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Displaying items by tag: mda
EA User Group; London - Agenda Confirmed
The EA User Group returns to London this May
On the 17th May the annual London meeting of the Enterprise Architect User Group will be happening at Skillsmatter's Code Node venue.
The final agenda has been confirmed today and we've got a great day lined up...
Tickets are available from the EA User Group website at the price of £65.00 +Vat per person.
Defining Software Architectures
The attached document is a Technical report that describes an approach for defining software architectures.
The authors are Francesco Tisato and Diego Bernini. This report presents the approach authors use in their course "Software Architecture" inside the Master degree in Informatics at University of Milano - Bicocca, Italy.
Authors effectively exploited Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect for UML modeling and for communicating the key concepts behind the approach.