EA User Group - Canberra Australia - September 2015
Date: Wednesday 16th September 2015 (3-6pm)
You are invited to the Canberra Enterprise Architect User’s Group meeting at the Botanical Gardens auditorium on Wed 16 Sep 2015 (3-6pm).
As well as hearing from a number of Enterprise Architect users, the event provides an excellent networking opportunity.
If you are unable to make it to the event, please pass this invite to a colleague.
RSVP: 11 September 2015
Please direct any queries to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
3-5pm, presentations and question time;
- Using Sparx as an Enabler for our Statistical Business Transformation Program – Australian Bureau of Statistics – Helen Toole
- Foundation Spatial Data Framework Model Registry – ANZLIC/GA Brian Sloan/Graham Logan
- Enterprise Architect in Geoscience Australia – Irina Bastrakova
- Sparx Systems Update
5-6pm; Networking and Drinks