrating the Entities data from the excel file to the repository in Enterprise Architect
- Migrating the Associations from the excel file to the repository in Enterprise Architect
- The transfer of the Attributes to Enterprise Architect
- The last option needs a little explanation. BizzDesign has the option, just like Enterprise Architect, to add hyperlinks in the notes that link to other elements in the repository. However they use a different internal format for these hyperlinks. This functionality transforms the format of the hyperlinks to the Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect format.
An extra remark is needed for the counter under the load data button. This is used for loading the worksheet with that ordinal position in the workbook file.
Open Source AddOn
This converter from BizzDesign to Enterprise Architect is added to the IDEA AddOn. This AddOn has a number of functionalities that form a logical extension:
- ArchimAID helper screen to combine searching in diagrams with toolbox functionality
- Scripts for creating Conceptual, Logical and Physical Data Models and integrate them
- Mapper functionality between data entities
- EA Assistant functions for deduplication, HTML generating and more.
When interested please go the IDEA AddON page on the EAxpertise website. When you want support on using the AddOn, please feel free to contact me via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Enterprise Architect Usergroup Conference in Utrecht
Utrecht, 27th and 28th of September 2018
A usergroup conference in the Netherlands for everybody working with Sparx Enterprise Architect as a modeling tool, architecture repository or requirements management tool. Two days full of interesting sessions, networking and exchange of information
Thursday 27th September:
an EA training day, with a small number of in-depth sessions led by approved EA training partners. -
Friday 28th September:
a ‘traditional’ EAUG event day - presentations, case studies and user stories.
For this two-day event with a training day, 100+ attendees, and speakers from around the globe - of which you could be one! We will meet in the heart of the country next to Utrecht Central Railway Station, so if you want to join us. Plase note that all session will be in English!
See the EAUG Agenda for the session details
We hope to meet you in Utrecht
Register for the EA Usergroup event in Utrecht on 27 & 28 September 2018
Dutch Sparx Enterprise Architect Event
Utrecht, The Netherlands
27 & 28 September 2018
Are you an Enterprise Architect, Software Designer, Business Analyst or Business Process Analyst? Do you use Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect? Are you interested in two days full of information exchange on the usage of Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect.
For example, on subjects like:
- Modelling languages like SysML and ArchiMate
- Use Cases and best practices of Architectures and modelling in EA,
- Extensions like MDGs in and for EA.
- Various modelling techniques like real-time and data modelling,
Then you should not miss this EA Usergroup event at Utrecht on 27 and 28 September 2018.
At this event EAUG we will offer a day with training and in-depth sessions (a session lasts more than three hours). This will be at 27 September 2018.
The second day is 28 September 2018 with is a regular event with sessions of 45 minutes. We will offer three tracks:
- Modelling experiences in EA
- How-to (changing the functionality of EA or use extensions)
- EA@ (use cases of EA in various organisations)
Register now for the Dutch EA Usergroup event via http://eaxpertise.nl/eaugregistration.aspx
Register before 1 August and you get an Early Bird Discount
Integrated Data Entity Architecture in EA
IDEA is an abbreviation for Integrated Data Entity Architecture. It is a methodology and an implementation in Sparx Enterprise Architect to create an integrated architecture based on the following layers
- Physical data modeling for a technical modeling that includes specific implementation concepts like columns and constraints
- Logical data modeling a detailed implementation independent model for entities, attributes and assocations
- Conceptual modeling for a business view on data and business entities including the connections to the application landscape and business processes
- Data Management modeling for modeling data governance, ownership, privacy and security and data qualities.
Navigationscreen for the Web Publication Platform of the IDEA project
The IDEA website offers a number of products and solutions the most important are:
- Viewpoints, these describe how the concepts and associations are used within one of the above mentioned layers
- Example data model an example project of a datamodel to display the various layer concepts and the implementation
- Example data management, displaying the concepts for modeling data management aspects
- Scripts and Addons for Sparx, various zips with scripts and a dll, you have to register as a community member (see below)
The IDEA elements like the viewpoints and scripts etc are developed based on Open Source and a community. This means that the community is a group of organisations and people who benefit from the developed products. They can therefore do suggestions for new functionalities.
Everybody can become a passive member of the community. This means that you only have to register at this website and after that you receive an email with a link to all the downloads.
- Active members have the possibility to define functionalities and based on their requirements and input extra material is developed. Based on there requests a sponsor pays for the development costs. Advantage for active members is that they define the functionalities but share the development costs. When you want to become an active member please contact us via the contact page.
Sample screen of the IDEA Mapper
Products of the IDEA framework
The IDEA framework is based on a number of steps and layers. These are described in viewpoints (like in ArchiMate). However one of the main aspects of the framework is that it is supported by a number of components and scripts within Sparx Enterprise Architect. Below you find the most important products available:
- Viewpoints model, implemented in an EAP file and available for download as a zip file but also in the WPP version of the IDEA framework via a viewpoint webpage
- Sample layered data model baded on the four layers of the model. It is implemented in a repository for download and in the WPP version of the IDEA framework via a sample model webpage
- Script module, repository for download with numerous scripts for generating layers in the model, modifying diagrams, creating mappings and helper scripts to make the work of a data modeller in a layered approach more easy. Sample scripts caan be downloaded after registration as community member
- IDEA AddOn based on a DLL with numerous routines, forms and classes for generating layers in the model, modifying diagrams, creating mappings and helper routines to make the work of a data modeller in a layered approach more easy. Sample scripts caan be downloaded after registration as community member
- IDEA MDG with the notations of the four layers implemented in toolboxes, diagrams, search routines and a modelview the work of a data modeller in a layered approach more easy. The MDG can be downloaded after registration as community member
- Webvideo with an introduction to the modelling functionality in the IDEA framework. The video is available via the EAxpertise channel in Youtube
More information is available via the other startpages and via http://eaxpertise.nl
Call for Speakers for the EAUG event in Utrecht NL
As proficient Enterprise Architect user we like to contact you about the Enterprise Architect User Conferences in Utrecht on the 27th and 28th of September 2018. This two days event will be a training day (Thursday 27 september) where in depth sessions of three and a half hour are offered.
