My new book Design Driven Testing (co-authored with Matt Stephens) addresses both unit testing by developers and acceptance testing, performed by an independent QA organization. Somewhat uniquely, the book features a real production system as it's teaching example. A worldwide interactive hotel mapping (GIS) application, designed with ICONIX Process, built using Java, Flex, and the ESRI ArcGIS Server mapping software, that we call "mapplet 2.0", which is in production use on the travel website.
This sample chapter presents the full ICONIX Process design of the mapplet project, starting from functional requirements and use cases, all the way down to reverse engineered class diagrams from the final code. One of the unique virtues of using a production example as a teaching example in a book like DDT, is that it's possible for readers to look at the use cases in the attached chapter, and then compare them to the released software as deployed on
Next month I'll be posting another sample chapter from the DDT book which describes the scenario testing we did before releasing the software and some very real improvements that were made to the usability of the final product as a result. If you'd like to work through the design and testing of mapplet 2.0 with me, in person, our Hands On ICONIX Process open enrollment classes give you exactly that opportunity. In addition to 1 day modules on Business Process Modeling, Service Oriented Architectures, and Embedded Systems Development using SysML, we'll be working through this example for 2 of the 5 day lab sessions.
Also, between now and the end of the year, anyone who orders Design Driven Testing directly from ICONIX will get a free copy of Agile Development with ICONIX Process.