Paper describing an Architectural approach to Semantic Interoperability and information protections using UML and UPDM. ASMG supports this approach using Enterprise Architect and its UPDM extension.
Wednesday, 30 June 2010 04:18
Architecture Based Approach to Semantic Interoperability and Information Protection
Written by ASMG
Published in
White Papers
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- 201005_White_Paper_COIL_Policy_Models_V1c.pdf (2063 Downloads)

Mr. Michael Abramson is the President of the Advanced Systems Management Group (ASMG Ltd.). Mr. Abramson has a 30-year history of developing innovative business solutions for major public and private sector organizations. Mr. Abramson currently Co-Chairs of the Command, Control, Communications, Collaboration and Intelligence (C4I) Domain Task Forces (DTF) and Emergency and Crisis and Major Event Management SIG at OMG. For the past decade, ASMG has been focusing on evolving flexible and adaptive frameworks for delivering interoperability (information sharing and protection) during coalition and pan-agency and international operations.
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