The Friday (28 september) will be a regular conference with sessions of 45 minutes in the tracks EA@, modelling and HowTo.
Currently we are collecting the session abstracts and speaker bios since the event is direct after summer holidays so early action for a full and interesting agenda is required.
We would like to invite you to do your proposal via the following url: http://eaxpertise.nl/eaugproposal.aspx. When you fill in your email address in the first step you can fill in your bio and photo (the first time) and add one or more session abstracts. Of course you can also send your information to the email address below.
We would be happy to hear from you, for questions and remarks please contact by email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or phone (Bert) at +31.6.36431652.
More information about this two day event can be found at: http://eaxpertise.nl/eaug2018.aspx
We hope to welcome you in Utrecht at 27 or 28 september!
Save the Date: 27 & 28 September 2018 EAUG conference NL
In September there will be a user group conference in the Netherlands. It will be a two day conference:
- 27th of september will be a meeting with a limited number of in depth sessions (three hours per session) given by recognized Sparx trainers and specialists
- 28th of september a "tradional" user group with three tracks of sessions about use cases, experiences on modeling, reporting and repository usage. This day will have two keynotes of generic Sparx related subjects.
The conference will take place close to the central raiway station of Utrecht in the Netherlands so it is very well reachable by train and car.
More details about speakers, sessions and other participant relevant subjects will be published via the regular communication channels and via a specific landing page (which is currently developed and will be avialable via http://eaxpertise.nl ).
We hope to meet you in september in Utrecht!
New version of the open source webviewer for Enterprise Architect
The Open source Web Publication Platform has a new release, there are a number of new and updated features:
- New an responsive layout of the application so the website can be viewed with tablets and mobile devices
- Improved Matrix view
- Navigation in diagrams with navigation cells
- Improved form factory explorer.
- Adapted discussion and response module
- Version for MS-SQL repositories and Form Factory database platform.
In the image below you get an idea of the new layout
The product is again available as Open Source Platform and can be downloaded by registered users of the Web Publication Platform. Registration is easy by introducing your name and email address. Also the service and cooperation model is adapted to support the community in contributing and collecting new requirements and functionalities.
When you want to take a look at the online demo version please visit http://wpp.eaxpertise.nl. Interested in downloading the material (sample project) please visit the registration and download page.
ArchiMAID a different approach for the toolbox and the project browser
Currently I am involved in a number of projects where Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect is introduced as a central repository for large architectural teams. EA is a great tool for that and supports a team approach very well with various functionalities. Especially the Project Browser, the Search functions (see for example http://eaxpertise.nl/CMSForm.aspx?webpage=archisearch) and the Toolbox setup are well suitable in large projects.
Occasionally, large teams that are not using a formal methodology may introduce duplicate elements, with a corresponding risk for introducing an inconsistent model within the repository. For one of my customers, this was the reason to look for a new approach that reduces the risks of duplicates at the start and not by deduplicating the elements (see http://eaxpertise.nl/CMSForm.aspx?webpage=TEA )
Process steps
This approach has the following steps:
- Open an existing diagram or a new diagram for one of the ArchiMate viewpoints
- Select which (ArchiMate) element type you want to select
- Search in the repository for the presence of this element
- If so add the element to the diagram and extend the model in your diagram
- If not add a new element to the diagram and fill in the element details via the Dialog windows
A relatively simple process but due to the various screens in EA supporting these steps architects are often not willing to take all the steps and add a new element from the toolbox right away.
Because of this we decided to extend the already available Deduplication AddOn with an ArchiMAID window. This window makes it possible to do all the above mentioned process steps in a simple (wizard like) process supporting screen. The window has the following steps:
This screen gives an overview of all the aspects views of ArchiMate (mostly an architect knows from which aspect he or she wants to add an element). Based on the selection in this first step the second step is displayed in which you can select one or more ArchiMate concepts to do a search on (or display them all in the search result screen). See the picture below.
When you find one or more elements in the search result grid a the bottom of the screen you can select these elements and then press the Add 2 Diagram button. The selected elements are then displayed in the active diagram. When the architect can not find any element relevant for the diagram he or she can then add an element to the repository . This is available in the last tab of the screen and has the following visual representation.
The name of the new element, the stereotype and the notes are filled in and the Create on Diagram button is pressed. This creates the element in the repository and on the diagram. For the initial implementation of ArchiMate elements these attributes are sufficient.
More information and download
This extension of the functionality is availabe in the open source extension for EA that is available via the the link where this add on is described in detail. Go therefore to the download page of TEA.
Please feel free to use this function in your own situation, when you want extensions on this you can contact us via the eaxpertise website. When you make extensions by yourself we encourage you to share this with us.
See also