Jana Lee Schmid
CodeWeavers (IT Manager)Enterprise Architect on Mac OS and Linux with CrossOver 12
Run the Windows software Enterprise Architect 10 on Mac and Linux with CrossOver 12. CrossOver can get your Windows productivity applications and up and running on your Mac and Linux system quickly and easily. Run the Windows software that you need on Mac or Linux at home, in the office or at school without purchasing a Windows license, without rebooting your computer and without having to use a virtual machine.
To learn more about running Enterprise Architect on Mac or Linux with CrossOver and to watch our short tutorial video on how to download CrossOver in order to run Enterprise Architect please visit:
Run Enterprise Architect 9 on Mac and Linux with CrossOver XI!
CrossOver XI, the latest release of CrossOver, from CodeWeavers is the easiest and most affordable way to run Windows software, like Enterprise Architect, on Mac and Linux. Watch the short instructional video on how to install CrossOver XI in order to run Enterprise Architect, and then download your free 14 day trial of CrossOver andor purchase CrossOver XI Mac or CrossOver XI Linux at a discounted rate at: http://www.codeweavers.com/via/earchitect9
Enterprise Architect 9.0 on Mac and Linux
CrossOver is one of the easiest and afforable ways to get Enterprise Architect 9.0 up and running on Mac or Linux! Watch the short instructional video, then be sure to visit the community page for Enterprise Architect 9.0 for Mac and Linux to download a free trial of CrossOver and to receive a discounted rate for purchasing CrossOver.
Enterprise Architect 9.0 on Mac with CrossOver
Enterprise Architect 9.0 on Linux with CrossOver
Running Enterprise Architect 8.0 on Mac and Linux with CrossOver
In this short video you will learn how to install and run Enterprise Architect 8.0 on your Mac using CrossOver. Enterprise Architect 8.0 is also available for Linux. Be sure to visit our Enterprise Architect 8.0 community page for more details and a special promotion for purchasing CrossOver for Mac or Linux. http://www.codeweavers.com/via/earchitect8