Friday, 18 January 2019 13:55

Prolaborate 3.0 available

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Prolaborate SparxSystems 3 Enterprise Architect Web

Sparx Systems has released Prolaborate 3, the latest version of its web solution for Enterprise Architect modelling tool.

Main improvements:

  • Increased performances.
  • New widget to include Impact Analysis views in the dashboards.
  • New CxO multi-level charts to represent complex data in an impressive and easily understandable way.

The EAExample sample project pre-installed with Enterprise Architect has been used in this article to illustrate some of Prolaborate 3 features.

Model visibility and access

Prolaborate makes it possible to pick and select the models that are relevant for a user profile, e.g. a business stakeholder could request visibility and access only on the BPMN diagrams matching the enterprise business processes.

In the screenshot below, a user has a read/write access to the SysML model from the EAExample project. The full project content is illustrated on the left (Enterprise Architect Project Browser).

prolaborate 3 contenu personnalisation project browser web

The above customization has been entered via Prolaborate administration screen:

prolaborate repository browser sysml access permissions administration

Model navigation and access

Prolaborate supports multiple Enterprise Architect projects (restrictions may apply based on the owned license) as set up in Sparx Systems Pro Cloud Server. The user below can either access both Sparx EAExample and an Archimate project.

prolaborate change repository web sparxsystems enterprise architect

The above main screen is a Dashboard with convenient links to the main SysML diagrams for the Portable Audio Player system. Clicking on the Design BDD opens the diagram below. Once displayed, the user can select an element (e.g. the main block) to open its properties (real-time details from the EA database). Text based information such as the element's notes can be updated directly with Prolaborate (note: Enterprise Architect tool is required for advanced modelling uses including updating diagrams).

prolaborate proprietes element web sparxsystems enterprise architect

Once the notes description has been saved, the update is straight away visible within Enterprise Architect:

prolaborate modification notes sysml element web sparxsystems enterprise architect

Amongst the other properties tabs, EA matching traceability functions are available: find the element's usage within diagrams and the linked elements.

prolaborate diagram usage traceability web sparxsystems enterprise architect

Collaboration modelling platform: discussions, model review

Prolaborate provides most features that users can expect from a collaboration tool. As regards it supports discussions on selected elements and diagrams, model review processes, etc.

As illustrated hereafter, a user submits a query to the system engineer in charge of the system design:

prolaborate discussion web sparxsystems enterprise architect

The target user is notified and submits a reply online, having dealt with the request within the given context.

prolaborate reponse discussion web sparxsystems enterprise architect

A link to any model element or diagram can easily be created and copied into an e-mail or document.

prolaborate diagram share link web sparxsystems enterprise architect

Charts and reports

A model based approach involves gathering all the project related information and knowledge within a single location, the model repository. An Enterprise Architect modelling project is a true database with a structured content that can be analyzed and used in EA:

  • Advanced model search.
  • Custom add-in to run model validation as defined by the team (contact me for any query).
  • Charts.

Prolaborate expands the access to this content beyond the EA users group via custom charts and reports.

Charts and sub reports

Prolaborate supports most chart types: pie, donut, bar, stacked bar, bubble, heat map, and nested pie.

prolaborate graphiques types web sparxsystems enterprise architect

A report can be enabled as an option for the chart selected values.

A Nested Pie chart has been defined for the SysML model:

  • To review the number of SysML blocks, parts and ports, organized by stereotype.
  • To display a list of results for the selected value e.g. all Flow Property stereotyped parts.

prolaborate graphiques secteurs imbriques sous rapports web sparxsystems enterprise architect

Click here or on the image below to open a video demonstration.

Prolaborate Youtube video sparx systems enterprise architect web

For Enterprise Architect projects, the Heat Map is useful to review the identified applications.

Heat Map Archimate UML sparxsystems enterprise architect web prolaborate


As an alternative to charts, a table can be produced according to the definition of a custom query. Sub reports are also available as an option to access details for a selected line within the main table.

Publishing model information via tables can be useful for common data models or glossaries maintained via UML models.

In the following example, the Portable Audio Player SysML parts are listed (name + type). Selecting a part opens its properties (name, notes, diagram usage, traceability...).

prolaborate rapport extraction analyse  sparxsystems enterprise architect

The "View" link in the last column can be clicked to open the part's details i.e. its ports and parts.

prolaborate rapport niveau 2 analyse sparxsystems enterprise architect


Read 3894 times Last modified on Sunday, 20 January 2019 22:51

Guillaume Finance

VISEO (Sparx EA Expert, OMG OCSMP Model User certified)
Modelling consultant and expert on Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect modelling tool and solution, I'm helping clients with the model-based approach using standards for a number of contexts including:
- Software analysis, design and architecture with UML.
- Systems Engineering and MBSE with SysML.
- Enterprise Architecture, IT landscape with UML or ArchiMate.
- Business processes with BPMN.
My other activities include:
- Defining and maintaining the model repository including requirements, analysis and design for software projects.
- Remote support and expertise on Sparx Enterprise Architect modelling.
- Running training sessions on UML or SysML with Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect.
- Installation and configuration of Prolaborate web solution for Sparx EA.
I publish articles and news about modelling languages and Enterprise Architect on my blog, maintain eaUtils free addin:, and I participate in the European EA User Group events
Contact details: guillaume[at]

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